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The war against Syria

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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Schnauzer » Tue Nov 15, 2016 6:33 pm

Paphitis wrote:Pootin doesn't back Assad! The only thing they have said is they don't want another Libya!

They have already admitted that a pathway to transition is inevitable and they expect the UN to monitor these elections. They do not see a future for Assad long term because they don't want to be stuck in a Geurilla War for the next 5 to 10 years.

Frankly, you will not like the future peace deal that awaits.

A deal might be closer but the Coalition of the Rebels will not accept anything less than political transition and Russia sees it too, it's just the details they disagree on. Either way, Assad is gone and does not serve Russian interests either.

It's a "Schemozzle" all right !. :lol:
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Tue Nov 15, 2016 6:36 pm

Schnauzer wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Pootin doesn't back Assad! The only thing they have said is they don't want another Libya!

They have already admitted that a pathway to transition is inevitable and they expect the UN to monitor these elections. They do not see a future for Assad long term because they don't want to be stuck in a Geurilla War for the next 5 to 10 years.

Frankly, you will not like the future peace deal that awaits.

A deal might be closer but the Coalition of the Rebels will not accept anything less than political transition and Russia sees it too, it's just the details they disagree on. Either way, Assad is gone and does not serve Russian interests either.

It's a "Schemozzle" all right !. :lol:

I know! Russian planes are dropping like flies. I mean seriously! Do they spend any money on their aircraft?

It's one thing to have planes but you need to actually do some C Checks on them. :?
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby miltiades » Tue Nov 15, 2016 6:54 pm

Paphitis, you are in a fantasy world mate. You got it all wrong.
Assad WILL remain and PEACE WILL be restored.
The rebels are on the way out without American support.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Nov 15, 2016 8:00 pm

Aleppo will give Assad the breathing room he needs to keep, what is his Syria whole. Without it, Damascus is an island otherwise, not facing the rest of Syria in opposition, but surrounded by this opposition.

One hopes with all the eyes on Aleppo that there are, Assad along with his allies will have prepared themselves to solve their problems accordingly with good intentions. If Assad seeks a Legacy for himself, and his Family, it will be to leave as he said, with Grace, the dignity of having replaced this Dynasty with a system of Government and a Rule of Law, which serves the Syrian People well, better than they had originally imagined.

...we will be seeing Erdogan and Assad hugging, kissing, and shaking hands; hell, Trump and Putin will be standing beside them on that stage, and in that photo, all part of a plan. (Cyprus, the end of the Problem, is the trigger)

BBF all they way around, and in Turkey, (as in Iraq, and Syria, Constitutional reform as States) as in Cyprus; what is, and was originally, the National objective, to distinguish themselves, in unity for Principals that are Universal.

Syria will be whole again, that is to say that Syrians will be Syrians, without the need for any further distinction or discrimination, as Individuals, represented by a Government they elect; but it does not mean that Syria will be without any other political representation, Syrian Constituencies will be founded to allow for the self representation of its Citizens, as Persons, as well...
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Nov 15, 2016 8:00 pm that's fantasy.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby miltiades » Tue Nov 15, 2016 8:35 pm

Paphitis wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Still they appear to be chasing shadows. They bomb but nothing changes on the ground. Our Rebels are well drilled and we will still be talking about this quagmire in 12 months time by which time the Coalition would have already liberated Mosul and Raqqa and just sitting back laughing at Pootin telling Trump he looks forward to better relations.

Sure, lets have better relations after a comprehensive peace settlement.

Fact is, Trump doesn't like Lootin. He only respected Pootin as a "stronger" leader than Obama.

Obama however, might look weak because he actually strategized and swung the pendulum in favour of Coalition interests.

Coalition has the upper hand and I tried to tell everyone that this will be the case with the fullness of time.

Mate, you haven't a clue. YOUR REBELS ? The President elect doesn't think so!! In less than 6 months it will all be over and Syria will return to peace. You were wrong from the start, you are wrong now !

It will be over when there is a comprehensive peace settlement Miltiades. Without one, it will not be over at all, and Coalition will remain.

Btw, Australia has already received assurances that America's positions on Syria will remain the same as Obama.

Not what other sources are saying mate.
"Donald Trump signifies he will end US support for Syrian rebels despite their pleas to him for help

President-elect appears to reiterate his position that an alliance with Syrian and Russian governments to defeat Isis is his preferred way forward in the Syrian conflict " ... 13346.html

Its over Paphitis, YOUR rebels and YOUR plans ii tatters. Assad STAYS.
Learn to use logic mate and do try and be objective.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Wed Nov 16, 2016 5:48 am

miltiades wrote:Paphitis, you are in a fantasy world mate. You got it all wrong.
Assad WILL remain and PEACE WILL be restored.
The rebels are on the way out without American support.

On the last HardTalk on BBC, they interviewed the UN Envoy on Syria who has been holding talks and chairing the Syria Support Group.

He said transition away from Assad is inevitable and vital for a comprehensive peace deal. Without transition, the war will continue as one side strives for a messy military solution over the other side.

He also said that the Russians do not see Assad as vital to their interests but just don't want to see a vacuum. He also said that the Russians are supportive of fresh general elections under the auspices of the UN.

