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The war against Syria

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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Sun Nov 06, 2016 1:35 pm

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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Nov 06, 2016 2:05 pm


Milti is right .... you ARE all on your own. Nobody sane would hold the views you do! You are mentally deranged and live in a world of your imagination.

As I said, before you spout about Georgia/Sth Osetia and Russia ..... check out events first. You have everything arse-about-face. The same for Ukraine! In Ukraine those that hold similar views to yours always start with 'Russia [invaded Crimea!' followed by 'Then they annexed it!' ..... both statements are factually incorrect.

They always overlook the simple fact that Georgia invaded Sth.Osetia; killed several hundred Sth Osetians, flattened the capital city, killed quite a few Russian peace keepers who kept the Georgians from invading Sth Osetia to that point. When Georgia took the law into their own hands ....... and made war on Sth.Osetia, Russia gave them a bloody good thrashing and took the war to them. They got thrashed and didn't like it. The UN report confirms Georgia started the war with its invasion of Sth.Osetia.

As for Ukraine, those again that think like you, completely overlook the US inspired coup, which overthrew the elected government and installed a right wing fascist crowd to run the country. (Sounds the US's similar plan for Syria?) This 'government' threatened all Russian speakers, shut down all Russian news papers, magazines, TV stations; banned the Russian language and said they were going to throw the Russians out of Sevastopol. The Russians had a 40+ year lease on it by a legal treaty with the ELECTED government. I am sure if the US's Bahrain base was threatened like Sevastopol was .... the US reaction would not be to pack up and walk away ! :roll:

In response to this threat, the Crimean's sought protection from Russia who locked down the Ukraine Army in Crimea; this allowed the people to exercise their right to self determination ........ they chose independence, set up a government elected by the people and they then had a referendum on annexation to the Russian Federation. The answer was a resounding YES with 90%+ of the votes. They achieved this with NO LOSS OF LIFE and no destruction of property. A slightly different approach to the US coalition's . :x

I'll leave it there and leave Donbas and Luhansk, but there it was the same story. Victimisation of the ethnic Russians and they went onto the defence against some pretty horrific atrocities carried out by supporters of the illegal US inspired and organised, coup government. So try and get at least the basic facts correct! :roll: :x
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Sun Nov 06, 2016 2:10 pm

It's checkmate Robin! Checkmate!

For all the bravado, it's starting to get very embarrassing.

But I think you will find that the Coalition are a forgiving bunch of countries. It's not too late for Pootin to join the Victor's side.

He might just be able to avert Partition of Syria as well. That's my next prediction right after the No Fly Zone because we will never hand over these Sunni populations over to Assad.

Or he can recommence peace negotiations. It's all up for grabs!

But we have caveats!

Leave it too late, and the Coalition won't be as accommodating. The pendulum has swung!

And you might want to rethink who is all on their own on this cold Moscow night! It ain't the Coalition or me.

Pootin went all Rambo and ended up with a great big Angouri!

Well it looks like we are in control in Iraq and now Syria.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Sun Nov 06, 2016 2:20 pm

Come in Robin Hood!

Did I not warn you a long time ago? Only to be confronted with your vitriolic bile.

Where's your manners?

Oh wait! You miscalculated didn't you? You bet the house that the Coalition will always maintain its manners and just let Pootin get away Scott Free like in Ukraine. Wrong!
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Sun Nov 06, 2016 2:23 pm

Obama is having a Barby with The Chicago Cubs!
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Get Real! » Sun Nov 06, 2016 2:24 pm

Paphitis wrote:Come in Robin Hood!

Did I not warn you a long time ago? Only to be confronted with your vitriolic bile.

Where's your manners?

Oh wait! You miscalculated didn't you? You bet the house that the Coalition will always maintain its manners and just let Pootin get away Scott Free like in Ukraine. Wrong!

Just fuck off from the forum because you're fucking useless and making a fool of yourself 24/7.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Sun Nov 06, 2016 2:25 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Come in Robin Hood!

Did I not warn you a long time ago? Only to be confronted with your vitriolic bile.

Where's your manners?

Oh wait! You miscalculated didn't you? You bet the house that the Coalition will always maintain its manners and just let Pootin get away Scott Free like in Ukraine. Wrong!

Just fuck off from the forum because you're fucking useless and making a fool of yourself 24/7.

It's checkmate dude. It doesn't look good at all.

