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The war against Syria

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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Sun Nov 06, 2016 1:56 am

Robin Hood wrote:Paphitis:
I have just read your recent diatribes and can’t be bothered to waste the time even attempting to correct your misunderstandings of history and the usual bullsh*t you spout.

The only one who believes the rubbish you post regarding events in Syria .... is you! I don’t think members agree on much else you post either ...... but you need have no concern because, as you will appreciate, everyone else but you is out of step and has got it all wrong.

But to keep you up to date with a more reasoned view of events ..........

Aleppo – your terrorists prevented any civilians leaving, during the 10 hr CH, in fact they shot at 40 civilians trying to leave and shelled the escape routes. The terrorists attempt to break through the ring around the Eastern Aleppo terrorists and their hostages failed and where they did make any inroads they were driven back with heavy losses in men and equipment. The civilians have been leafleted telling them to shelter where best they can. The final battle for Aleppo appears to be underway. Finished by Tuesday? ..... OK, maybe a bit optimistic but not that far off I think! :wink:

Mosul – News coming out of the City and the suburbs is very scant, no journalist have been permitted to enter the city so news is mostly from civilians who have managed to get out and Iraqi forces personnel. The Iraqi army are still nibbling away at the outskirts with columns of armoured vehicles ..... backed by almost continuous air bombardment by US coalition aircraft.

Civilian casualties are climbing day-by-day, hour-by-hour and already are conservatively in the upper hundreds but the Russians are monitoring events and have satellite images showing civilian areas of Mosul being deliberately bombed by coalition aircraft. The State department has acknowledged civilian casualties due to their bombing and a spokes man said ‘... there are bound to be accidents’. :x Of course .... what else could they say? :x

The Kuznetsov - it completed its W-E transit of the Med, without any interference from ‘enemy’ forces and, before it reached its destination, was practising take-off’s and landings off the south coast of Crete. They have obviously now made all the aircraft remote control ..... because someone who claims to be very well informed, said the Russians didn’t have any suitably trained pilots. It is now on station with the rest of the flotilla and will no doubt be working with land based aircraft, long range bombers and ground forces to finally take Aleppo in the next few days. :roll:

The base at Akrotiri has been very active all day today, no doubt dropping magic bombs ‘... that only kill IS terrorists‘, on the people of Mosul. :roll:

Really? no interference from NATO at all? Are you friggin sure about that?

Mate, here is a news flash. NATO would have interfered with it all the way and even have jammed all its electronics and it probably still is right now. They just not going to tell you about it, and the Russians will never admit it either.

there is plenty of news coming out of Mosul but none of it is very good news for you or Pootin. Our forces are within 3 kms of the center and making slow but steady progress.

In Aleppo, our Rebels went on the offensive into government controlled Western Aleppo, the Civilians could have left then but hardly none wanted to. Our forces are much larger than the reported 800 rebels. there is more like 10,000 and they are well armed. Even better armed than the Syrians are.

And I am also very grateful to the RAF's solid contribution in both Syria and Iraq. Our Coalition is all over Iraq assisting the Iraqis, and we are also operating in Syria around Raqqa as well, and Pootin doesn't seem interested in Raqqa because it is ISIL controlled.

look, I can't help it if you were wrong. I have been listening to your posts waiting for the impending fall of Aleppo, but NOTHING! I mean seriously! Did pootin make a miscalculation? Surely NOT! :lol:

Oh and Cyprus is a Coalition State.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Sun Nov 06, 2016 4:50 am

Robin Hood wrote:
repulsewarrior wrote:IS claims to have shot down an attack helicopter (reportedly Russian) near Huwaysis, east Homs ... helicopter

It seems that it was on the ground because of a technical problem and the terrorists fired an anti-tank missile at it. The crew of two escaped without injury and returned to base. :D

At this rate, this will be you way before Aleppo is liberated! :lol:

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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Nov 06, 2016 8:08 am

Really? no interference from NATO at all? Are you friggin sure about that?
Mate, here is a news flash. NATO would have interfered with it all the way and even have jammed all its electronics and it probably still is right now. They just not going to tell you about it, and the Russians will never admit it either.

You mean like the British didn’t keep the world informed of their heroic actions in ‘harassing’ the transit of the Kuznetsov and its supporting vessels, through the Channel? Something they had been informed of almost three months before hand. Had the coalition tried to interfere with Kuznetsov in its transition through the Med, believe me we would have known about it for sure.

there is plenty of news coming out of Mosul but none of it is very good news for you or Pootin. Our forces are within 3 kms of the center and making slow but steady progress.

