Maximus wrote:Lordo has a point there but Milti is also correct.
A country like Saudi, and most country's in the ME will always be run by some dictator as far as liberal democratic people are concerned but I actually agree with Lordo on his previous comment up to a point.
Some of these dictators have been put there by the west on purpose, and bribed, to serve their interests. This is what they are trying to do in Syria now with Assad. They did it in Ukraine, they killed Gaddaffi and Saddam when he was no longer of use to them after years of cooperation and friendship.
When these dictators don't do what they (the west) says, or if they want to do something contrary to their interests they turn against them and turn their country's in to hell. So they can change the regime to someone who is going to do what they want again. Only then does the issue of human rights, democracy and the demonetization campaigns begins when there was not a word to condemn them previously when they were 'doing the business'.
Erdogan may be another example yet to come,
Who really thinks the west spends billions on wars for the sake of some foreign peoples human rights?

I agree with you that countries in the region NEED a tough leader but such a leader is not necessarily a '
Dictator'. Assad is
NOT a dictator! Earlier this year he was voted back into power as the countries President by a large majority of those that could vote and those were in the Government controlled areas. The country is secular but many of the regions democracies are not. Is Assad not a democratically elected leader? If not Assad who would the West have as the '
Dictator' in Syria ?
When you look into all the accusations against both Assad and Putin in any depth, very few have any credibility ....... as frequently pointed out to Paphitis, what he deems a war crime is nothing more than an accusation.
Saudi, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, The UAE and others on the other hand, ARE dictatorships but are Western puppets, so they don't get called Dictators. The US plays the tune and they dance to it as it is in their interests to do so, as already pointed out. The fact they are mostly a bunch of Islamic fanatics, human rights abusers and carry out some pretty awful crimes is never suggested ...... you will never hear calls for them to be referred to the ICC.
This is why from the very start of Russia's timely intervention in the Syrian conflict, Putin has said THAT choice is for the Syrian people to make. not outsiders ....... and I think he is right.