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The war against Syria

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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Sat Nov 05, 2016 1:13 am

Robin Hood wrote:Paphitis:

As I know you are always anxious to learn the truth I found just a few sources that confirm those deliveries of weapons to Syrian Terrorists (and then on to IS) by the US ..... really did happen............ or a lot of experts and well informed sources got it all wrong ........... :roll:

etc.etc.etc. :roll: :wink:

Sorry! but I don't read any media sources about speculation on who is delivering weapons to whom. that's because over 95% of it is total BS.

I have my own ways of finding out this information from proper sources.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Sat Nov 05, 2016 1:16 am

Robin Hood wrote:
Maximus wrote:Check out this Propaganda from these UK based NGO's.

They should be and should have been doing this outside Westminster long ago.

What a bunch of political tools, clueless hypocrites. ... k-protest/

As I told Paphitis, a good window into what normal people think is to read the comments after the article ! In this case the comments are just about 100% against the protestors and the UK Government for allowing it. I would bet that these idiots would have difficulty finding Syria on a world map let alone finding Aleppo ! :roll: :x

Oh right! Read the comments on a Pootin mouthpiece website!

Sure! As if placing thousands of mannequins out the front of the Russian Embassy isn't an indication of what real people think! :lol:
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Sat Nov 05, 2016 1:23 am

Maximus wrote:Yes exactly,

Those commentators below the article and elsewhere (including some from here) are the good people in this world!

These "activists" are either seriously misinformed or paid for by the propaganda merchants.

You are an insignificant minority which are clueless!

most of the developed world is with the Coalition on this one, and as if an assertive Russia is going to be at all a good thing. You people have lost your minds!!

I am not going to exaggerate at all, or be hyperbolic, but the world is staring down the barrel of a major catastrophic war of attrition. It won't go nuclear, but Russia and America are headed towards war. And everyone is going to have to pick a side, including Cyprus. This is what is going to happen if there is no Russian back-down.

A war where millions of people will be killled and which will make WW2 look like a little skirmish.

This war is already playing out at the moment in Syria against Russia through Coalition and Middle eastern proxies. This is happening because of an accumulation of factors beginning with Georgia/South Ossetia, then Ukraine, and now the Assad regime. Syria is just where the Coalition/NATO and allies have drawn the line in the sand because they didn't do it in Ukraine thinking it will be a one of. And they see it as having no other choice, otherwise more things are going to happen and more countries will be invaded probably starting with the Baltic States or Poland.

Cyprus is de-facto a Coalition ally, as it is an EU member and the EU is Coalition. If you think the Coalition are going to allow Cyprus go all stupid with their stupid ideas, and this war plays out, the Coalition will turn Cyprus into a Turkish island or a crater. No one gives a fuck about Cyprus. Not Russia, or the coalition.

whether you like it or not (and don't behave like a whore), Cyprus belongs to the Coalition. If you belong to the EU or NATO, then you belong to the coalition. What you think is insignificant and irrelevant. Plus, you will never be on the opposite side of Greece, which it too is an EU and NATO ally and therefore a defacto Coalition nation.

If this was 70 years ago, we would be in a World War already. Syria, is just the same history repeating itself prior to WW1 and WW2. Pootin is getting adventurous, and with Pootin there is no transparency at all. Syria, is the modern day Poland and prelude to a major international catastrophe of unprecedented proportions. UNLESS, there is a peace deal within the next 6 months. DAESH is not the main game here, and it never was! A few terrorist attacks are the least of our problems believe me. This is far more larger than any DAESH! It has more to do with Ukraine and crimea than anything else and the Coalition is out to let some blood. DAESH is only what they feed to the stupid masses like Robin hood and yourself! And it isn't just the Coalition doing it. Russia is doing the same thing. first word out of everyone's lips is DAESH, but its the last thing on anyone's mind. Even the offensive on Mosul is an offensive against Russia. Coalition is out to cause maximum embarrassment to Russia as possible. Coalition is spending billions of Dollars turning the Iraqis into a force to be reckoned with. money is no object. Why?

