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The war against Syria

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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Wed Nov 09, 2016 4:49 pm

Assad would have been ok if he had been able to maintain control and peace. But he hasn't, so he's on borrowed time now.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby B25 » Wed Nov 09, 2016 4:50 pm

Paphitis wrote:Assad would have been ok if he had been able to maintain control and peace. But he hasn't, so he's on borrowed time now.

Yeah, ok Paphiti, whatever you say. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Wed Nov 09, 2016 5:12 pm

B25 wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Assad would have been ok if he had been able to maintain control and peace. But he hasn't, so he's on borrowed time now.

Yeah, ok Paphiti, whatever you say. :lol: :lol: :lol:

There are plenty dictators like Assad. But none have bombed their own people with Chemical Weapons yet B25.

Coalition is too invested in Syria now B25. And they made too many promises to too many groups/allies to withdraw now. Plus they are on the threshold of taking Raqqa within the next few months.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby miltiades » Wed Nov 09, 2016 5:32 pm

Paphitis wrote:
B25 wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Assad would have been ok if he had been able to maintain control and peace. But he hasn't, so he's on borrowed time now.

Yeah, ok Paphiti, whatever you say. :lol: :lol: :lol:

There are plenty dictators like Assad. But none have bombed their own people with Chemical Weapons yet B25.

Coalition is too invested in Syria now B25. And they made too many promises to too many groups/allies to withdraw now. Plus they are on the threshold of taking Raqqa within the next few months.

Paphitis, are you, even remotely, aware that NOT a single member on this forum shares your views. We cant all be bloody stupid and ignorant. Your views are not those of a responsible man.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Wed Nov 09, 2016 5:33 pm

miltiades wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
B25 wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Assad would have been ok if he had been able to maintain control and peace. But he hasn't, so he's on borrowed time now.

Yeah, ok Paphiti, whatever you say. :lol: :lol: :lol:

There are plenty dictators like Assad. But none have bombed their own people with Chemical Weapons yet B25.

Coalition is too invested in Syria now B25. And they made too many promises to too many groups/allies to withdraw now. Plus they are on the threshold of taking Raqqa within the next few months.

Paphitis, are you, even remotely, aware that NOT a single member on this forum shares your views. We cant all be bloody stupid and ignorant. Your views are not those of a responsible man.

So? I'm no mindless drongo or follow the crowd. And you will be surprised as to how many do agree with me as well. I can't betray my Western values or rule of international law peace and security.

I am pro Europe as much as I am pro Australia and pro our allies like USA. I will never be pro Russia. And nothing can change my mind. I am consistent.

Do you like feeling wanted Miltiades?
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby miltiades » Wed Nov 09, 2016 6:09 pm

Paphitis wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
B25 wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Assad would have been ok if he had been able to maintain control and peace. But he hasn't, so he's on borrowed time now.

Yeah, ok Paphiti, whatever you say. :lol: :lol: :lol:

There are plenty dictators like Assad. But none have bombed their own people with Chemical Weapons yet B25.

Coalition is too invested in Syria now B25. And they made too many promises to too many groups/allies to withdraw now. Plus they are on the threshold of taking Raqqa within the next few months.

Paphitis, are you, even remotely, aware that NOT a single member on this forum shares your views. We cant all be bloody stupid and ignorant. Your views are not those of a responsible man.

So? I'm no mindless drongo or follow the crowd. And you will be surprised as to how many do agree with me as well. I can't betray my Western values or rule of international law peace and security.

I am pro Europe as much as I am pro Australia and pro our allies like USA. I will never be pro Russia. And nothing can change my mind. I am consistent.

Do you like feeling wanted Miltiades?

May I remind you that I have always been pro west. our culture, our way of life, our justice and fairness but bugger me if Im going to fall head over heels and agree on a foreign policy that my logic tells me its bloody stupid. The west has blundered hopelessly in Syria, the war continues because of the West's stupidity. I said this four years ago and still adhere to this.
Only Assad can restore peace and end this bloody war. Who on earth would replace him, a bunch of jihadis who want to return Syria to the dark ages.?
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Wed Nov 09, 2016 6:17 pm

Paphitis wrote:
B25 wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
B25 wrote:Oh dear, Paphiti will be really upset now that you have let the cat out of the bag.

What cat out of the bag?

I don't read dodgy links from dubious Russian websites mate, which are owned by Pootin.

I just skim over to your post buddy.

Look, there will be a note in the Free Syrian Army's next consignment saying that Al Nusra are not to get these weapons. This should keep Robin Hood happy that we are only supplying moderate rebels.

Pentagon can take a photocopy and put it in the top draw.

Now if anyone sees any Al Nusra fighters with illegally gained American weapons then let the Americans know by posting the evidence here, so that the Pentagon can send a more stern letter and warning to The Free Syrian Army!

Best they can do!

There you Paph, just for you mate.

Mosul and Raqqa B25 and a stern letter to FSA!

Coalition in Syria is his answer B25. Where are in Syria and about to take Raqqa.

Western countries always change their leaders every few years. We don't keep it in one family for 50 years.

Face it Paphitis ..... you are a loser! Your posts make absolutely no rational arguments, are devoid of common sense and are far removed from reality. You limit your intake of knowledge by limiting your choice of information sources to only those that agree with your strange perceptions .... of just about every thing. So you are flying blind, no instruments, in thick fog ..... and don't have a clue where you are or where you are going!

