You may be an educated person in your view but daft enough to post this in the wrong thread! (
It does not have a lot to do with Castro .... you may have noticed? )
No I haven't! You got it wrong!
How? Nothing you have predicted since this thread started has panned out. Most of the predictions others have expressed have come to pass to one degree or another. It’s not because we are more intelligent than you ..... but most seem to be endowed with more common sense than you are!
The Coalition is continuing its operations in Syria so there is no indication whatsoever that anything has changed.
Aleppo, Syria’s largest city, is almost free of
YOUR terrorists. 80%+ of the Syrian people are living in the Government controlled areas; hundreds of towns and villages have been freed by the SAA; Assad is still President ............ Raqqa is still occupied by Daesh ..... and so is Mosul. I think quite a lot has changed for Assad’s fortunes over the last twelve months, but from the coalition side I have to agree with you, very little has apparently changed.
Assad also has still to take Eastern Aleppo. He took 2 suburbs. These suburbs can be retaken and they will be retaken.
Assad’s forces have taken 50% of Eastern Aleppo which had, until about 60 hours ago been under the control of terrorists for about 4 years. ‘
They will be retaken’ ... you really believe that do you?
With what?
Stones don’t work against a well armed and trained Army .... and stones are about all your terrorists have left.
In addition, there will be a peace settlement of some sortband that settlement has to have our signature on it. Pootin is not involved on any of the recent action because they don't want to be tainted with International War Crimes. They are also very open to regime change under the right circumstances. This is according to the UN Envoy.
Where on earth do you get this crap from? Putin has always said and still does .....”
Who rules Syria is the choice of the Syrian people and no one else.”
You are not going to like it.
If there is no settlement, then we still stay in Syria because we have a client on Syrian turf. Fact is, Pootin will sign anything to protect his interests and Assad is not among his interests. Removing Coalition forces is in his interests and that is not going to happen whilst Assad remains. The Coalition scores a big slice of Syria as its own client where wecan even base troops and hardware. I'm sure Pootin won't like that!
Well ..... you seem to have sources of tactical and geopolitical information at levels most World leaders would envy or is this what the plan is according to your assesment?
Meanwhile .... in the real world the reality is that Assad stays .... until the people decide otherwise. It has nothing to do with your coalition or Putin. It is something you have crowed about in the past ......... it is called SELF DETERMINATION.
One of those great principals you hold so dear you would die to protect!