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The war against Syria

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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Schnauzer » Thu Nov 10, 2016 7:43 pm

Alexander the Great reportedly stated :-

"I would rather face an army of Lions commanded by a Sheep than an army of Sheep commanded by a Lion !".

It would appear that the 'Lionhearted' leadership of IS regard the forces of the West as rather 'Sheepish' in their lack of enthusiasm to engage in a fair fight ?, nothing new there, the murderous onslaughts (which we ALL have witnessed over the past years) of those Western forces whose only REAL justification for such onslaughts is to steal the resources of the nations they attack or depose the leadership of nations which refuse to cower to their bullying, NOW face a force of resistance which they did not anticipate and will never defeat by 'Force of Arms'.

SHAME is the only reward for the actions of the West in recent years, the unrest which now spreads in so many nations is the direct result of 'Western Aggression' (in many disguises) and there are those who would rather die than capitulate to such veiled aggression.

How sad that those who resist are forced to resort to such horrific acts of retaliation, in all probability a considered ploy to encourage the 'Savages of the West' to think about the evils they have perpetrated and the reactions they have (unexpectedly) encouraged from those oppose their campaigns of terror.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Thu Nov 10, 2016 7:54 pm

Paphitis wrote:Mosul has practically already fallen. It's just a case of flushing all the remaining DAESH terrorists out.

The Coalition has been preparing this operation for 2 years. It's not something we just jumped into like Rambo, unlike Pootin with Aleppo and even after way more than a year the Syrians have been unable to enter into the city. Each time the come, they retreat with many casualties.

We are doing just fine Robin Hood but thank you for your concern. Our operations in Mosul have been going barely 1 month and yet so much has been achieved and going according to plan. In fact, we have exceeded expectations so far.

So don't worry. Coalition is not worried. Iraqis are not worried.

To the north we have just liberated the last town into Mosul in a Kurdish Operation which killed 150 DAESH fighters. We are doing just fine thank you for your concern.

I trust this source is considered as having some credibility? The UN says “…..Iraqi forces have so far gained just a small foothold in Mosul.” It appears the UN are at odds with your sources? But there again they do admit their info is a bit patchy …… maybe you should tell them where you get your info from …..... it paints a far more rosy picture of events ? :roll:

Islamic State Abducts Nearly 300 Iraqi Security Forces Near Mosul, UN Reports

GENEVA (Reuters) - Islamic State fighters abducted 295 former Iraqi Security Forces members near the militant stronghold of Mosul and also forced 1,500 families to retreat with them from Hammam al Alil town, the United Nations human rights organization said on Tuesday.

The operation against Islamic State’s Iraqi stronghold has entered its fourth week and Iraqi forces have so far gained just a small foothold in Mosul. :roll:

The U.N. human rights office has sources on the ground but the information they are able to provide is “patchy”, Shamdasani said.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby miltiades » Thu Nov 10, 2016 9:30 pm

Schnauzer wrote:Alexander the Great reportedly stated :-

"I would rather face an army of Lions commanded by a Sheep than an army of Sheep commanded by a Lion !".

It would appear that the 'Lionhearted' leadership of IS regard the forces of the West as rather 'Sheepish' in their lack of enthusiasm to engage in a fair fight ?, nothing new there, the murderous onslaughts (which we ALL have witnessed over the past years) of those Western forces whose only REAL justification for such onslaughts is to steal the resources of the nations they attack or depose the leadership of nations which refuse to cower to their bullying, NOW face a force of resistance which they did not anticipate and will never defeat by 'Force of Arms'.

SHAME is the only reward for the actions of the West in recent years, the unrest which now spreads in so many nations is the direct result of 'Western Aggression' (in many disguises) and there are those who would rather die than capitulate to such veiled aggression.

How sad that those who resist are forced to resort to such horrific acts of retaliation, in all probability a considered ploy to encourage the 'Savages of the West' to think about the evils they have perpetrated and the reactions they have (unexpectedly) encouraged from those oppose their campaigns of terror.

Did I ever tell you that you are full of shit ? Why the fuck haven't you yet gone to join your fucking savages you fucking pervert?
Now do us all a favour and go now, blow your self up, isis needs perverts such as you as human suicide bombers. off you go you piece of shit !
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Schnauzer » Thu Nov 10, 2016 10:12 pm

miltiades wrote:
Schnauzer wrote:Alexander the Great reportedly stated :-

"I would rather face an army of Lions commanded by a Sheep than an army of Sheep commanded by a Lion !".

It would appear that the 'Lionhearted' leadership of IS regard the forces of the West as rather 'Sheepish' in their lack of enthusiasm to engage in a fair fight ?, nothing new there, the murderous onslaughts (which we ALL have witnessed over the past years) of those Western forces whose only REAL justification for such onslaughts is to steal the resources of the nations they attack or depose the leadership of nations which refuse to cower to their bullying, NOW face a force of resistance which they did not anticipate and will never defeat by 'Force of Arms'.

SHAME is the only reward for the actions of the West in recent years, the unrest which now spreads in so many nations is the direct result of 'Western Aggression' (in many disguises) and there are those who would rather die than capitulate to such veiled aggression.

How sad that those who resist are forced to resort to such horrific acts of retaliation, in all probability a considered ploy to encourage the 'Savages of the West' to think about the evils they have perpetrated and the reactions they have (unexpectedly) encouraged from those oppose their campaigns of terror.

Did I ever tell you that you are full of shit ? Why the fuck haven't you yet gone to join your fucking savages you fucking pervert?
Now do us all a favour and go now, blow your self up, isis needs perverts such as you as human suicide bombers. off you go you piece of shit !

