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The war against Syria

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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Tue Nov 01, 2016 2:30 am

repulsewarrior wrote:...if there is any dignity to this affair, Assad will find a way to create for his family a Legacy which Syrians will want to remember, (despite the forces for or against him).

Nothing is clear it seems, no one, is 'right' or 'wrong'. All the more reason for respect and recognition, as Syrians determined to demonstrate their support toward Universal Principals, that in their diversity exists their power toward such work. too, a BBF, could be a political answer; respect and recognition as i said, by Persons, as majorities toward the minorities that are among them: One Country, and as Individuals Sovereignty, and a Rule of Law.

Well, that pretty much encapsulates the Coalition's desire. A political solution along these lines where those against him have a chance to run their affairs. Denying them this is criminal.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Tue Nov 01, 2016 2:31 am

Iraqi Special Forces have entered the outskirts of Mosul in just 3 weeks! Amazing!
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Tue Nov 01, 2016 11:05 am

Paphitis wrote:Iraqi Special Forces have entered the outskirts of Mosul in just 3 weeks! Amazing!

They got within 200m of the outskirts in one place with a convoy of armoured cars, armoured Humvees and tanks .... took some small arms fire and a couple of mortar rounds ...... withdrew and called for coalition aircraft to bomb the city but only with those special bombs they have that only kill IS but cause no damage to property or threaten civilian lives. :roll:

The Iraqi Prime Minister has also called on IS to surrender ....... otherwise they will die! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Tue Nov 01, 2016 11:16 am

Paphitis wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:Paphitis .... a message for you from your ‘friend’ Vladimir Putin ........ what he says is what many people feel about recent and current conflicts, particularly those in Syria. He is right in what he says, you may not like it but what he says is 100% true.
"Lets learn from Israel" – Putin (6 mins)

Please extend your middle index finger when you give him my regards!

He said thanks for validating what he said ....... as he pointed out, the US and its lapdogs have been giving the middle finger to The UN, The ICC, International Law and conventions for the last 50 years ..... started numerous conflicts, destroyed many nations ...... and that is why he is in favour of revising the United Nations mandate so that it truly represents the wishes of all nations ..... not just the US criminal cabal ! :x

From you I would have expected no less .......... oh well! :roll:
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Tue Nov 01, 2016 11:20 am

You dare mention the UN whilst committing War Crimes. Sorry, but we bust out in laughter!

If he got any allegations to level against the Coalition, then let him know that he and his lapdog can go to the ICJ. It would be hilarious and ironic!
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Tue Nov 01, 2016 12:43 pm

Paphitis wrote:You dare mention the UN whilst committing War Crimes. Sorry, but we bust out in laughter!

If he got any allegations to level against the Coalition, then let him know that he and his lapdog can go to the ICJ. It would be hilarious and ironic!

According to your philosophy, you do not commit war crimes when you do not recognise the offence! As YOU fail to recognise the authority of International law, have side lined the UN and do not recognize the authority of the ICC, YOU have clearly proved that the US and its allies continually commit war crimes ........ but are just to arrogant to admit it!

Maybe this will explain the problem you have ......... YOU are supporting the very Al-Qaida that the so called ‘War on Terror’ was all about in the first place. Al-Qaida is a globally recognised terrorist outfit and you support and arm them .......... that alone is a war crime! :roll:

The De Facto US/Al Qaeda Alliance - By Robert Parry

Though Al Qaeda got the ball rolling on America’s revenge wars in the Middle East 15 years ago by killing several thousand Americans and others in the 9/11 attacks, the terrorist group has faded into the background of U.S. attention, most likely because it messes up the preferred “good guy/bad guy” narrative regarding the Syrian war.

For instance, the conflict in Aleppo between Syrian government forces and rebels operating primarily under Al Qaeda’s command is treated in the Western media as simply a case of the barbaric Assad and his evil Russian ally Vladimir Putin mercilessly bombing what is portrayed as the east Aleppo equivalent of Disney World, a place where innocent children and their families peacefully congregate until they are targeted for death by the Assad-Putin war-crime family.

The photos sent out to the world by skilful rebel propagandists are almost always of wounded children being cared for by the “White Helmet” rebel civil defence corps, which has come under growing criticism for serving as a public-relations arm of Al Qaeda and other insurgents. (There also are allegations that some of the most notable images have been staged, like a fake war scene from the 1997 dark comedy, “Wag the Dog.”)
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Tue Nov 01, 2016 12:49 pm

Oh don't worry. We have nothing at all to worry about as far as the UN, International Law, and ICC are concerned.

We don't commit war crimes and have very clear conscious!

And here you come with your propaganda links again. I give you credible UN links and they are biased but yours credible is that it?

All I get is Pootin mouthpiece links, and I only got one from Amnesty and yet I gave you a blitzkrieg from reputable UN, and UNHCR as well as OCPW links.

I would be more concerned with the Chemical Attacks, barrel bombs, the attacks on the white helmets, civilians and hospitals if I were you. The world knows who the criminals are. ... RP1_en.pdf

Meanwhile, you can also feast your eyes on the reports issued in February and June 2016. ... 021216.pdf ... 021216.pdf

And from the United Nations.

UN Resolution 2118

UN Resolution 2335

UN Resolution 2209

It's pretty clear who they blame here: ... penElement

and ... sS17_1.pdf
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Tue Nov 01, 2016 1:04 pm

Paphitis wrote:Oh don't worry. We have nothing at all to worry about as far as the UN, International Law, and ICC are concerned.

We don't commit war crimes and have very clear conscious!

And here come your propaganda links again. I give you credible UN links and they are biased but yours credible is that it.

All I get is Pootin mouthpiece links, and I only got one from Amnesty and yet I gave you a blitzkrieg from reputable HN, and UNHCR as well as OCPW links.

I would be more concerned with the Chemical Attacks, barrel bombs, the attacks on the white helmets, civilians and hospitals if I were you. The world knows who the criminals are.

Yes they do know ..... and the finger is pointing at the US and its allies. Pick ANYstory in the MSM and the charade, the lies and deception regarding events in Syria and Iraq and you will note that 90% plus of those that comment support Putin .......... THEY are the people of the World and they have blown YOU out of the window! :roll:
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Tue Nov 01, 2016 1:18 pm

Robin Hood wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Oh don't worry. We have nothing at all to worry about as far as the UN, International Law, and ICC are concerned.

We don't commit war crimes and have very clear conscious!

And here come your propaganda links again. I give you credible UN links and they are biased but yours credible is that it.

All I get is Pootin mouthpiece links, and I only got one from Amnesty and yet I gave you a blitzkrieg from reputable HN, and UNHCR as well as OCPW links.

I would be more concerned with the Chemical Attacks, barrel bombs, the attacks on the white helmets, civilians and hospitals if I were you. The world knows who the criminals are.

Yes they do know ..... and the finger is pointing at the US and its allies. Pick ANYstory in the MSM and the charade, the lies and deception regarding events in Syria and Iraq and you will note that 90% plus of those that comment support Putin .......... THEY are the people of the World and they have blown YOU out of the window! :roll:

Really? Who pointed the finger at us? A couple of bloodthirsty rogues? ... RP1_en.pdf

Meanwhile, you can also feast your eyes on the reports issued in February and June 2016. ... 021216.pdf ... 021216.pdf

And from the United Nations.

UN Resolution 2118

UN Resolution 2335

UN Resolution 2209

It's pretty clear who they blame here: ... penElement

and ... sS17_1.pdf
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Get Real! » Tue Nov 01, 2016 6:15 pm

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