Amnesty International would say that, and the coalition makes no denial of the fact that civilians are killed in their Airstrikes.
It is never reported in the MSM in the way a similar strike would be reported if it were Russian or Syrian air craft. With the US it is played down .... collateral damage ..... an unfortunate error ....... bad target coordinates etc.? Not so with the opposition!
What they don't do is deliberately target civilians. What they try and do is avoid as many civilian casualties as is humanly possible. At some point, they need to make operational decisions. For instance, if they are going to bomb a DAESH command and control Centre with many of the leadership inside, and they know a few civilians will die, they could press on with the strike
Does it not for one minute occur to you the Russians and the Syrians go through exactly the same process of decision making? The application of simple common sense says that there is absolutely NO advantage for either Assad or Russia, politically or militarily, in deliberately targeting civilians and civilian facilities. These are just accusations to demonise Putin/Assad and any ‘
evidence’ presented is from terrorists or those associated with terrorists such as the White Helmets.
Cui bono .... who gains from this rubbish? Initially the ones creating the myths but, as time has progressed, the fact that they keep making the same accusations over-and-over again with no supporting evidence, people have realised that a truer picture of events can be gained from independent sources and the less people believe all this hype that you spout!
That is not a War Crime because the coalition actively pursues a process which prohibits mass doaughter of civilians and many times our aircraft return to base without a weapons release. In fact most of our planes return without a weapons release
Correction!!!! When the Russians and the Syrians do it you are correct .... it is not a war crime. When the US coalition does it, it is an act of war on a sovereign state, unless that State has attacked you and is therefore a war crime. Syria presents no threat to the US or its coalition. So every civilian death from a coalition attack, in Syria,
IS a war crime.
I am afraid whether YOU recognise International Law or not does not make a jot of difference. The clue is in the name! International = globally recognised ........ Law = the system of rules which a particular country or community recognizes as regulating the actions of its members.
Russians don't have any aircraft return with any weapons left. Everything is released and they target hospitals, and the regime even uses Chemical Warfare.
So you say but that does not make it fact. I posted a report on the latest accusation, from the usual terrorist sources of one of these ‘
Assad/Russian attacks on a school’ and showed irrefutably that is was the usual tissue of lies ...... but of course people who never question believe it!
One hospital in Eastern Aleppo (#10?) , according to the White Helmets and SOHR has been ‘
destroyed’ three times since April 2016 and its only paediatrician has been ‘
killed’ three times as well. And people like you still propagate the myth that Assad/Russians only bomb civilian targets...... you have to be a few cents short on the dollar to believe such rubbish.
Our leadership is transparent. Everyone has access to them so Amnesty International should file at the ICJ for a ruling
You must be joking?

When asked for evidence to support any of their claims .... the US and their partners keep silent; they can’t/won’t provide anything but verbal assurances, make some feeble excuse ...... and then blame their perceived ‘enemy’!
As to Nuclear Weapons, we have them too - Minuteman!
So does North Korea! But your delivery systems are incapable in most cases, of penetrating into Russia because Russia realised decades ago that they were on the US’s short list of conquests, along with Iran and China. Russia also recognised that the US armoury is one of conquest, huge carriers (
they are offensive not defensive) to threaten those who resisted them.
The Russians came to the sensible decision that these were only a threat if you had no defence. So they designed almost all their military systems as having a defensive capability. This is the US’s weakness! One Iskander can completely immobilise a Nimitz class carrier with a non-nuclear war heads and there is little chance of stopping it! It can wipe out a battle group using nuclear war heads. So this idea that the US is invincible is a delusion. You will no doubt consider this to be no more than Russian propaganda .... over confidence ......a foolish notion!
Remember the F-111 shot down by Serbia? Invisible, can’t be detected .... then .... boom! They made a strategic error ...... they considered mainly horizontal RADAR as from another aircraft ...... on ground RADAR the closer they get the brighter the image. Ooooop’s
And they don't mean a thing. Russia fires one, then Russia is glass within 3 hours with about 150 million people dead! Mostly civilians!
Actually far less than three hours! But Russia has said it will respond only if threatened. Unlike the US they do not have a first strike mentality ........ they know the consequences, the US does not. But Russia has a
'hair trigger' a necessity as NATO are sitting threateningly right on their border.
Do you really think the Russians will be sitting there oblivious to a US attack? They will launch directly they see what is happening from their satellites and that could be seconds if the threat is seen as emanating from Europe. But your RSVP will be on the way before your missiles are in the descent path. Then, 325 million US citizens + Canadians and likely even the 700 million in Europe, would be on the way to extinction.
I am so glad that sensible people, which are the majority, don’t have your mentality which is at odds even with those countries that oppose the Russians and their supporting nations.