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The war against Syria

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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Thu Nov 17, 2016 6:34 pm

Slightly off topic but relevant.

John Kirby of The US State Department has the same response to questions as ......... :roll: :wink:

Faced with an embarrassing question asking for some proof of serious accusations against Russia, the usual targeting hospitals and civilians and blocking UN aid to Eastern Aleppo (even though it was Assad/Russia that opened up the aid corridors and stopped the bombing for 28 days) .... he gets annoyed because he has no proof to offer, waffles and then insults the lady journalist asking the questions ...... because she was from RT. I like the response of the other journalist going to her defence?

This is the sort of information the US frequently spreads and very little of it is ever backed by credible evidence ........ is it any wonder brainless ‘Sheep’ go for it ? :x

State Dept dismisses question from RT, says won’t treat it like other media
[url] ... 8/Y/M.html[/url]
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Nov 17, 2016 7:28 pm

...unlike "Public Broadcasters", RT has become the "State Broadcaster"; there is a difference, although by definition both produce news.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Thu Nov 17, 2016 8:27 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:...unlike "Public Broadcasters", RT has become the "State Broadcaster"; there is a difference, although by definition both produce news.

RT may well be state funded but going by what they produce I have to say I see nothing like the 'anti'approach used by MSM news outlets and the popular TV news channels. Their news coverage, particularly regarding events in Syria is very good and usually 'on-the-ground', not from a correspondent in Lebanon or Ankara.

Programmes such as Crosstalk, SophieCo., Underground etc also cover both sides of the argument, Remember that BBC is also State Funded but would he have spoken to say Stephen Sackur in the same offensive way he spoke to this young lady ? (BTW: Another State Dept. official apologised to the RT journalist, after they went off-air and gave her the list of their sources. They were the usual SOHR, White Helmets and a few I have never heard of but none of them could be considered as 'very credible', as they all appeared to be linked to the terrorists.) :roll:
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Nov 21, 2016 6:09 pm

This is why the civilians in East Aleppo did not and cannot take advantage of the ceasation of hostilities to leave the besieged area of Aleppo through the SAA safe corridors ... they cant ! :roll: :x

The US war hawks maintain that it is Assad’s forces and the Russians that are preventing them leaving the zone and that it is the same for the supply of humanitarian aid, they completely ignore the fact that these terrorists they support are nothing but a bunch of murdering thugs and are killing those that attempt to leave and are then mining the approaches and using snipers. The UN could not deliver aid because ........ they can’t get into the area either. :x

At least 17 killed, dozens injured in E. Aleppo as rebels disperse protesters with machine gun fire.

At least 17 people were killed by heavy gunfire and about a dozen more were rounded up and executed after hundreds of civilians trying to leave eastern Aleppo protested against the rebel blockade of exit routes, the Russian Defense Ministry said.

Some 500 civilians took part in several protests in the rebel-occupied eastern part of Aleppo on Thursday, and at least 200 of them were trying to reach the Syrian government-controlled area at the time they were violently dispersed with live fire, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said.

“The militants dispersed the demonstration, shooting at the protesters from a heavy machine gun and then mined all the approaches to the checkpoint and placed snipers on the roofs of nearby houses,” Konashenkov said, as quoted by Sputnik news agency.

“Seventeen people died at the site, including two teenagers of 13 and 15 years of age, over 40 people were wounded,” he added.

Upon quelling one of the rallies, militants launched a hunt for the presumed organizers of the protests, the ministry spokesman said.

“Terrorists detained about 10 men, who they held to be ‘organizers’ of the riots, and drove them away in an unknown direction. They were shot dead the same evening,” Konashenkov said.

This informative article explains why it has taken so long for Assads forces and their allies to take a relatively small area of Aleppo from terrorists. It really boils down to common sense. As the article says .....’it is easier to defend than it is to attack’ and explain why.

The much heralded attack on Mosul, by well trained and well equipped troops of the Iraqi army with massive US coalition air support, according to the BBC, has now ground to a stand-still . ............ and they are still in the suburbs. This article explains why! They are now in exactly the same combat situation as Assad and Russia have been for many months in Aleppo. There are no journalists, other than those embedded with the military, in Mosul, so very little news has managed to get out.

Why the Battle for Aleppo Is so long and so important

So why has the battle continued for so long? There are several explanations.

The first is the city’s dense urban and industrial environment. Wars of the 20th century have shown that the most difficult type of warfare is urban. Every house or building can be transformed into a fortress with firing ports for heavy weapons.
Cellars are already equipped with shelter from the bombs and shells. They can also be used as a place for rest and recreation. In addition, the cellar is an ideal storage of weapons, ammunition, food and fuel. Even destroyed houses serve as cover for movement of troops and equipment.

Minarets, bell towers, smokestacks are ideal for snipers and spotters for artillery and aviation. Underground communications are actively used by all parties to hide their forces and for their sudden appearance behind the front lines. Dense urban and industrial development creates difficulties in the destruction of buildings and structures in that it requires large stocks of ammunition and a large number of artillery pieces, or car bombs in order to launch surprise attacks. Armored vehicles are relegated to the role of fire support for the advancing infantry and cannot exploit their superior mobility or even protection.