Mosul is of no concern to Syrians because it is in Iraq, or didn’t you know that. Syrians couldn’t give a monkeys .... providing you don’t start dumping your human leftovers (IS) over their border.

3km is a long way when it is urban warfare ..... ask the SAA, Hezbollah and Iran. That is certainly not good news for YOU either after over three weeks of the easy bit and even then the advance is 'slow'!

In spite of all the humanitarian clap trap about WE don’t target civilians, WE don’t bomb schools and hospitals ..... it seems the reality is the opposite and that is coming from the civilians YOU are bombing. Maybe Putin and Assad should start talking to the ICC about coalition war crimes; not only in Syria but also in Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan?

In Aleppo, our Rebels went on the offensive into government controlled Western Aleppo, the Civilians could have left then but hardly none wanted to. Our forces are much larger than the reported 800 rebels. there is more like 10,000 and they are well armed. Even better armed than the Syrians are

YOUR terrorists were beaten back on all fronts and a very large part of the 40-50 tonnes of arms and ammunition was destroyed. They resorted to car bombs ..... and of course ‘poison’ gas! In Eastern Aleppo the terrorists are far from well armed, it is the terrorirst to the west of Aleppo that you supplied. Russian drones are watching all the area and it is in lockdown. The terrorists are not getting their life blood ..... weapons because there is no way in that Assad/Russia don’t watch.

BTW: The civilians cannot leave, your terrorists will only let them out if they pay $300 per person. If you watched RT they have interviews with those that did manage to get out and are still in touch (cellphone) with those that are trapped behind.

And I am also very grateful to the RAF's solid contribution in both Syria and Iraq. Our Coalition is all over Iraq assisting the Iraqis, and we are also operating in Syria around Raqqa as well, and Pootin doesn't seem interested in Raqqa because it is ISIL controlled.

Yes, I think that they do a good job ..... but as any incursion into Syria is against international law they are misguided and ‘ .... only following orders.’ They do not get the option to express their views ..... as it was once pointed out to me ‘You could not run the military if every body was allowed a personal view.’. They do what they are told to do and do it well ..... but that does not make it right. My feeling is that they should be used ONLY on missions into Iraq, not those in Syria. Think back ..... the UK Parliament never gave the Government the mandate it wanted when the US decide to attack Syria and Cameron was very keen to join in the slaughter. I have not heard that there has been any change to that position.

look, I can't help it if you were wrong. I have been listening to your posts waiting for the impending fall of Aleppo, but NOTHING! I mean seriously! Did pootin make a miscalculation? Surely NOT![/quote!

The one thing you can bet your boots on with Putin is that he will never tell the World what he is going to do .... until HE decides to do it. He does not posture or boast about what he is going to do, unlike the US and the coalition.

What miscalculation ? His only miscalculation was trusting that Kerry was genuinely trying to make a ceasfire work. Now beletedly he will not trust the coalition at all. Aleppo will fall to Assad, of that there seems to be little doubt ..... even in the MSM.

Oh and Cyprus is a Coalition State.

Cyprus is an independent Republic and is not, thank goodness, a member of NATO. Words come easy .... as you regularly demonstate ....... actions are what count! And so far in Syria it is Russias actions that have bought results. Those chickens you keep crowing about ....... are the headless variety! :lol: :lol:
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Sun Nov 06, 2016 8:33 am

Cyprus is an EU state, and hence might as well be in NATO. And it will be in NATO one day. There is no escape.

What you think NATO is gonna let Cyprus go? Yeh the last time Cyprus said boo, we all know what resulted and don't think the Russians were innocent because they were egging cyprus on making promises they will never fulfill just like the promises they never fulfilled with the S300 crisis.

So Cyprus got ripped off, and still no missiles.

Pootin certainly does care about Mosul, because he is being hung by his own petard. remember when he was telling the world that he will sort all the rebels out in a couple of months, and that the Coalition was doing nothing.

Well, we were doing something. We just were not doing it the pootin way. we had a strategy, building and training the Iraqis into a fighting force. we did the same with the Kurds and Turkmen.

And now, all the chooks are coming home, whilst pootin has made almost zero progress.

look I can't help it that the wheels have fallen off and that we are maintaining the Status Quo indefinately. i tried to warn you but off you went with all your hatred and blood dripping from your fangs. Oh well!

