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The war against Syria

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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Nov 12, 2017 2:49 pm

Update ........... less than 5% of Syria is now in the hands of Daesh. But if you rely only on the Western MSM you will not be aware of the fact. :wink: :)

SIS Defeated In Syria And Iraq - Main Street Media Ignores It - By Pepe Escobar

Two days ago, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA), supported by Russian air power, finally took control of Albu Kamal – the last Daesh base in the Syria/Iraq border.

One week ago, the Iraqi Army and the PMUs reconquered al-Qaim, on their side of the border. Abu Mahdi al-Mohandes, the legendary PMU commander, previously had told a small group of us in Baghdad that would happen “in a matter of days”.

It ended up being four – to be exact.

The Syrian forces will now be redeployed northwest, towards Idlib, the last “moderate rebel” stronghold of that thing called Syrian Conquest Front, a.k.a. Nusra Front, a.k.a. al-Qaeda in Syria.

The key point is that Syrian and Iraqi forces have met at the border – with defeated Daesh jihadis scurrying around or turned into roadkill.

This is History in the making.

And right on cue, VIRTUALLY NOTHING about this REAL ON THE GROUND VICTORY OF A REAL WAR ON TERROR is being covered by Western corporate media.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby supporttheunderdog » Wed Nov 15, 2017 8:53 am

Russia posts video game screenshot as 'proof' of US helping IS

:oops: :oops: :oops:
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Wed Nov 15, 2017 1:30 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:

Russia posts video game screenshot as 'proof' of US helping IS

:oops: :oops: :oops:

I know RT published photos of a convoy from Raqqa, that was incorrect which they later corrected. But I don't think the Russians were that far off the mark with the facts ...... even the BBC managed to confirm the US coalition were helping IS Jihadists, their families and truck loads of ammunition escape ........ and the Coalition did nothing to prevent it?

Exposed: Secret Raqqa ISIS Withdrawal Deal - By BBC

A secret deal that let hundreds of IS fighters and their families escape from Raqqa under the gaze of the US and British-led coalition.

Lorry driver Abu Fawzi thought it was going to be just another job.

He drives an 18-wheeler across some of the most dangerous territory in northern Syria. Bombed-out bridges, deep desert sand, even government forces and so-called Islamic State fighters don’t stand in the way of a delivery.

But this time, his load was to be human cargo. The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), an alliance of Kurdish and Arab fighters opposed to IS, wanted him to lead a convoy that would take hundreds of families displaced by fighting from the town of Tabqa on the Euphrates river to a camp further north.

The job would take six hours, maximum – or at least that's what he was told.

But when he and his fellow drivers assembled their convoy early on 12 October, they realised they had been lied to.
Instead, it would take three days of hard driving, carrying a deadly cargo - hundreds of IS fighters, their families and tonnes of weapons and ammunition.

If you want to see real false photos .... try any 'report' by Bellingcat! MH17 is a classic as is the 'attack' by Assad/Russians on the UN convoy .......... a 5 year old could see through that one.

So false photos that are immediately withdrawn show lack of due diligence but false photos that are contained in UN reports are deliberately intended to deceive!
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Wed Nov 15, 2017 4:19 pm

It always pays to read the independent sites as well as the MSM, as you tend to get the reports earlier ...... unless it is something anti- Russian/Assad ...... then the Western MSM publish without a shred of evidence to support the story! Then when the facts come to light they ignore them .... which just perpetuates the original false news. It happens almost everytime!

Bombshell report confirms US coalition struck a deal with IS - Published: November 14, 2017

This paragraph is halfway down the report ........... a very valid comment :roll:

Though it's always good when the mainstream media belatedly gives confirmation to stories that actually broke months prior, the BBC was very late to the story. ISIS terrorists being given free passage by coalition forces to leave Raqqa was a story which we and other outlets began to report last June, and which Moon of Alabama and Al-Masdar News exposed in detail a full month prior to the BBC report.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Get Real! » Sun Nov 19, 2017 4:37 am

Don't miss this article boys & girls... ... onspiracy/
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Nov 19, 2017 5:43 pm

Get Real! wrote:Don't miss this article boys & girls... ... onspiracy/

Go back to the beginning of this thread; time and time again reports that do not compliment the MSM version and their propaganda, have been attacked as what is now called ‘fake-news’ Usually considered by those that swallow the MSM version without question as just conspiracy theories!