Oh, you're just upset because I caught you out 'Plagiarizing' and (before that) pointed out that you forgot to mention the 'Earthquake', you know, the one that you get a 'Strange Feeling' about wherever you are BUT, in 2014, you were so busy frothing at the mouth and insulting all and sundry, you completely forgot.

Don't worry, I will remind you next year, just think about 9/11, easier to remember don't you think ? :lol:

Leave politics alone and concentrate on the things you really are best at, filthy language,insult and abuse AND, harbouring lewd thoughts about little girls by all accounts, (and you call ME a pervert !)

(Copya Beedanuts and Mgona Kikuyu -Tuka have been in touch) the 'Runes' have been cast and ALL is known to them................"Tut Tut" you dirty old man. :roll:
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Thu Nov 10, 2016 10:47 pm

Schnauzer wrote: ..... and there are those who would rather die than capitulate to such veiled aggression.

And you support them because, perhaps, you too are an eschatologist.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Schnauzer » Fri Nov 11, 2016 12:07 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
Schnauzer wrote: ..... and there are those who would rather die than capitulate to such veiled aggression.

And you support them because, perhaps, you too are an eschatologist.

By no means, fact is I harbour very optimistic hopes for the future of mankind despite the horrors that we are obliged to observe on a daily basis.

I am of the opinion that 'Democracy' has proven itself to be farcical and the Western nations are living proof of the fact.

I would advocate the foundation of a 'Caliphate NOT because I am a supporter of the activities of those who now struggle to achieve the establishment of one (although I feel that they have no alternative currently) but because such a society MIGHT prove to be superior to the (so called) 'Democracies' which are busily imposing their obvious 'Decadence' to any nation (of various culture or system of Government) weak enough to succumb to the filth imposed upon them.

Why are the Western powers so afraid of the prospect of a 'Caliphate' ?, perhaps such a society might be of benefit to us all, certainly OUR society could do with a bit of cleaning up.

Allow the establishment of such a society, monitor it's progress, we may learn something OR, if it poses any threat or danger to the world, THEN declare war upon it, not before it even exists. :wink:
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Fri Nov 11, 2016 5:47 am

Schnauzer wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:
Schnauzer wrote: ..... and there are those who would rather die than capitulate to such veiled aggression.

And you support them because, perhaps, you too are an eschatologist.

By no means, fact is I harbour very optimistic hopes for the future of mankind despite the horrors that we are obliged to observe on a daily basis.

I am of the opinion that 'Democracy' has proven itself to be farcical and the Western nations are living proof of the fact.

I would advocate the foundation of a 'Caliphate NOT because I am a supporter of the activities of those who now struggle to achieve the establishment of one (although I feel that they have no alternative currently) but because such a society MIGHT prove to be superior to the (so called) 'Democracies' which are busily imposing their obvious 'Decadence' to any nation (of various culture or system of Government) weak enough to succumb to the filth imposed upon them.

Why are the Western powers so afraid of the prospect of a 'Caliphate' ?, perhaps such a society might be of benefit to us all, certainly OUR society could do with a bit of cleaning up.

Allow the establishment of such a society, monitor it's progress, we may learn something OR, if it poses any threat or danger to the world, THEN declare war upon it, not before it even exists. :wink:

Yes, we would learn something. That we'd been there before! Centuries ago!

- Seriously, Schnauzer, is that all you can find as a means to protest against the extremes of Western society; your version of an anti-establishment vote? :roll:

Anyway, we already have a small version of your ideal society, the 'Caliphate' that has 'cleansed' Westerners. It's termed (by your revered Caliphate) as the 'TRNC'. I suggest you take yourself off there and ....... enjoy! [assuming they want you or would 'allow' you]
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby miltiades » Fri Nov 11, 2016 7:03 am

PERVERT, You may have noticed that I use "foul " language where appropriate, in the same manner that I would use rat poison against rats.
You are a disgusting pervert and I detest all that you stand for. May I, once again, suggest that you piss off to Syria and join your heroes the savages. While you are there make good use of your useless self by blowing it up. Then you will go to paradise and have your disgusting CUntlifate !!
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Schnauzer » Fri Nov 11, 2016 9:25 am

miltiades wrote:PERVERT, You may have noticed that I use "foul " language where appropriate, in the same manner that I would use rat poison against rats.
You are a disgusting pervert and I detest all that you stand for. May I, once again, suggest that you piss off to Syria and join your heroes the savages. While you are there make good use of your useless self by blowing it up. Then you will go to paradise and have your disgusting CUntlifate !!

:lol: :lol: I am reluctant to perform such actions as you suggest unless YOU (Oh Mustapha Kwiktug) my Brother, my fellow follower of the faithful, are prepared to join me in such escapades.

Continue with your inane ramblings and filthy insults BUT, do not forget to raise the subject of how you suffered as a result of the 'Earthquake' which caused you such distress as a young lad prior to the desertion of your fellow countrymen (as you NOW wish to address them, hoping they have forgotten the past).

I will remind you of your obligations to remember your heart-rending experience, it will give you time to conjour the 'Strange Feelings' you suggest come upon you wher'ere you may be during the period of such remembrance.

Meanwhile, content yourself with your 'Lewd Thoughts' about young schoolgirls (plus your expletives of course) and DO continue to embrace the 'Red Wine' which addles your brain, the 'Runes' are cast upon you and your innermost secrets and desires have been revealed unto them that know you. :lol: :lol:
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby miltiades » Fri Nov 11, 2016 9:50 am

These are the savages that you so admire.
The ISIS killing fields: Children's toys and human skulls lie in shallow graves at scene of Mosul school execution where 100 civilians were beheaded

Read more: ... z4PgUmaHJY
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You also wish that the barbarians succeed in establishing their medieval brand of " religion"
You disgusting Pervert!
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