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Re: The war against Syria

Postby miltiades » Sun Nov 06, 2016 9:08 am

Paphitis wrote:
miltiades wrote:How many suicides occur in Greece annually ? Can you provide a link ?

I can't find a link that actually tallies a body count. not even WHO have one, but estimate over a million suicides every year.

They usually give statistics of suicides on a per 100,000 basis. I guess it makes it easier to compare a percentage rate between countries. ... ion-353056

Just to refresh your memory.
My question to you was "How many suicides occur in Greece annually ?"
You answered: I can't find a link that actually tallies a body count. not even WHO have one, but estimate over a million suicides every year."

You are contradicting your self because you rush to post without first thinking. As you can see from above exchange my question referred solely to Greece, not worldwide. You got your figures wrong, easily done when one rushes to post.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Sun Nov 06, 2016 9:16 am

miltiades wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
miltiades wrote:How many suicides occur in Greece annually ? Can you provide a link ?

I can't find a link that actually tallies a body count. not even WHO have one, but estimate over a million suicides every year.

They usually give statistics of suicides on a per 100,000 basis. I guess it makes it easier to compare a percentage rate between countries. ... ion-353056

Just to refresh your memory.
My question to you was "How many suicides occur in Greece annually ?"
You answered: I can't find a link that actually tallies a body count. not even WHO have one, but estimate over a million suicides every year."

You are contradicting your self because you rush to post without first thinking. As you can see from above exchange my question referred solely to Greece, not worldwide. You got your figures wrong, easily done when one rushes to post.

This is what I posted and I didn't mention Greece.

Paphitis wrote:
miltiades wrote:How many suicides occur in Greece annually ? Can you provide a link ?

I can't find a link that actually tallies a body count. not even WHO have one, but estimate over a million suicides every year.

They usually give statistics of suicides on a per 100,000 basis. I guess it makes it easier to compare a percentage rate between countries. ... ion-353056

It's not my issue if you don't have the common sense to put 2 and 2 together.

And on top of that, you asked me directly about the million suicides and I answered you.

I clearly stated that this was a worldwide estimate from WHO.

Here it is!

Paphitis wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
I can't find a link that actually tallies a body count. not even WHO have one, but estimate over a million suicides every year.

Over a ...million every year !! Is this the number worldwide or just for Greece ? :lol:

Worldwide! :roll:

A million in Greece would be 10% of the entire population. I only attributed 10,000 suicides in Greece due to economic circumstances and austerity as well as unemployment. A body count that isn't insignificant given that Greece only had 6500 military losses fighting the Italians in WW2. :roll:

geez Miltiades, use your common sense! You're getting too old.

But that still doesn't stop you from being silly and immature.

I believed it was common sense and it didn't need to be spelled out, but I was wrong.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby miltiades » Sun Nov 06, 2016 9:28 am

"The push is being led by Jabhat Fateh al-Sham, a jihadi group that shares much of al-Qaida’s worldview and to which rebels in the city have increasingly turned for help to break a crippling siege."

Are these ...YOUR REBELS ?
You said they were: " In Aleppo, our Rebels went on the offensive into government controlled Western Aleppo,"
You therefore consider, your own opinion ONLY, that jihadi groups are part of ...YOUR rebels."

Mate the West has fucked up badly, on one hand we are told that the coalition war was to be against Isis on the other hand the West seems to be in ...bed with jihadists !!
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Sun Nov 06, 2016 9:33 am

miltiades wrote:"The push is being led by Jabhat Fateh al-Sham, a jihadi group that shares much of al-Qaida’s worldview and to which rebels in the city have increasingly turned for help to break a crippling siege."

Are these ...YOUR REBELS ?
You said they were: " In Aleppo, our Rebels went on the offensive into government controlled Western Aleppo,"
You therefore consider, your own opinion ONLY, that jihadi groups are part of ...YOUR rebels."

Mate the West has fucked up badly, on one hand we are told that the coalition war was to be against Isis on the other hand the West seems to be in ...bed with jihadists !!

Yes they are! and that is the propaganda you have swallowed. Some of our Rebels could be from other groups like Al Nusra even. But they have told us that they are defectors. that is very convenient for the Coalition too. because right now, it's about maintaining the Status Quo. which so far is going according to plan.

But even if they were Al Qaeda, the Coalition doesn't care. They have bigger fish to fry, and it has to do with global defence and security.

