Paphitis wrote:You clinging on to Trump now as your only hope. Say's a lot about you given your eagerness to compromise your ethics and values in a game of brickmanship. That's got Pootin written all over it, so shouldn't be too surprised.
Look, Trump is an idiot, but if he wins he has the Deep State to contend with and there is no way in the world the Deep State will allow him to do any of the stupid things he says. Also, no guarantees the Republican Senators of Congress will cooperate with his administration either.
Clinton has it won. ... id=rrpromo
And judging by how things are panning out, for Pootin in Syria and our success in Iraq, his entire campaign is dead in the water much like the Kuznetsov which has come to encapsulate with some irony the shaky ground he is on.
I will try and be humble! BUT, it wasn't a smart move for Pootin to embark on his idiotic campaign against us thinking he will get away with it. If it continues, there will be a war! That is a given. A major war involving the USA and Russia. A superpower will not take too kindly to any kind of challenge.
Fortunately for you, we have our proxies giving you shit! We can drag this out for as long as we like. Assad has zero chance of taking Aleppo. And we will not be standing to the side watching war criminals raise the city from the ground. We will declare a No Fly Zone.
Any of Pootins aircraft which violate it will risk WW3! And let's just face the facts. Russia is in no position to risk a war it will lose in 3 weeks.
Pootin keeps bluffing, and we let it pass allowing him the accolades but that is a situation that will not last. We are calling it now and you are chasing ghosts all over the outskirts of Aleppo, not knowing your enemy which can't be defeated ever.
Afghanistan version 2.0! Remember?
I think it more likely than ever that you have, once again, bet on the wrong horse and Trump will be the new POTUS ..... no body knows for sure but, as you point out .... the likelihood is that 'they'won't accept that and will resort to cheating ...... and when the people find out, there will be another US Civil War ........ ... g-roberts/