miltiades wrote:Having followed closely the Trump election campaign , not however supporting his eventual victory , I'm flabergusted to say the least that in spite of his stated position on the Syrian conflict in that the USA should not be involved , he embarks on an act, war act, against a sovereign nation.I fully supported his pre election position concerning Syria and establishing good relations with Russia.
In one swift stroke he has demolished all that he stood for prior to the election.The
US has made a huge blunder one that may prove to be the biggest blunder thus far.
A big big mistake , let us hope that no further blunders are about to take place. For the record I do not believe that the chemical attack was carried out on Assad's orders. A dictator he may be but stupid no.He is winning the war why on earth would he carry out this attack on his own people.
are you telling me you were unable to see that trump cannot be trusted and no matter what he said he is the voice of american corporations and will do everything to help them and of course take the usual backhanders.
are you really that stupid.
i cam accross another old fool slightly older than you which admitted that he voted for boris for mayor and did not realise that he was a clown. you two must be brothers or cousins or something.