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The war against Syria

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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Nov 06, 2016 9:50 am

have you noticed. When we sit by, pootin gets more adventurous and arrogant. Well, we have to put a stop to that and this is where the line in the sand is being drawn.

pootin caused this. Don't ever forget that. Now he has a tab to settle.

What Planet are you on? So, after the USSR collapsed YOU sat there and did nothing? :lol: :lol: :lol: You have to admit Lavrof did apologise for Russia having their borders so close to NATO's military build up in Eastern Europe. Again the Russians believed the US ..... I am surprised they fell for it!

The US and its various coalitions started this conflict in Syria as they did in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and of course, lest we forget, in Ukraine too!! Their fingerprints are all over it. No doubt you will now raise Georgia and Crimea as examples of Russian aggression? Check the history books first before you caste blame ! :x :roll:
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Sun Nov 06, 2016 9:57 am

Robin Hood wrote:Paphitis:
have you noticed. When we sit by, pootin gets more adventurous and arrogant. Well, we have to put a stop to that and this is where the line in the sand is being drawn.

pootin caused this. Don't ever forget that. Now he has a tab to settle.

What Planet are you on? So, after the USSR collapsed YOU sat there and did nothing? :lol: :lol: :lol: You have to admit Lavrof did apologise for Russia having their borders so close to NATO's military build up in Eastern Europe. Again the Russians believed the US ..... I am surprised they fell for it!

The US and its various coalitions started this conflict in Syria as they did in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and of course, lest we forget, in Ukraine too!! Their fingerprints are all over it. No doubt you will now raise Georgia and Crimea as examples of Russian aggression? Check the history books first before you caste blame ! :x :roll:

The Coalition know exactly which planet they are from. it might take us a while, but only because we take the pacifist peaceful approach to start with.

But that didn't work too well, so we quietly went on with our business, and achieving our own objectives with a mere few American and australian iraqi Army boot camps and chiseled away to form a mighty fighting force and ignored the taunts, whilst helping the rebels in Aleppo as much as we could.

You got to admit though! They are fantastic fighters wouldn't you say? just like the Kurds of Kobani! against all odds, they have turned the tables, and the Syrians can't do anything about it. You think you can kill them from the skies?

No no mate! You will need to mobilize Russian troops. let's see the Russian body count then.

pootin got done Robin. And then he announced a 2 week ceasefire (bulhshit) and our Rebels went on the offensive. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Sun Nov 06, 2016 10:00 am

What is the world going to say about pootin when the Mosul operations are successful. i make no promises, but things aren't exactly looking good for DAESH in Mosul.

I am quietly confident but I will never talk big like Pootin because I know that DAESH are an enemy which is unknown among civilians. In other words, it's gonna be bloody hard as hell, but so far things have gone our way.

Oh well. Hung by his own petard!
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby miltiades » Sun Nov 06, 2016 10:26 am

Paphitis, are you at all bothered that not a single member on this forum shares your views on the Syrian issue ?
Unless of course your opinion is that we are all idiots and anti west. Your views are only yours, no one else's.

You have allowed your self to be utterly nonsensical on the Syrian issue as well as other issues.

I take it that you accept you are the only poster who has these views.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Sun Nov 06, 2016 10:31 am

miltiades wrote:Paphitis, are you at all bothered that not a single member on this forum shares your views on the Syrian issue ?
Unless of course your opinion is that we are all idiots and anti west. Your views are only yours, no one else's.

You have allowed your self to be utterly nonsensical on the Syrian issue as well as other issues.

I take it that you accept you are the only poster who has these views.


Are you aware that we are on cyprus forum? You know, most members (not all) are a bit screwed or loose.

Ask from more learned sources, and my opinions and outlook are not far off the mark.

pootin, declared war against the West when they first invaded South ossetia. We did nothing. Then it was Ukraine, again we took a diplomatic and pacifist approach. Then we realized that this is getting us nowhere and that negotiations are meaningless now.

So now, the chooks are coming home. And if we do not succeed, it's ok. Pootin, if he is smart, knows our stance is hardening and that we will just go further down the line and have another Proxy war until the nutcase learns his lesson. There are lessons to be had, and the West isn't just going to roll over.

We never provoked, or taunted. Pootin did, and on top of that, he is also interfering in America's domestic affairs. This is unprecedented.

Sorry milti, but you are naive. The west has serious issues to address now and DAESH is not the highest thing on our agenda for now, when we have tiny little states like Lithuania, and Latvia at the brink. pootin is testing the waters. we are making sure he burns his fingers.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Sun Nov 06, 2016 10:39 am

Not only did he provoke us, but he taunted us, in the belief we won't do anything.

he took the piss over and over. Obviously, he has a huge ego. not our issue. we don't care what he does, but when he keeps stomping on our feet insulting our intelligence, then there is a price to pay.

And the price is high. It's expensive, and the medicine is very bitter and nasty.

Who's side are you on? Are you on Russia's side?

Or are you going to see some sense and be on the side of countries like France, Canada, and NZ. It should be a no brainer.

Even New Zealand is the main supplier of the White helmets. Quite clearly, this little country of 5 million (and its one of the best countries on the planet), aren't buying Russia's propaganda and are disgusted with the war crimes. they probably have the best Prime Minister on the planet as well. A marvelous Statesman respected globally and by everyone.

