Robin Hood wrote:TD:Provide it please, dictator lovers!
You know my soft spot ....... happy to oblige.
One small ray of hope shines through for me in this sorry and dangerous affair. I have long had a gut feeling that Putin is behind the resurgence of fascism in the West and that slimebags like Farage, LePen and Wilders were his running dogs, with their movements partly bankrolled by Putin. However, there has been no evidence.
So ‘without evidence’ it is simply your opinion? In brief .... bullsh*t?
Suddenly, this sorry event is flushing out and exposing who the stooges are. Unlike this part of the world, where Putin seems to be regarded as an Orthodox saint who can do no wrong, thinking people in the West (Presumably that is how you see yourself, YES?)- and there are quite a lot of us as evidenced by the 48% who saw through the lies of the 'MSM' and did not for the suicide of Brexit - see Putin as being a dangerous tyrant (?) with territorial ambitions (?) who is hostile to the West (?), and many of us see his intervention in the Middle East (You mean Syria, he isn’t fighting anywhere else unlike the US coalition)!) being equally responsible for the misery (?) that has been wrought on that region as the neo-imperialist intervention by Western powers.
Sorry Pal, you’ve got it all wrong again ............ this war is on the US coalitions tab .......... not Russia’s!
So without any evidence to offer it is simply your opinion once again? You would rather see Syria as a Muslim Caliphate? I wonder what the Syrians would say to that proposal?I was following a thread beneath an article at the Guardian yesterday, and noticed everybody there was immediately pouncing on the obvious paid Putin stooges (?) and exposing them as such.
Did you get their membership numbers? It was that obvious ? To you maybe but then you have a just a slight ant-Russia/Putin bias ...... so you would draw that conclusion.
I expect them, if there are any, to have a far easier time on this Putin-worshiping forum, but who cares. If so, what is the point of this post? I just felt like putting the cat among the pigeons for a bit of amusement. Provide it please, dictator lovers!
Has it ever occurred to you that thinking people like those on the forum have a broader view than you do and draw different conclusions because of that? Definitely ....... you are a Paphitis ghost writer (BOT?) ........ it is the sort of unfounded, twaddle he would post ....... and he never needed any evidence to support it either!
Several (thinking) Russians of my aquaintance think Putin might be behind the St Petersburg bombing. There is some evidence some attrocities in Russia may have been committed by the FSB, but It provides an excuse to justify repression in the run up to the Russian presidential elections. My son, a Moscovite, despises him, but complains the alternatives are likely worse.
I am btw aware of conflicting views of the start of the Syrian Civil war, where one alterntive identifies that large numbers of guns had been smuggled in to for Moslem extemists to use against Assad, seen as a heretic by some. The story of the start in Daraa likewise has an alterntive, namely that Asssad had ordered the release of the detained boys, and sacked the local governor, snd it was extremist rooftop snipers, using the smuggled guns, who opened fire on the police and (and possibly the crowd in a false flag) that started the violence that lead to the war.