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The war against Syria

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Re: The war against Syria

Postby yialousa1971 » Sat Aug 24, 2013 4:14 pm

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Re: The war against Syria

Postby kimon07 » Sat Aug 24, 2013 4:25 pm

Remember Sarajevo? Remember what triggered the intervention of NATO? A false flag operation, a muss murder, (shelling of Muslim civilians) committed by the Bosnian Muslims.

"A few days ago Mr. Boutros Ghali informed me that the projectile which hit the Markale marketplace in Sarajevo was an act of (Bosnian) Muslim provocation".
(President Mitterrand of France, 1995).

Open military confrontation in Bosnia-Herzegovina ended with the signing of the Dayton Peace Agreement on 14th December 1995. The conflict had resulted in more than 160,000 deaths, and 2.5 million refugees and displaced persons. Not long before, the United Nations (UN) had ordered the first combat units from its rapid reaction force into Sarajevo, after Serb rebels killed two French peacekeepers. Three Bosnian Serb shells had hit the French and Danish areas of a U.N. compound in Zetra, north of Sarajevo's centre killing a French peacekeeper and wounding another French soldier and a Dane. A half-hour later, another French peacekeeper was killed and two wounded, one seriously, when a U.N. convoy was targeted by Serbs in the suburb of Butmir. The deaths brought the number of French dead to 42 since the Bosnian war began in April 1992 - and not all of them were killed by the Bosnian Serbs, a number of them were also killed in crossfire or deliberately by the forces of the Bosnian government.

Not only did the UN get tough with the Bosnian Serbs - whose political and military leaders have now been charged with war crimes - in 1995, NATO had become directly involved when they ordered air strikes against the Bosnian Serbs. These attacks had been preceded by a series of barbaric attacks against civilians in the Markele market in Sarajevo, all of which were assumed to be the work of the Serb army laying siege to Sarajevo.

There were three attacks on the markets, all of which were blamed on them: the first on 27th May 1992, killed 16 people, the second on 5th February 1994 killed 68, and the third on 28th August 1995, killed 37. The last attack is the most significant, as it has been widely alleged, by members of the UN Mission in Bosnia, UN Commanding officers and of course, predictably, the Bosnian Serbs themselves, that this one in particular was staged by elements within the Bosnian government to provide the pretext for NATO military involvement in the war......

What evidence is there for the claims that the Bosnian government carried out these attacks ?

Read all about it below:
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby kimon07 » Sat Aug 24, 2013 4:33 pm

Remember Sarajevo? (2)


"The Sharp End, A Canadian Soldier's Story", by James R. Davis, published by Douglas & McIntyre, Vancouver/Toronto, 1997, is a story in which the author relates his peacekeeper's experiences in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia.
Here some excerpts from the book which provide additional evidence that the Bosnian Muslim government shelled its own civilians in Sarajevo.
"On 17 July (1992), we were tasked to provide VIP security for a meeting between all the factions and Sir Douglas Hurd, the British Foreign Secretary.... We spent the day moving the foreign Secretary around and dodging well-staged incidents the locals (Muslims) put on for his benefit.
At the Bosnian Presidency the TDF (the Muslim Territorial Defense Forces) mortared their own people again as Hurd arrived. He had just dismounted from Kevin's track when several mortars slammed into the square across the road, killing several civilians. It had been staged by the Muslims to impress Hurd. They told him the Serbs did this to them everyday, when in fact they killed their own people again for political reasons.
The Canadian General Lewis MacKenzie, who was the commander of the UN forces in Sarajevo at the time, also described the above incident in his book, "Peacekeeper," also by published Douglas & McIntyre in 1993 as hardcover, and by HarperCollins in 1994 as a paperback.
Here is how Gen. MacKenzie described the same scene:
"On Douglas Hurd's arrival, there were 10 to 15 members of the TDF on either side of the building's entrance as a sort of honor guard. Once he had entered the main door, the group of TDF on the right of the entrance joined the their colleagues on the left, and the entire group walked around to the west side of the building and took cover.
Thirty seconds later, ten mortar rounds landed immediately across the street from the Presidency (building), and seven innocent civilians were killed or seriously maimed. A pre-positioned pair of ambulances and the local television cameramen on the east side of the building rushed to the scene of the tragedy, collected and filmed the dead and wounded, and moved off in the direction of the Kosevo hospital."
At another point in his just-released book, Mr. Davis recalls the following incident in which the Bosnian Muslims even killed their own children:
"That evening there were some kids hanging around on a patio at the base of the building. The guys had thrown them some candy until I told them to stop. I didn't want every kid in the city coming to hang out beneath our windows. Also on the patio was an attractive teenage girl. She spoke some English and was having a conversation with some of our guys who were hanging out the window.
Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, one of the troops saw... a mortar bomb. In the moment before it detonated, he realized it was heading right for the kids. Before he could shout a warning, the bomb exploded. The impact threw our guys back out of the window and onto the floor. Immediately, more rounds followed and the building rocked.
Warrant Sullivan... rushed outside... What he found shocked him to the core. There were little pieces of children everywhere. Arms, legs and blood covered the patio. The teenage girl had died instantly. The other kids were badly wounded. Brit medics showed up and tried to sort out the mess... They got the kids on stretchers and tried to match the arms and legs with the proper child. It was horrible.
Later that night, the platoon area was pretty subdued. Some of the guys blamed themselves for talking to the kids and throwing them candy, but we all knew- we hadn't launched those bombs.
The next morning, a report came in from the observers that no Serb mortars had fired that they were aware of. The trajectory was calculated and it was determined that the Bosnians (Muslims) had mortared their own children. For public relations purposes. Sure enough, the morning news in the city reported that the UN and their Serb allies had killed these children.
We could not believe it. I can't speak for the others, but that morning I would have happily killed any TDF (Muslim) troops I saw. I was growing tired of the whole mess. These people did not care. They were animals. ... mAtroc.htm

