" Exodus as Syria rebels lose northeast Aleppo"
This is sheer madness, it is time the Western world announced to the rebels that their cause is doomed to fail, the killing and suffering of the Syrian people must now end.
I agree with your sentiments but, it’s not that easy to resolve is it? The West does not have a clue who these ‘
rebels’ they support are! There is no line between the hundred or so terrorist groups ..... including the so called FSA. They are all one and have the same intent ..... depose Assad and create an Islamic state run on Sharia Law. Of Syrians, they represent a very small minority but that philosophy suits the West.
The West, just like they did in all the other regime change wars they have started, had no clue as to what came after their dishing out death and destruction. If chaos was the result they couldn’t give a sh*t all they needed was a figure in control, now matter how brutal, that they could pay millions of dollars to and make sure their commercial interests were looked after.
So telling them the obvious ...... they are all going to paradise ....... won’t stop them fighting!
The little boy with his head bleeding is no more than 7 - 8 years old, same age as my own grand son. It makes me so mad to see the continued suffering and killing of young innocent boys and girls. West, declare the war over, do not embolden further the rebels Tell them its all over.
That is why the press always show injured children .... it tugs at our heart strings, but not to those of the Islamists or those that support them. To them, the end justifies the means!
You also have to be very careful with these pictures that are promulgated in the MSM and the TV. Anything with the White Helmets involved is likely to be ‘
false news’! Just today on BBC they showed a White Helmet rushing a young boy (
3-4 years old) into an ambulance. He had apparently been dug out from a collapsed building , had blood under his nose and dust/dirt on his face and clothes. He looked bewildered more than hurt or upset and didn’t seem too keen on having an oxygen mask put over his face.
Looking at the picture closely, it was evident this was staged for the camera!!! Honestly! Just applying common sense; he was dusty and dirty but ......... although his hair was tussled it had no dust in it. I would say that was impossible after having been ‘
dug’ from rubble.
Milti .... take what Boris Johnson was demanding in the link .... “.BJ ...
called for an immediate ceasefire in Aleppo” ! My question to him would be ......”
And then what?” Does Assad sit with his finger up his nose and wait for the problem to go away? It won’t go away, unfortunately it has to be driven out by force.
Remember, the UN guy (Mistra?) offered to act as a hostage and walk with these terrorists through escape routes out of Eastern Aleppo set up by Assad, even allowing them to leave with their weapons ........they refused. This would have negated the need for any more hostility and the needs of the trapped Syrian civilians could then be attended to.
Assad has opened up corridors for aid to get into Eastern Aleppo and every time these rebels have refused safe entry ........ so Assad/Russia can offer no guarantees. Not Assad’s fault ......... but the fault of these US coalition backed terrorists.
I honestly cannot see an answer that could be implemented ..... but your comments previously about certain uninvited foreigners getting out of Syria and letting Syria deal with its own problems, would be good start.