Robin Hood wrote:Paphitis:
I have just read your recent diatribes and can’t be bothered to waste the time even attempting to correct your misunderstandings of history and the usual bullsh*t you spout.
The only one who believes the rubbish you post regarding events in Syria .... is you! I don’t think members agree on much else you post either ...... but you need have no concern because, as you will appreciate, everyone else but you is out of step and has got it all wrong.
But to keep you up to date with a more reasoned view of events ..........
Aleppo – your terrorists prevented any civilians leaving, during the 10 hr CH, in fact they shot at 40 civilians trying to leave and shelled the escape routes. The terrorists attempt to break through the ring around the Eastern Aleppo terrorists and their hostages failed and where they did make any inroads they were driven back with heavy losses in men and equipment. The civilians have been leafleted telling them to shelter where best they can. The final battle for Aleppo appears to be underway. Finished by Tuesday? ..... OK, maybe a bit optimistic but not that far off I think!![]()
Mosul – News coming out of the City and the suburbs is very scant, no journalist have been permitted to enter the city so news is mostly from civilians who have managed to get out and Iraqi forces personnel. The Iraqi army are still nibbling away at the outskirts with columns of armoured vehicles ..... backed by almost continuous air bombardment by US coalition aircraft.
Civilian casualties are climbing day-by-day, hour-by-hour and already are conservatively in the upper hundreds but the Russians are monitoring events and have satellite images showing civilian areas of Mosul being deliberately bombed by coalition aircraft. The State department has acknowledged civilian casualties due to their bombing and a spokes man said ‘... there are bound to be accidents’.Of course .... what else could they say?
The Kuznetsov - it completed its W-E transit of the Med, without any interference from ‘enemy’ forces and, before it reached its destination, was practising take-off’s and landings off the south coast of Crete. They have obviously now made all the aircraft remote control ..... because someone who claims to be very well informed, said the Russians didn’t have any suitably trained pilots. It is now on station with the rest of the flotilla and will no doubt be working with land based aircraft, long range bombers and ground forces to finally take Aleppo in the next few days.![]()
The base at Akrotiri has been very active all day today, no doubt dropping magic bombs ‘... that only kill IS terrorists‘, on the people of Mosul.
Really? no interference from NATO at all? Are you friggin sure about that?
Mate, here is a news flash. NATO would have interfered with it all the way and even have jammed all its electronics and it probably still is right now. They just not going to tell you about it, and the Russians will never admit it either.
there is plenty of news coming out of Mosul but none of it is very good news for you or Pootin. Our forces are within 3 kms of the center and making slow but steady progress.
In Aleppo, our Rebels went on the offensive into government controlled Western Aleppo, the Civilians could have left then but hardly none wanted to. Our forces are much larger than the reported 800 rebels. there is more like 10,000 and they are well armed. Even better armed than the Syrians are.
And I am also very grateful to the RAF's solid contribution in both Syria and Iraq. Our Coalition is all over Iraq assisting the Iraqis, and we are also operating in Syria around Raqqa as well, and Pootin doesn't seem interested in Raqqa because it is ISIL controlled.
look, I can't help it if you were wrong. I have been listening to your posts waiting for the impending fall of Aleppo, but NOTHING! I mean seriously! Did pootin make a miscalculation? Surely NOT!

Oh and Cyprus is a Coalition State.