As a recent example: We read in the MSM that Russia has vetoed the US proposal to extend the investigation into the ‘Sarin attack’ by Assad that received a response, with no evidence, by the US firing 39 missiles at a Syrian air base.

What the MSM does not tell you is WHY the Russians vetoed it! The US wanted to include Article IV of the UN charter which would have given them the excuse for further unlimited and carte blanche warfare in Syria simply to bring down Assad, all based on an investigation and intelligence that is badly flawed. The Russians/Syrians have evidence, much of it supplied by US experts!

Unlike the MSM Russia and Syria in this instance provide all the evidence to support their reasoning but ….. the impression we are left with by the MSM is that Russia does not care about the people that died and want to cover it up. Whereas the truth is the exact opposite! It is Russia that wants a PROPER analysis of the events, carried out independently, with a full and in depth investigation. Not an investigation that gets its ‘evidence’ from the rebels and those associated with the Islamic extremists, like the White Helmets, that Russian/Syrian evidence says were most likely responsible for both this attack and the previous one in 2013.

Prior to the US proposal, the Russians put forward their proposals for an in depth investigation, that included visits to both the sites involved but the US said it would block it. So the proposal was withdrawn. But the MSM ignores that event and only concentrates on the Russians response to the US proposals.

This is why I would rather believe versions of stories that can provide credible evidence rather than versions provided by factions pushing a particular agenda with evidence that does not stand up to investigation.

As the article you posted, pointed out ……………… these facts were known prior to the violence in Syria and the US were fingered as the instigators in yet another excursion into regime change. Now we know that these stories were more than likely correct.

“It’s hard to say what prompted such a figure to make those revelations. Most of the facts he mentions were known to those analysts who have been following the Syrian events closely. But this time, instead of seeing reports from “from certain trusted sources”, but a true confession made by the man who was behind the so-called color revolutions movement in the Arab world.”

Now the fake news dedicated to ‘anti-Russian’ paranoia, has spread from the US to Europe. May has jumped in with both feet and once again with no evidence. It only needs a bit of common sense to work it all out ….. something that seems to be sadly lacking in the West.

Russia-gate Spreads to Europe – Consortium News - November 16, 2017, By Robert Parry

Exclusive: The Russia-gate hysteria has jumped the Atlantic with Europeans blaming Russia for Brexit and Catalonian discontent. But what about Israeli influence operations or, for that matter, American ones, asks Robert Parry.

Ever since the U.S. government dangled $160 million last December to combat Russian propaganda and disinformation, obscure academics and eager think tanks have been lining up for a shot at the loot, an unseemly rush to profit that is spreading the Russia-gate hysteria beyond the United States to Europe.

Now, it seems that every development, which is unwelcomed by the Establishment – from Brexit to the Catalonia independence referendum – gets blamed on Russia! Russia! Russia!

Full article:

Once again ..... The Israeli influence and intervention in Syria (over 100 air attacks on Syria) are well known to those who access independent news sources but this is never mentioned in the MSM as it does not suit the Western media narrative! :x
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby supporttheunderdog » Mon Nov 20, 2017 1:03 pm

MH17? Does not rely on bellingcat

The presence of Russian Soldiers in Ukraine is well documented....

supposedly they volunteer and are "signed-off" but if they decline - think the Dutch investigation has some very good information on who did it, possibly to the point of knowing the colour of the Pubes of the men with Strange Muscovite accents seen driving a Bukh launcher from Russia into the area before the crash and then out again after... some reports suggest 300 eyewitnesses to this.

The sepratists were so proud of bringing down a Ukrainian AN25, until they found they hadn't...