Russia acknowledges that peace with Assad is impossible and that it will be trapped in a quagmire of conflict spanning several years if Assad doesn't go.

The Russians are happy to negotiate transition provided Syria does not turn into a new Libya and the Russians have plans to discuss transition at the next summit.

Basically, Russians don't give a stuff about Assad!

There is your daily reality check!
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Wed Nov 16, 2016 5:49 am

repulsewarrior wrote:Aleppo will give Assad the breathing room he needs to keep, what is his Syria whole. Without it, Damascus is an island otherwise, not facing the rest of Syria in opposition, but surrounded by this opposition.

One hopes with all the eyes on Aleppo that there are, Assad along with his allies will have prepared themselves to solve their problems accordingly with good intentions. If Assad seeks a Legacy for himself, and his Family, it will be to leave as he said, with Grace, the dignity of having replaced this Dynasty with a system of Government and a Rule of Law, which serves the Syrian People well, better than they had originally imagined.

...we will be seeing Erdogan and Assad hugging, kissing, and shaking hands; hell, Trump and Putin will be standing beside them on that stage, and in that photo, all part of a plan. (Cyprus, the end of the Problem, is the trigger)

BBF all they way around, and in Turkey, (as in Iraq, and Syria, Constitutional reform as States) as in Cyprus; what is, and was originally, the National objective, to distinguish themselves, in unity for Principals that are Universal.

Syria will be whole again, that is to say that Syrians will be Syrians, without the need for any further distinction or discrimination, as Individuals, represented by a Government they elect; but it does not mean that Syria will be without any other political representation, Syrian Constituencies will be founded to allow for the self representation of its Citizens, as Persons, as well...

Syria is not whole! Coalition control about 30% and is about to take Raqqa as well.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Schnauzer » Wed Nov 16, 2016 6:24 am

Paphitis wrote:
miltiades wrote:Paphitis, you are in a fantasy world mate. You got it all wrong.
Assad WILL remain and PEACE WILL be restored.
The rebels are on the way out without American support.

On the last HardTalk on BBC, they interviewed the UN Envoy on Syria who has been holding talks and chairing the Syria Support Group.

He said transition away from Assad is inevitable and vital for a comprehensive peace deal. Without transition, the war will continue as one side strives for a messy military solution over the other side.

He also said that the Russians do not see Assad as vital to their interests but just don't want to see a vacuum. He also said that the Russians are supportive of fresh general elections under the auspices of the UN.

Russia acknowledges that peace with Assad is impossible and that it will be trapped in a quagmire of conflict spanning several years if Assad doesn't go.

The Russians are happy to negotiate transition provided Syria does not turn into a new Libya and the Russians have plans to discuss transition at the next summit.

Basically, Russians don't give a stuff about Assad!

There is your daily reality check!

In short words:- They have realized that they have antagonized the wrong people and that the solutions to the problems they have created are not resolvable by 'Force of Arms'.

We will now be treated to a series of 'Peaceful Negotiations' ( :lol: ) and ultimately an enormous amount of 'Face Saving' manoeuvres both by the Politicians and the Military will be forthcoming in order to convince the gullible public that such was the plan all along.

Truth of the matter is:- Arses have been well and truly kicked and IS cannot be defeated. :roll:
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Wed Nov 16, 2016 7:28 am

Schnauzer wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
miltiades wrote:Paphitis, you are in a fantasy world mate. You got it all wrong.
Assad WILL remain and PEACE WILL be restored.
The rebels are on the way out without American support.

On the last HardTalk on BBC, they interviewed the UN Envoy on Syria who has been holding talks and chairing the Syria Support Group.

He said transition away from Assad is inevitable and vital for a comprehensive peace deal. Without transition, the war will continue as one side strives for a messy military solution over the other side.

He also said that the Russians do not see Assad as vital to their interests but just don't want to see a vacuum. He also said that the Russians are supportive of fresh general elections under the auspices of the UN.

Russia acknowledges that peace with Assad is impossible and that it will be trapped in a quagmire of conflict spanning several years if Assad doesn't go.

The Russians are happy to negotiate transition provided Syria does not turn into a new Libya and the Russians have plans to discuss transition at the next summit.

Basically, Russians don't give a stuff about Assad!

There is your daily reality check!

In short words:- They have realized that they have antagonized the wrong people and that the solutions to the problems they have created are not resolvable by 'Force of Arms'.

We will now be treated to a series of 'Peaceful Negotiations' ( :lol: ) and ultimately an enormous amount of 'Face Saving' manoeuvres both by the Politicians and the Military will be forthcoming in order to convince the gullible public that such was the plan all along.

Truth of the matter is:- Arses have been well and truly kicked and IS cannot be defeated. :roll:

The Coalition will not force anything on any group. But it depends on who you are talking about.

If you are talking about DAESH, then we treat them as terrorists and we will fight them and seek a swift military solution. They do not enjoy the support of the people.

As for other Sunni Rebels, everyone recognizes their rights to life and existence and their voice within the Syrian Republic including it seems Russia.

It is encouraging to hear that Russia is grappling with the prospect of transition to bring peace and stability. If this attitude prevails, then a deal with the Coalition is imminent.

If it does not prevail, then there will be no peace or stability, just war.
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