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The war against Syria

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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Maximus » Wed Nov 16, 2016 5:41 pm


Your mate putin has just withdrawn Russias signature from the ICC because he thinks its biased.

He says in all its time, they have resolved maybe 4 cases at a total cost of $1b.

So it does not look like you can get him in the hague now.

Do you think Cyprus has a case for the crimes committed aginst it or?
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Wed Nov 16, 2016 6:24 pm

Btw, Trump has just agreed to take 1800 Australian Asylum seekers, mostly Muslim. Australia will be left with about 300 incarcerated illegal immigrants.

So what did the Americans get in return. The answer is Troops.

Doesn’t say much for the Australians morals or regard for humanity does it ? :x

They can’t possibly integrate 3000 immigrants into a country that is populated by immigrants, no money in that. But is OK selling itself to the US for 50,000 US Troops (If Paphitis figures are correct ... which is doubtful) BTW: The US usually arrives as a completely self contained package ..... they bring everything with them from Beer and steaks to toilet paper and Aspirins. So there won’t be that much to made out of having 50K US troops around.

But the US has to look for somewhere to go now as they are being thrown out of Philipines, and it looks like from Okinawa as well. Indonesia or East Timor won’t have them ...... so I suppose Australia is as good a location as anywhere. I just hope the Aussies remember this when the US upsets China and they decide to retaliate ..... the Chinese are not quite as even tempered as the Russians. :roll:

Did you know that the Chinese Army could march four abreast into the sea ..... forever! :o There is a lot of them ..... what they lack in skill they make up for in sheer numbers and brutality. :wink:
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Maximus » Thu Nov 17, 2016 12:07 am

Paphitis wrote:Pootin is an arse. We only tolerate him for as long as he understands his status.

He probably see his status as being more like a hemorroid because he irritates arse's and arse holes. :lol:
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby miltiades » Thu Nov 17, 2016 9:22 am

It was called the Arab Spring !! A more appropriate name is the Arab Dark Winter.
Estimates of deaths in the Syrian Civil War, per opposition activist groups, vary between 301,781 and 470,000. On 23 April 2016, the United Nations and Arab League Envoy to Syria put out an estimate of 400,000 that had died in the war. More than 4 million refugees , millions more facing starvation , young and old. Yet the war is still raging the killing continues. What was the purpose of this bloody war? The removal of one dictator under whom Syria at least enjoyed relative peace and prosperity.

The rebels were actively encouraged by the West, supplied with arms, food and medicine.

Did anyone in the west ever considered the outcome of this war, ( apart that is from our very own Paphitis ) the replacement of Assad ? I doubt it very much since there is not one single western leader with any logic, blindly and highly irresponsibly fuelling this terrible war.

Let us hope that the President elect will carry out his commitment and put an end to this atrocious and utterly useless war.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby B25 » Thu Nov 17, 2016 10:46 am

Milti, the west, aka US/UK completely underestimated Assad. They thought they were just going to walk in there and that he was going to go quietly into the night. But, he fucked them up good and proper. Now they are in a dilemma, they have been instrumental in the killings of the 100's of thousands, created millions of refugees and cannot now back out losing face. Trump coming in, will give them an exit without the egg on the face and they will be glad for it.

Everywhere the F US has been has created mayhem in the ME and left the countries totally destroyed. And then we have the likes of Paphiti, trying to tell us how lucky we are to have them FFS.

I feel for those people and their families, at least with Assad, or Saddam, or Gaddafi or whoever else they all led peaceful lives.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby miltiades » Thu Nov 17, 2016 11:06 am

Nations in the ME have always been ruled by dictators and always will be.
Remove a dictator and another will take his place. The West made a dreadful error in getting involved on the site of a myriad of jihadists all with their own agenda, sharia law etc.

Assad, and before him his father, both dictators, but at least the Syrian people enjoyed a relatively peaceful life, some of them quite well off also.

This is what I wrote in October 2012, page 15 ,
" Syria must be left alone to solve its own problems, Russia, in my opinion as well as China are absolutely right in not supporting the revolutionaries infested with Islamic extremists and Jihadis. The West is making a dreadful error in contributing financially to the revolutionaries aided and abated by extremist Islamists who come to Syria from all corners of the world.Stay out of Syria is the best option and the only option that the West should consider."