Small country, but one of the best, and one of the most pacifist nations, but by heck they pack a punch globally, and within the UN, UNHCR, etc etc.

Much more highly regarded than Pootin is.

Russia is poking and prodding us. it has been going on for a few years now. Well, keep poking the bear and you know what happens. the only bad thing for the world, is that we have never been closer to all out war for a long time. We are very close. And Pootin is the guy starting it.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Sun Nov 06, 2016 10:53 am

Bottom line is, there are literally a dozen countries in eastern Europe are are very scared. WHY? And they continuously ask for NATO Missile Shields, and a NATO presence. WHY? because they are scared! because they were bitten before.

But it doesn't end there. Then you have South Korea, Japan, Australia, and NZ. They are terrified as well.

We have all been threatened. And then all you do is talk about DAESH. We couldn't care less about DAESH. Sure they are butchers, and criminals and terrorists. But they aren't threatening countries are they? Only with the odd terrorist event which is of course terrible. We are taking care of them slowly and methodically. but we are not at risk from them are we?

let me ask you this! Australia is spending $50 Billion to build 12 new submarines. WHY? To go and fight ISIL? Dream on buddy! These are for a future Armageddon!
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby miltiades » Sun Nov 06, 2016 11:29 am

Yes of course this is the Cyprus Forum and most are Cypriots, also a number of non Cypriots.

I'm on record as being an ardent supporter of the Western world but I do not subscribe to the position the West has on either Syria or Russia. Provoking Russia by surrounding it with NATO forces isn't exactly conducive to world peace.

Ukraine, and other nations close to Russia and previously part of the Soviet Union must not and can not be drafted into NATO presenting Russia with a threat that she can not possibly just brush aside. The war mongers in these instance are the Wests stupid and incompetent leaders , short sighted and un statesmen, unless of course you consider Obama or either of the two candidates as having qualities attributed to a world statesman.

At the start of the Syrian conflict Russia did not want to get involved advising the west to do likewise, China too.

The West rushed in with absurd demands demanding a change of regime and in the process supporting jihadists.
Fucking stupid and fucking mad. Who the fuck will replace Assad mate, a bunch of fucking jihadists hell bent on introducing Sharia and taking Syria back to the dark ages? Is this what the west wants, a Syria ruled by jihadists. Wake up mate, if you wish we could just confirm that none on this forum share your views. Do bear in mind that I have lived in the UK for 55 years, a Cypriot Yes but narrow minded No. The west needs to reappraise its Syrian policy and let the Syrians decide their own future.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Sun Nov 06, 2016 11:37 am

miltiades wrote:Yes of course this is the Cyprus Forum and most are Cypriots, also a number of non Cypriots.

I'm on record as being an ardent supporter of the Western world but I do not subscribe to the position the West has on either Syria or Russia. Provoking Russia by surrounding it with NATO forces isn't exactly conducive to world peace.

Ukraine, and other nations close to Russia and previously part of the Soviet Union must not and can not be drafted into NATO presenting Russia with a threat that she can not possibly just brush aside. The war mongers in these instance are the Wests stupid and incompetent leaders , short sighted and un statesmen, unless of course you consider Obama or either of the two candidates as having qualities attributed to a world statesman.

At the start of the Syrian conflict Russia did not want to get involved advising the west to do likewise, China too.

The West rushed in with absurd demands demanding a change of regime and in the process supporting jihadists.
Fucking stupid and fucking mad. Who the fuck will replace Assad mate, a bunch of fucking jihadists hell bent on introducing Sharia and taking Syria back to the dark ages? Is this what the west wants, a Syria ruled by jihadists. Wake up mate, if you wish we could just confirm that none on this forum share your views. Do bear in mind that I have lived in the UK for 55 years, a Cypriot Yes but narrow minded No. The west needs to reappraise its Syrian policy and let the Syrians decide their own future.

Sorry, but that is a decision for Ukraine to make. They are a sovereign country, and it appears they would be stupid not joining NATO now.

They are free to join NATO and so are all the Eastern European States like Poland, Latvia and Lithuania. this isn't about what Russia wants.

NATO is purely a defensive force. In other words, Russians don't have anything to fear from NATO provided they don't attack a NATO alliance member.

Yes well, now we are at a stalemate, and all Pootin can do is whinge and complain. oh well. before too long, he will be talking regime change as well.

Either that, or Russian Troops are mobilized. so what's it gonna be?

Pootin dictated terms in South Ossetia because we let him. pootin dictated terms in Ukraine because we let him. He is no longer dictating any terms or in a position to be doing anything until he puts his money where his mouth is and mobilizes troops into syria, so he can learn his bitter lessons.

If he was a good boy, then maybe there wouldn't be a need for NATO. but he is a naughty boy and there is definitely a need for NATO. A need driven from all the countries of Europe at their request.

As for True cypriots, well they have always proven to be a couple of bullets short of a full magazine. If they were smart, they would have been a NATO member in the 60s. But pandering to all the countries that threatened Europe had its price. They did that in NATO's backyard! How stupid can you get?

It's also the only EU meber State that is not a NATO member. You figure it out for yourself.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Maximus » Sun Nov 06, 2016 1:09 pm

NATO already occupies about half of Cyprus.

What will change for Cyprus if Cyprus officially becomes a member of NATO?

NATO, purely a defensive force? this could not be further from the truth.
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