Right now, pootin has to be put in his place, otherwise the West is gonna pay a much heavier price where more countries will fall in the future.

Have you noticed? When we sit by, Pootin gets more adventurous and arrogant. Well, we have to put a stop to that and this is where the line in the sand is being drawn.

Pootin caused this. Don't ever forget that. Now he has a tab to settle.

Both sides have been through this before. in Vietnam, Russians were supplying and training the Viet Cong of North Vietnam. In Afghanistan, we returned the favour by supplying and helping the Mujahideen.
Last edited by Paphitis on Sun Nov 06, 2016 9:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Nov 06, 2016 9:37 am

Cyprus is an EU state, and hence might as well be in NATO. And it will be in NATO one day. There is no escape.

What you think NATO is gonna let Cyprus go? Yeh the last time Cyprus said boo, we all know what resulted and don't think the Russians were innocent because they were egging cyprus on making promises they will never fulfill just like the promises they never fulfilled with the S300 crisis.

You explain the typical US/NATO approach ...... ‘You do what we say or else!’ If Cyprus is sensible it will remain neutral and keep its mouth shut and thus remain with the benefits derived from both the EU and from Russia/Iran/China. They should be very, very wary of doing any deals with Israel .... that will be bad news.

So Cyprus got ripped off, and still no missiles

Really? Turkey threatened to blow Papandreou Base (Pahpos Airport) off the face of the map if the RoC put them there. So they moved them to Crete , where I believe they still are. What did you expect Russia to do ...... go to war with Turkey because they threatened you .... where were all Cyprus’ coalition/NATO/European allies when they needed them ? Doing what they always do ...... posturing, waffling, appearing on TV and having many meetings!

Pootin certainly does care about Mosul, because he is being hung by his own petard. remember when he was telling the world that he will sort all the rebels out in a couple of months, and that the Coalition was doing nothing.

Iraq isn’t about rebels (terrorists) it is about IS. Whilst both the terrorists and IS are financed and armed by members of YOUR coalition, once Assad/Russia have cleared Aleppo of the savages you are arming, and have been for years, then they will drive out the rest and along with any IS remaining in Syria.

What Assad and Russia have achieved is to free hundreds of villages and small towns of YOUR terrorists to the point that some 75-80% of the remaining population are now in relatively safe Government controlled areas. It may not be the largest percentage of the land area but what is left is just desert and scrub land, sparsely populated and would take too many troops at the moment to clear out. But they will eventually. :wink:

Well, we were doing something. We just were not doing it the pootin way. we had a strategy, building and training the Iraqis into a fighting force. we did the same with the Kurds and Turkmen.

YOU also did the same with the Mujahadeen and Al-Qaida and that came back to bite you in the arse! It has taken YOU over four years to get to this point. It took Putin just twelve months to do what he did and, with Assad and his allies and free up all those villages and towns. He didn’t crow about it or give regular TV interviews ....... he just got on with it. The results shows he has so far done a good job. Assad/Russia got bogged down in Aleppo because had YOU not been continually using pauses in the fighting to rearm and reorganise YOUR terrorists, it would have all been over in weeks and there would not have been the resulting deaths.

And now, all the chooks are coming home, whilst pootin has made almost zero progress.

But YOUR chickens are headless ............ not that they were that bright to start with. :lol:

look I can't help it that the wheels have fallen off and that we are maintaining the Status Quo indefinately. i tried to warn you but off you went with all your hatred and blood dripping from your fangs. Oh well!

Stop looking at yourself in the mirror ...... like a demented drama queen. :roll:

YOUR coalition sat there painting their toe nails until Putin set the pace. It caught you by surprise and HE made the difference that YOU could not, or more probably .... would not. ‘Assad must go!’ and he is still there and will be for the foreseeable future.

So explain exactly what, apart from bombing the desert, the coalition has achieved up to now that was not pre-empted by Assads/Russia’s achievements on the ground in Syria. :roll: :lol: :lol:
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Sun Nov 06, 2016 9:43 am

Robin Hood wrote:Paphitis:
Cyprus is an EU state, and hence might as well be in NATO. And it will be in NATO one day. There is no escape.

What you think NATO is gonna let Cyprus go? Yeh the last time Cyprus said boo, we all know what resulted and don't think the Russians were innocent because they were egging cyprus on making promises they will never fulfill just like the promises they never fulfilled with the S300 crisis.