I do hope that President elect Trump will steer the west out of this mess.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Lordo » Thu Nov 17, 2016 12:46 pm

miltiades wrote:Nations in the ME have always been ruled by dictators and always will be.
Remove a dictator and another will take his place. The West made a dreadful error in getting involved on the site of a myriad of jihadists all with their own agenda, sharia law etc.

Assad, and before him his father, both dictators, but at least the Syrian people enjoyed a relatively peaceful life, some of them quite well off also.

This is what I wrote in October 2012, page 15 ,
" Syria must be left alone to solve its own problems, Russia, in my opinion as well as China are absolutely right in not supporting the revolutionaries infested with Islamic extremists and Jihadis. The West is making a dreadful error in contributing financially to the revolutionaries aided and abated by extremist Islamists who come to Syria from all corners of the world.Stay out of Syria is the best option and the only option that the West should consider."

I do hope that President elect Trump will steer the west out of this mess.

you are very good at theorising without having a clue of the real situation in the ground. the middle east dictators do not materialise from nothing. the west and russia and in other parts of the world china is what helps them stay in power and thats becasue they serve the need of the corporations in these three country's corporations with themselves in return taking bribes to enrish themselves.

corruption is a criminal ofence in the west and yet not a single corporation has been prosecuted for this. it is so easy to blame the me people or even the dictators for what is going on in the me but it really is not their fault. not that i expect an asshole like you to understand what is going on.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby miltiades » Thu Nov 17, 2016 2:02 pm

Stick to kebabs you ignorant 86 year old :lol: :lol:
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Maximus » Thu Nov 17, 2016 4:08 pm

Lordo has a point there but Milti is also correct.

A country like Saudi, and most country's in the ME will always be run by some dictator as far as liberal democratic people are concerned but I actually agree with Lordo on his previous comment up to a point.

Some of these dictators have been put there by the west on purpose, and bribed, to serve their interests. This is what they are trying to do in Syria now with Assad. They did it in Ukraine, they killed Gaddaffi and Saddam when he was no longer of use to them after years of cooperation and friendship.

When these dictators don't do what they (the west) says, or if they want to do something contrary to their interests they turn against them and turn their country's in to hell. So they can change the regime to someone who is going to do what they want again. Only then does the issue of human rights, democracy and the demonetization campaigns begins when there was not a word to condemn them previously when they were 'doing the business'.

Erdogan may be another example yet to come,

Who really thinks the west spends billions on wars for the sake of some foreign peoples human rights? :roll:
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Thu Nov 17, 2016 5:08 pm

Maximus wrote:Lordo has a point there but Milti is also correct.

A country like Saudi, and most country's in the ME will always be run by some dictator as far as liberal democratic people are concerned but I actually agree with Lordo on his previous comment up to a point.

Some of these dictators have been put there by the west on purpose, and bribed, to serve their interests. This is what they are trying to do in Syria now with Assad. They did it in Ukraine, they killed Gaddaffi and Saddam when he was no longer of use to them after years of cooperation and friendship.

When these dictators don't do what they (the west) says, or if they want to do something contrary to their interests they turn against them and turn their country's in to hell. So they can change the regime to someone who is going to do what they want again. Only then does the issue of human rights, democracy and the demonetization campaigns begins when there was not a word to condemn them previously when they were 'doing the business'.

Erdogan may be another example yet to come,

Who really thinks the west spends billions on wars for the sake of some foreign peoples human rights? :roll:

I agree with you that countries in the region NEED a tough leader but such a leader is not necessarily a 'Dictator'. Assad is NOT a dictator! Earlier this year he was voted back into power as the countries President by a large majority of those that could vote and those were in the Government controlled areas. The country is secular but many of the regions democracies are not. Is Assad not a democratically elected leader? If not Assad who would the West have as the 'Dictator' in Syria ?

When you look into all the accusations against both Assad and Putin in any depth, very few have any credibility ....... as frequently pointed out to Paphitis, what he deems a war crime is nothing more than an accusation.

Saudi, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, The UAE and others on the other hand, ARE dictatorships but are Western puppets, so they don't get called Dictators. The US plays the tune and they dance to it as it is in their interests to do so, as already pointed out. The fact they are mostly a bunch of Islamic fanatics, human rights abusers and carry out some pretty awful crimes is never suggested ...... you will never hear calls for them to be referred to the ICC.

This is why from the very start of Russia's timely intervention in the Syrian conflict, Putin has said THAT choice is for the Syrian people to make. not outsiders ....... and I think he is right. :roll:
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