The USA and its allies will not allow his provocations to continue unabated. it's something they know they can't afford to do.

And before you even say this is about the USA, you should consider the fact that the USA is a direct manifestation of its allies - EU, NATO, ANZUS, ASEAN etc etc It is all these countries that have built the American Machine to protect them against countries like Russia or China (which atm is pacifist)
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Sat Nov 05, 2016 2:07 am

And to add some perspective to the whole subject, Greece has been at war since 2010 as well.

Greece is about to surpass the total number of dead through suicide than all of WW2. now that is a sobering thought, which I bet none of you even knew.

These economic issues, whether in Russia, europe or North America just bring us closer to all out war. When there is less to lose, and everyone is struggling, then you might as well go to war. Poverty is the biggest starter of war than anything else.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Nov 05, 2016 5:36 am

IS claims to have shot down an attack helicopter (reportedly Russian) near Huwaysis, east Homs ... helicopter
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Sat Nov 05, 2016 5:52 am

Pootin is being hoisted by his own petard. The wheels are falling off and I did tell you all, that in time this is exactly what would happen.

Hope the pilots are ok and were somehow able to escape with their lives. but generally speaking, don't expect too much sympathy from the Coalition.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby miltiades » Sat Nov 05, 2016 7:57 am

Are you aware that the coalition was formed to fight ISIS and NOT to topple Assad.
Apart from the USA NO OTHER NATION demanded , strenuously, the removal of Assad . You are thoroughly obsessed with Russia and Putin .

The war is against the enemy of the entire world, ISIS, its NOT against Assad.

Detach your self from the insatiable hatred you exhibit for Russia and be objective, then some might take you seriously. Right now, on this forum, not a single member shares your views. Ask your self why.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Sat Nov 05, 2016 8:45 am

miltiades wrote:Are you aware that the coalition was formed to fight ISIS and NOT to topple Assad.
Apart from the USA NO OTHER NATION demanded , strenuously, the removal of Assad . You are thoroughly obsessed with Russia and Putin .

The war is against the enemy of the entire world, ISIS, its NOT against Assad.

Detach your self from the insatiable hatred you exhibit for Russia and be objective, then some might take you seriously. Right now, on this forum, not a single member shares your views. Ask your self why.

Of course we are fighting ISIL in Iraq and also Syria. We are the only one's that seem to be fighting ISIL. no one else is.

But that's not all we are doing! :mrgreen:

Big score to settle sunshine! can you hear the chooks coming home to roost?

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Re: The war against Syria

Postby miltiades » Sat Nov 05, 2016 8:56 am

Paphitis wrote:
miltiades wrote:Are you aware that the coalition was formed to fight ISIS and NOT to topple Assad.
Apart from the USA NO OTHER NATION demanded , strenuously, the removal of Assad . You are thoroughly obsessed with Russia and Putin .

The war is against the enemy of the entire world, ISIS, its NOT against Assad.

Detach your self from the insatiable hatred you exhibit for Russia and be objective, then some might take you seriously. Right now, on this forum, not a single member shares your views. Ask your self why.

Of course we are fighting ISIL in Iraq and also Syria. We are the only one's that seem to be fighting ISIL. no one else is.

But that's not all we are doing! :mrgreen:
You obviously have information on the coalition's plants that none of us is privy to. Paphitis, you are playing star wars , you are NOT involved in any way with the coalition any more than I or anyone else. You express views as if you were running the operation in Syria and Iraq. The fact of the matter is that you are merely expressing a viewpoint that on this forum nobody agrees.

Big score to settle sunshine! can you hear the chooks coming home to roost?

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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Sat Nov 05, 2016 9:03 am

You are absolutely insane to think pootin is going to get out of this unscathed.

He is going to lose some skin, because the Americans are not going to be taking any chances. We did that in it came back in our faces and that only encourages the poor sod!

Don't you see our plans? our Aleppo Rebels are on the offensive and to think you idiots actually thought you were going to win. :lol:

You only win when we let you. And we only let you to avoid conflict but we are beyond that now sport!
Last edited by Paphitis on Sat Nov 05, 2016 9:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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