You explain the typical US/NATO approach ...... ‘You do what we say or else!’ If Cyprus is sensible it will remain neutral and keep its mouth shut and thus remain with the benefits derived from both the EU and from Russia/Iran/China. They should be very, very wary of doing any deals with Israel .... that will be bad news.

So Cyprus got ripped off, and still no missiles

Really? Turkey threatened to blow Papandreou Base (Pahpos Airport) off the face of the map if the RoC put them there. So they moved them to Crete , where I believe they still are. What did you expect Russia to do ...... go to war with Turkey because they threatened you .... where were all Cyprus’ coalition/NATO/European allies when they needed them ? Doing what they always do ...... posturing, waffling, appearing on TV and having many meetings!

Pootin certainly does care about Mosul, because he is being hung by his own petard. remember when he was telling the world that he will sort all the rebels out in a couple of months, and that the Coalition was doing nothing.

Iraq isn’t about rebels (terrorists) it is about IS. Whilst both the terrorists and IS are financed and armed by members of YOUR coalition, once Assad/Russia have cleared Aleppo of the savages you are arming, and have been for years, then they will drive out the rest and along with any IS remaining in Syria.

What Assad and Russia have achieved is to free hundreds of villages and small towns of YOUR terrorists to the point that some 75-80% of the remaining population are now in relatively safe Government controlled areas. It may not be the largest percentage of the land area but what is left is just desert and scrub land, sparsely populated and would take too many troops at the moment to clear out. But they will eventually. :wink:

Well, we were doing something. We just were not doing it the pootin way. we had a strategy, building and training the Iraqis into a fighting force. we did the same with the Kurds and Turkmen.

YOU also did the same with the Mujahadeen and Al-Qaida and that came back to bite you in the arse! It has taken YOU over four years to get to this point. It took Putin just twelve months to do what he did and, with Assad and his allies and free up all those villages and towns. He didn’t crow about it or give regular TV interviews ....... he just got on with it. The results shows he has so far done a good job. Assad/Russia got bogged down in Aleppo because had YOU not been continually using pauses in the fighting to rearm and reorganise YOUR terrorists, it would have all been over in weeks and there would not have been the resulting deaths.

And now, all the chooks are coming home, whilst pootin has made almost zero progress.

But YOUR chickens are headless ............ not that they were that bright to start with. :lol:

look I can't help it that the wheels have fallen off and that we are maintaining the Status Quo indefinately. i tried to warn you but off you went with all your hatred and blood dripping from your fangs. Oh well!

Stop looking at yourself in the mirror ...... like a demented drama queen. :roll:

YOUR coalition sat there painting their toe nails until Putin set the pace. It caught you by surprise and HE made the difference that YOU could not, or more probably .... would not. ‘Assad must go!’ and he is still there and will be for the foreseeable future.

So explain exactly what, apart from bombing the desert, the coalition has achieved up to now that was not pre-empted by Assads/Russia’s achievements on the ground in Syria. :roll: :lol: :lol:

Oh yes, so Turkey threatened to Bomb Pafos! Oh ok! So where was pootin then when the RoC spent over $300 million for a few missiles?

Pissing his pants as per usual.

No Robin! I am looking at you with your anti western blood thirsty fangs. You have never said anything positive even of your own country the UK. That is quite odd, and yet you grew up and were educated there, and you were molded under the freedom and tranquility that country provided you. I dare you to go over to russia and live mate. It wouldn't be as nice as the UK, that's for sure.

That's ok Robin Hood. Al Qaeda can come again if they wish. we don't have an issue with the odd terrorist attacks. our Intelligence Agencies are doing a great job.

But pootin was being a little smart arse and when that happens, all bets are off. it's nothing personal, but the Coalition and NATO have obligations to protect alliance members from the menace that awaits them and let me tell you that pootin is far more menacing to us than any DAESH, Al Qaeda or Mujahideen!

now its pootin paying the price. I mean seriously. The Syrian Army is incompetent, unlike our specially trained Iraqi security Forces which are putting the runs on the board. We couldn't achieve this in 2 months, it took us 2 years. But we are doing well, whereas, the only way pootin can win in Syria is by mobilising his own ground troops. :mrgreen:

And that's where pootin learns some hard lessons that were owed to him I'm afraid. Down the quagmire he goes.

We are not stupid enough to mobilise our own troops against an enemy you can't see.
Last edited by Paphitis on Sun Nov 06, 2016 9:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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