Meanwhile ...... in the real world: After almost four weeks, the Iraqi forces you trained have still to make any major inroads into Mosul City proper and the civilian death toll, is rising daily. The Kurds, as I understand it, are still around 50km from Raqqa and it will be many months before they will be in a position to mount any action against IS .... and you think they are about to take it ? :lol:

Your terrorists in Eastern Aleppo will soon be eating rats and their buddies to the west of the city are about to get annihilated by the Russian and Syrian air force and a whole bunch of cruise missiles. :o :shock:

Assad will remain in power because that is what the majority of Syrians in the free government controlled areas have voted for and once the civilian hostages manage to break free from Eastern Aleppo, having tasted your idea of the ideal answer to Assad, will also want Assad to remain.

There is no such thing as the tooth fairy, father Christmas, flying saucers, 'moderate' terrorists or an 'official' Syrian opposition, except the one sitting in Parliament. 'The Opposition' is a political classification ........ politicians do not carry AK-47's or RPG's, chop off heads or eat their captives organs!

Meanwhile in the real world that most of us live in..... :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Wed Nov 09, 2016 6:51 pm

I don't think so Robin Hood! As I told you, we have been working on our goals for a couple of years and we will continue to do so until there is a comprehensive peace deal in Syria.

And oh yeh right. Our operations in Mosul only started a month ago and we are within striking distance of the center. But after more than a year, Assad's criminal forces have not been able to enter East Aleppo and have even lost some ground recently. So please tell us when Aleppo is going to fall again. January 2016 or was it 2020? Face it, we own your arses! Our Rebels have TOW and Javelin. You got nowhere to hide. Assad's Armour has practically been destroyed! :lol:

There will not be any cooperation with Russia until that becomes reality. We have the upper hand around Mosul and we are about to enter Raqqa in the near term. Our presence in Syria is guaranteed for as long as he ng as we have our patch or a comprehensive settlement is achieved.

We are achieving results, Assad the war criminal has hit a wall.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Schnauzer » Wed Nov 09, 2016 7:30 pm

Paphitis wrote:I don't think so Robin Hood! As I told you, we have been working on our goals for a couple of years and we will continue to do so until there is a comprehensive peace deal in Syria.

And oh yeh right. Our operations in Mosul only started a month ago and we are within striking distance of the center. But after more than a year, Assad's criminal forces have not been able to enter East Aleppo and have even lost some ground recently. So please tell us when Aleppo is going to fall again. January 2016 or was it 2020? Face it, we own your arses! Our Rebels have TOW and Javelin. You got nowhere to hide. Assad's Armour has practically been destroyed! :lol:

There will not be any cooperation with Russia until that becomes reality. We have the upper hand around Mosul and we are about to enter Raqqa in the near term. Our presence in Syria is guaranteed for as long as he ng as we have our patch or a comprehensive settlement is achieved.

We are achieving results, Assad the war criminal has hit a wall.

Latest news from 'Mosul'...........IS are kicking arse !. :roll:
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Wed Nov 09, 2016 8:11 pm

I don't think so Robin Hood! As I told you, we have been working on our goals for a couple of years and we will continue to do so until there is a comprehensive peace deal in Syria.

You have been working on your goals since before 2011. The problem for you is that Assad was sinking under the incursion of Islamic Terrorists funded and armed by the US, so he asked Putin for help. That was the game changer and all your goals turned to mist before your eyes. The peace in Syria will come through Assad, the SAA/Allies and Russia and I think who ever Trump choses as his Secretary of State (Maybe Mrs. Trump? :D ), he/she will have a completely different brief to Kelly ..... make peace not war ..... don’t threaten, negotiate ..... compromise, rather than following a single purpose. :roll:

And oh yeh right. Our operations in Mosul only started a month ago and we are within striking distance of the center. But after more than a year, Assad's criminal forces have not been able to enter East Aleppo and have even lost some ground recently. So please tell us when Aleppo is going to fall again. January 2016 or was it 2020? Face it, we own your arses! Our Rebels have TOW and Javelin. You got nowhere to hide. Assad's Armour has practically been destroyed!

Cloud cuckoo land. So what have your coalition been doing if they have spent five years working on their goals? You are within artillery range of Mosul city centre but so is Assad in Aleppo and has been so for a couple of years. But artillery and bombs kill civilians, as you are very quick to point out when you make accusations of war crimes ..... but of course that does not apply to your ventures in Mosul ..... you have magic bombs and shells. But for three weeks there has been no bombing within a 10km radius of Allepo. The coalition has been bombing Mosul continuously ...... I know, I can hear the aircraft leaving Akrotiri very regularly ..... like every 20-30 minutes.

I think that, once again, you have it all arse about face? It is the terrorists to the West of the city that have had all their tanks and armoured vehicles destroyed ...... and most of the weapons (50 tonnes) you supplied have also been destroyed by air attacks.

YOU own nothing in Syria! Assad forces occupy and defend most of the major centres of population in Syria and 70% of the population are living in comparative peace under the SAA’s protection.

There will not be any cooperation with Russia until that becomes reality. We have the upper hand around Mosul and we are about to enter Raqqa in the near term. Our presence in Syria is guaranteed for as long as he ng as we have our patch or a comprehensive settlement is achieved.

It is going to be YOU that agrees to cooperate with Russia as they are in Syria legally under International Law and also Assad as the elected President of Syria. YOU will never enter Syria legally as YOU have no invite and no UN Mandate ...... every time you fly into Syrian air space you are breaking International Law and every bomb you drop is a war crime.

Idiot ..... YOU are 50km from Raqqa and I suspect that this war will be all but over before YOU get anywhere near the city itself. For a start the Turks will not allow the Kurds to take anything. Solve that problem if you can.

We are achieving results, Assad the war criminal has hit a wall.

So far you have achieved very little. The gains have all been by Assad and Russia. YOU have accused Assad of war crimes ..... you have yet to prove them. Accusation and proof are different things. It would be easier to prove coalition war crimes and crimes against humanity because they are so blatant, just denying and ignoring International Law does not make your crimes go away. :roll: :x
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