Those involved? Well dead men tell no tales...

You have your head so far up Putins Arse if he opens his gob to talk you can see daylight.

I refuse to engage in further discourse with you.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Nov 20, 2017 5:23 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:MH17? Does not rely on bellingcat

The presence of Russian Soldiers in Ukraine is well documented....

By whom? Or are you referring to the 2-3 Russian conscripts that strayed over the border and were arrested?

supposedly they volunteer and are "signed-off" but if they decline -

They were bribed ..... decided they only wanted to fight in locations of their choice ...... and then deserted. I think even in NATO forces that would be treated in the same way as the Russians dealt with it! think the Dutch investigation has some very good information on who did it, possibly to the point of knowing the colour of the Pubes of the men with Strange Muscovite accents seen driving a Bukh launcher from Russia into the area before the crash and then out again after... some reports suggest 300 eyewitnesses to this.

You mean the Bellingcat report suggests there were 300 witnesses ..... they found them all on 'Facebook'.

The sepratists were so proud of bringing down a Ukrainian AN25, until they found they hadn't...

These are the radio conversations that were later shown to be fabricated by the Ukraines? They were edited and the time-lines didn't concur with the Ukraines story.

Those involved? Well dead men tell no tales...

Sadly, very true.

You have your head so far up Putins Arse if he opens his gob to talk you can see daylight.

Do I admire Putin ..... yes I do and give far more credence to what he says than Trump or any leader from a NATO or NATO affiliated country.

I refuse to engage in further discourse with you.

OK .... no problem for me!

Well, not a very grown-up response and on a subject with no connection ..... except the ‘let’s-blame-Russia’ theme .......... to the ’War on Syria’.

You have your view of events and I have mine.

As yet there are only accusations and they are predominately backed by the Bellingcat report, which has many holes in it and a lot of questions as to its authenticity. It has about as much credibility as the accusations that Russia interfered not only in the US elections but; the UK election; the French election; the UK Referendum; the Catalonian referendum etc. and, it seems, every election even their own!

If the Russians are really that smart I am sure that they would have had the accusation and all the evidence that it was Ukraine that shot down MH17 out before Kerry made his pronouncement that the US had irrefutable evidence ..... which of course has never been revealed and which was taken as conclusive proof within a couple of hours of the event by some people. Then realising the separatist lacked means/motive/opportunity, they created the ‘Russia helped’ version of events.

The holes in the MH17 investigation are as much about what is not answered or explained, than a story concocted from open sources like the Internet and social media by Bellingcat. Just like previous Bellingcat reports, their information is second hand, from often untraceable and/or unreliable sources and has little credibility. If you are gullible enough to believe it without question ........... that is your absolute right.

Me? I would go for the Russian version of events based on probability when considering ALL the evidence that is available. It is credible the Bellingcat version is not! :roll:

Anyway, this thread is about Syria not Ukraine, try sticking to that theme. :wink:

BTW: You linked to this site? 'Human Rights in Ukraine' ........ did you bother to check out its credibility as an impartial and plausible source? It is vehemently anti-Russian! :o :?
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Nov 20, 2017 6:46 pm

Another interesting analysis of the situation in general in the Middle East ....... it is a detailed possible scenario based on what has happened so far and the likely direction events will head ...... and it is a plausible scenario.

Israel, Saudi Arabia Setting Preconditions for War with Hezbollah - The Saker

SouthFront has just released a very interesting video analysis warning about the possibility of a war involving Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and, possibility, Syria, Iran, and Israel. That, of course, also means that Russia and the US would be involved. First, please see the video here:

(Live video in the article but the link is to the same video.)

What I (Saker) propose to do is go over the implications of such a scenario..............

Full article:
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Dec 04, 2017 5:21 pm

There was a report on BBC World News a couple of days ago that appeared just the once and had been deleted from later news reports, that reported an air raid on Damascus but they didn’t mention whose aircraft they were. They did however list civilian casualties.

Was this that raid? :?:
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