P.S. Aren't they indeed. Haven't we seen them in Cyprus?
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby kimon07 » Sun Aug 25, 2013 11:28 am

yialousa1971 wrote:

Believe it or not I came across the relevant deleted article and the link to it today. Once linked, the page drops after a while but I had time to copy parts of it which I will paste below. Try opening the link and se what happens.

In any event, I managed to get a summary of the article in another site to which I also link below.

U.S. 'backed plan to launch chemical weapon attack on Syria and blame it on Assad's regime'
• Leaked emails from defense contractor refers to chemical weapons saying 'the idea is approved by Washington'
• Obama issued warning to Syrian president Bashar al-Assad last month that use of chemical warfare was 'totally unacceptable'
By Louise Boyle
PUBLISHED:14:16 EST, 29 January 2013| UPDATED:14:16 EST, 29 January 2013
Leaked emails have allegedly proved that the White House gave the green light to a chemical weapons attack in Syria that could be blamed on Assad's regime and in turn, spur international military action in the devastated country.
A report released on Monday contains an email exchange between two senior officials at British-based contractor Britam Defence where a scheme 'approved by Washington' is outlined explaining that Qatar would fund rebel forces in Syria to use chemical weapons.
Barack Obama made it clear to Syrian president Bashar al-Assad last month that the U.S. would not tolerate Syria using chemical weapons against its own people.
According to, the December 25 email was sent from Britam's Business Development Director David Goulding to company founder Philip Doughty.
It reads: 'Phil... We’ve got a new offer. It’s about Syria again. Qataris propose an attractive deal and swear that the idea is approved by Washington.
'We’ll have to deliver a CW to Homs, a Soviet origin g-shell from Libya similar to those that Assad should have.
'They want us to deploy our Ukrainian personnel that should speak Russian and make a video record.
'Frankly, I don’t think it’s a good idea but the sums proposed are enormous. Your opinion?
'Kind regards, David.'


Britam Defence had not yet returned a request for comment to MailOnline.
The emails were released by a Malaysian hacker who also obtained senior executives resumés and copies of passports via an unprotected company server, according to Cyber War News.
Dave Goulding's Linkedin profile lists him as Business Development Director at Britam Defence Ltd in Security and Investigations. A business networking profile for Phil Doughty lists him as Chief Operationg Officer for Britam, United Arab Emirates, Security and Investigations.
The U.S. State Department had not returned a request for comment on the alleged emails to MailOnline today at time of publication.
However the use of chemical warfare was raised at a press briefing in D.C. on January 28.
A spokesman said that the U.S. joined the international community in 'setting common redlines about the consequences of using chemical weapons'.

Read more IF BIG BROTHER LETS YOU ... Assad.html
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby kimon07 » Sun Aug 25, 2013 11:30 am

Flashback: Yahoo Uncovered Syria Chemical Weapon False Flag in January

Anthony Gucciardi
August 24, 2013
Bypassing all claims of ‘conspiracy theory’, it was actually Yahoo News that published an eerily psychic piece that warned of moves by the Obama administration to launch a chemical attack in Syria and blame it on Assad’s regime.
Laying out what is now history in clear text, the mainstream Yahoo report sourcing ANI reads (I have archived a screenshot of the page in case it is removed):
“The Obama administration gave green signal to a chemical weapons attack plan in Syria that could be blamed on President Bashar al Assad’s regime and in turn, spur international military action in the devastated country, leaked documents have shown. As per the scheme ‘Qatar would fund rebel forces in Syria to usechemical weapons,’ the Daily Mail reports.”
But maybe AIN and Yahoo News are conspiracy news organizations? After all, the very notion of a false flag is now considered treason in the mind of Obama drones. It is not politically correct to talk about how the Syrian rebels, who may have carried this out under Obama, are barbaric minions of Hell who revel in beheading all Christian families. ... n-january/
And here: ... n-january/
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby kimon07 » Sun Aug 25, 2013 11:31 am