Just let the Coalition know if you want the Vgenopoos phones tapped!

The only thing your police can tap is the kitchen sink! :lol:
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby yialousa1971 » Mon Nov 07, 2016 3:26 pm


The attack on Russia’s Mi-35 multi-role combat helicopter by ISIS near the city of Palmyra in the Syrian province of Homs was a very bad idea for the ISIS terrorist group.
Following the incident, the Russian Aerospace Forces’ attack helicopters, including the Mil Mi-24 (NATO reporting name: Hind) and Mil Mi-28N (NATO reporting name: Havoc), swarmed in the province, purging the terrorist group’s manpower and military equipment.

The developments near the ancient city of Palmyra is barely covered by the mainstream media. However, successull operations of the Syrian army and the Russian military in the area are one of the factors preventing the ISIS terrorist group from active offensive operations across the country. ... ight-isis/
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Nov 07, 2016 8:32 pm

...thanks yialousa.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby yialousa1971 » Mon Nov 07, 2016 11:58 pm

Paphitis wrote:Checkmate!

:lol: ... a.html?m=1

Russia Advances its IADS in Syria

Over the last year, Russia has built up an expeditionary Integrated Air Defense System (IADS) in Syria. Russia intends to use this IADS to push the potential cost of continued US coalition involvement in Syria past the threshold of acceptable risk. On 03 OCT the Russian military deployed the S-300 (NATO reporting name: SA-23) air defense system to the Syrian naval base in Tartus. Russian forces already operate the S-400 (NATO reporting name SA-21 Growler) long-range air defense system, which has a claimed range of 400km, as well as the S-200 (SA-5 Gammon), in Syria. Russia also operates a number of short-range air defense systems, including the Pantsir-S1 and Buk missile systems, as well as the naval version of the S-300 a Slava-class guided missile cruiser in the Mediterranean. In addition to the IADS, Syrian forces operate the Bastion coastal defense system out of Tartus.

Now that the Russian IADS in Syria is deployed and presumably fully functional, it changes the regional security situation in two ways. First, it confirms that the ongoing Russian deployment of disparate missile systems to Syria over the past year always intended to culminate in a fully functional IADS, rather than individual missile systems in different locations. SAM systems in the S-300 family (including the S-400) are designed to be both forwards and backwards compatible, which means that their component parts – command and control modules, search and fire control radars, missile launchers and missiles – may be used in different combinations.

Second, this deployable and road mobile IADS solely aims to threaten US and coalition aircraft and deter further involvement or escalation of coalition operations. There is no credible fixed wing, rotary wing, or ballistic missile threat to Russian forces in Syria from ISIS or any other potential adversary that would require a modern IADS. The only purpose of this IADS is to pressure US and coalition policy makers to cede the majority of Syrian airspace to Russian and Syrian aircraft in order to continue their campaign of targeting civilian populations for destruction or depopulation, as evidenced by recent Russian threats to shoot down U.S. coalition aircraft. This expeditionary, modular, and mobile Russian IADS is a significant upgrade over the legacy Syrian IADS. The component parts of the Syrian IADS were largely fixed, difficult if not impossible to move, and highly dependent on centralized command and control as well as external long range radar cuing. The interdependency of the legacy Syrian IADS meant that destroying any one component of the Syrian IADS would significantly reduce its efficacy. In contrast, the Russian expeditionary IADS is fully road mobile, with partial offroad capability, and modular, meaning each component can operate as a standalone SAM system or be organized as a genuine IADS, which is what Russia has now achieved. The Russian expeditionary IADS is much more survivable than the legacy Syrian IADS.

U.S. officials, including presidential candidate Hilary Clinton, have suggested establishing a no-fly zone in parts of northern Syria. This would mean using U.S. aircraft to patrol Syrian airspace in order to prevent Russian and Syrian planes from carrying out strikes. Russian expansion of its IADS network means that U.S. coalition aircraft risk being shot down while operating within Russia’s A2AD envelope. A shoot-down of a U.S. coalition aircraft would force the U.S. to either drastically escalate in order to answer Russia’s provocation, or to downscale or cease operations in Syria. Russia aims to present the U.S. with these two undesirable options on the assumption that the U.S. would choose to avoid any potential conflict. By establishing this expeditionary IADS in Syria, Russia aims to establish a de facto no-fly zone for US and coalition aircraft over much of Syria.
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