Something of interest maybe .... although off topic. Another nail in the coffin of investigative journalism? :?:

If ‘They’ have their way it will soon be difficult to gain any alternative information from the Internet. There will only be one version of the ‘truth’ .... the approved version! :roll:

There is an attempt underway to introduce censorship to the internet ..... but it is who will decide what you can read and what you can’t, that is worrying. YOU will no longer have the right to decide, it will be done for you. :shock:

Many independent news sites rely on an advertising App. which Google and FaceBook will decide which sites will be able to use the facility. Does not affect MSM as they are financed by big corporations or Governments.

What to Do About ‘Fake News’

A pushback is coming to the Internet’s success in giving the world access to diverse opinions and dissenting information. Politicians, mainstream media and technology giants are taking aim at what they call “fake news,” reports Robert Parry.
In the wake of Donald Trump’s victory, a hot new issue – raised by President Obama in an international setting on Thursday and touted on The New York Times’ front page on Friday – is the problem of “fake news” being disseminated on the Internet.

Major Internet companies, such as Google and Facebook, are being urged to censor such articles and to punish alleged violators. Also, teams of supposedly “responsible” news providers and technology giants are being assembled to police this alleged problem and decide what is true and what is not.

But therein lies the more serious problem: who gets to decide what is real and what is not real? And – in an age when all sides propagate propaganda – when does conformity in support of a mainstream “truth” become censorship of reasonable scepticism?

As a journalist for more than four decades, I take seriously the profession’s responsibility to verify information as much as possible before publishing it – and as editor of, I insist that our writers (and to the extent possible, outside commenters) back up what they say.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Tue Nov 22, 2016 7:50 am

This common sense article explains and dispels the claim that Assad and Russia deliberately bomb hospitals ….. and target primarily civilian targets. It is a convenient un-truth for the Western coalition designed simply to demonize Assad and Putin, but the accusations have never been supported by tangible evidence. As the sources for these accusations are only from the terrorists, it is obviously nothing but propaganda!

Here’s why reports of intentional hospital bombings in Syria are false – Alexander Mercouris

Allegations in Western media of intentional hospital bombings by Syria and Russia remain uncorroborated by actual reporters on the ground.

Right on cue, directly after the Russians and the Syrians resume their offensive in northeast Syria and around Aleppo, come more claims that the Syrians and the Russians are deliberately bombing hospitals in Aleppo and elsewhere.
I have previously made known my skepticism about these claims. No one has ever explained why the Russians and the Syrians would intentionally attack hospitals in this way. President Assad has pointed out that it makes no sense and would be completely counterproductive for the Syrians to do so.

In any discussion of alleged hospital bombings in Syria, the following always needs to be kept in mind.

There are no Western journalists in Jihadi controlled eastern Aleppo and scarcely anywhere else in Syria. The Western journalists that are in Syria largely stick to the government controlled areas. Very occasionally the odd Western journalist travels into Jihadi controlled areas, but it is a long time since any have visited eastern Aleppo, in fact – they have not done so since it came under siege.

On BBC World News this morning ........ if you watch it note, not once does it name those responsible for paying for and sending these arms to terrorists. The sounce is stated as ‘... Eastern Europe’, the route is stated as ‘..... through Turkey’, the destination is stated as ‘.... The US and Saudi.’ It enters Syria and then just disappears until it turns up in IS hands in Mosul. The US’s chosen Iraqi proxies are being killed by weapons the US provided to terrorists! :roll:

IS conflict: How is it getting hold of weapons from the West? By Gordon Corera Security correspondent, BBC News, northern Iraq

Weapons meant for Western-backed rebels (terrorists?) in Syria are ending up in the hands of so-called Islamic State in neighbouring Iraq - but how are they getting there?
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Tue Nov 22, 2016 7:03 pm

True or false?

The ‘White Helmets’ have been a major source for much of the justification of what has been called ‘... atrocities and war crimes’ by Assad and the Russians. Watch this video and see how they actually produce the propaganda the West is so quick to accept, mostly without question.

The video is either a hoax ........ or representative of the White Helmets MO ?
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby miltiades » Tue Nov 22, 2016 8:45 pm

Have you noticed how many....allahoakbar shouts !!!
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Tue Nov 22, 2016 8:53 pm

miltiades wrote:Have you noticed how many....allahoakbar shouts !!!

It needs that to make it authentic. 'God bless America' just doesn't have the same impact ! :roll: :D :D
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Nov 26, 2016 7:21 pm

Without a free independent news network we would not be aware of this move by the US Senate! :roll:

Media Silent as House Passes Resolution for Syrian No-Fly Zone — Provoking War with Russia

Establishment of a no-fly zone is the next crucial step toward full-scale war. It would mean Syrian planes could not fly in their own airspace and would bring the disturbing prospect of U.S. planes shooting down Russian planes — which are operating there on invitation from Syria to help battle ISIS.

Soon after the presidential election, key warmongers in Congress began formulating plans to make increased conflict a near certainty, complete with the kind of propaganda peddled before the Iraq attack. While everyone was distracted by the election of Trump, six representatives took advantage of the lame-duck session and suspended “normal rules” to bring us H.R. 5732.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Nov 27, 2016 6:37 am

...thanks RH, interesting article. It will be interesting to see how far this bill will get; especially under the circumstances on which it was passed.
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