The Pentagon Is Preparing A Cruise Missile Attack Against Syria
Zero Hedge
August 24, 2013
Earlier today, in “US Refines “Military Options” Ahead Of Syrian Strikes“, we reported on what we thought was now inevitable especially since it was in agreemenet with what we predicted with absolute certainty over a month ago in “US Prepares For “Kinetic Strikes” Against Syria.” There we said: “The pre-story here is well-known to most: in a repeat fabulation of the Iraq “WMD” lie, the US and the entire developed world “found” Syria to have crossed a red-line when it used chemical weapons, despite subsequent reports that it was the Syrian rebels, aka Qatari mercenaries, who were the party responsible for chemical weapon use. No matter though: the public media campaign was hatched, and merely waited for the catalyst. That catalyst may be imminent…”
Sure enough, a month later the convenient catalyst emerged when this Wedensday, despite the entire world watching Assad (and as Iraq WMD inspector Rolf Ekeus stating the obvious in “It would be very peculiar if it was the government to do this at the exact moment the international inspectors come into the country“), we are meant to believe that the Syrian leader launched the biggest nerve gas attack in the history of the Qatari, Al-Qaeda and CIA-funded and organized Syrian rebellion. Two days later, without any actual investigation, the west determined somehow, on its own, that the attack was launched by Assad, not a false flag attack by the rebels even though it was their chemical weapons depot that had been previously uncovered. Visions of Colin Powell lying to the world (with his former aide admitting years later the WMD speech was the “lowest point in my life“) should now be emerging right before your eyes.
Moments ago the inevitable denouement arrived when as CBS’ David Martin reports, the US is preparing for a cruise missile launch against Syria, and is further ordering warships closer to Syria to be prepared and ready for when the trigger is pulled. ... nst-syria/
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Maximus » Sun Aug 25, 2013 11:45 am

Four hundred tonnes of arms have been sent into Syria from Turkey to boost insurgent capabilities against Syrian government forces, opposition sources said, after a suspected chemical weapons strike on rebellious suburbs of Damascus.

The source said the Gulf-financed shipment, which crossed from the Turkish province of Hatay in the past 24 hours, was one of the single biggest to reach rebel brigades since the uprising against President Bashar al-Assad turned violent two years ago. ... sCatID=352
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Get Real! » Mon Aug 26, 2013 8:50 am

It's available here...

US 'backed plan to launch chemical weapon attack on Syria, blame it on Assad govt': Report ... 48224.html
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Mon Aug 26, 2013 9:35 am

Get Real! wrote:It's available here...

US 'backed plan to launch chemical weapon attack on Syria, blame it on Assad govt': Report ... 48224.html

Wife is telling me that an attack on Syria is imminent.

Australian PM called off his election campaign because he was needed for high level discussions with the US. Australia is chair of the Security Council.

What they do admit is that they are unsure whether the chemical attacks on civilians are from Assad or the Islamist Rebels. It is possible that the Rebels have Chemical Weapons as well.

They believe it is likely to be Assad but they apparently need to gather more intelligence.

It is also unlikely they will have a mandate from the UN. Therefore, action will be unilateral or NATO.

Whoever is responsible for these Sarin Gas attacks needs to be pulverized. I can't bear seeing civilians, women and innocent children being exposed to such a terrible nerve agent. Absolutely sick.

Another thing that confuses me is the fact that the Rebels are backed by fundamentalist Islamists. Sometimes, it is better in helping regimes like Assad, Qaddafi, and Mubarak maintain their power to keep everything under tight control and peaceful.

Simple fact is, some countries are just not ready for democracy and it is over rated anyway. Let's face it! Is the US, EU, or any other 'democracy' truly a democracy? Just because you get to cast your ballot does not mean you have a say.

Anyway, that was my one post per few days in this mental assylum because I'm off to Merkal land. The land of the Krauts that control Europe and screwed you buggers! They are democratic I will have you know because they have more money than you do and matter more than you do!
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Get Real! » Mon Aug 26, 2013 9:38 am

Paphitis wrote:Simple fact is, some countries are just not ready for democracy and it is over rated anyway.

Democracy has nothing to do with it.
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