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The war against Syria

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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Fri Oct 28, 2016 2:14 pm

Must be all those Javelin Anti Armour Missiles. No where to hide is there fellas?

Regime forces just got belted by hundreds of rockets, mortars and anti armour Javelin. Welcome to hell!

Better watch it because they might even got even more sophisticated equipment. Stuff that can knock some jets down from the sky.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Fri Oct 28, 2016 4:02 pm

Now who supplied those missiles that attacked a Syrian base?

They have launched an attack on an airport and have opened other fronts.

Don't look at us fellas! :lol:

Maybe I misjudged Obama.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Fri Oct 28, 2016 4:16 pm

Not so smug now fellas?

Look, I will try to be humble but you guys were raving like a pack of diseased wolves. This will be over by January you said. I said you won't achieve a decisive military defeat of the rebels.

Well the rebels are taking the fight right up to you now. This is Kobani 2. You know, the typical Cinderella story where the downtrodden fight back. Did you think we will just let you kill them?

You lost this war a long time ago but none of you listened to me.

That's ok. Lessons like this on a battle field are hard learned and very bitter medicine. You provoked the Coalition with Ukraine, by sending ships to intimidate us, by lieing about MH17 and all along the Coalition were the good guys just trying to appease and avoid a major conflict and then Pootin would taunt and ridicule. Not a smart move there because it all comes to a head now fellas!

You didn't think it will happen but you can't just prod and poke without repercussions forever. Now it's time to pay the tab with interest! It's a big tab too! Interest is charged daily and is compounding!
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Fri Oct 28, 2016 4:26 pm

Btw, it costs the Coalition nothing to supply 300,000 gas masks as well. They can just create the money and print.

Because we won't be putting new Chemical Attacks past the regime with the Chemical Weapons Russia agreed to destroy in 2013. We know the signature means nothing!

War Criminals!

Has the Kusnetsov made it yet or not?
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Fri Oct 28, 2016 4:32 pm

White Helmets have been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. So which countries nominated them? There must be several.

Did you guys know, that even New Zealand has been sending them rescue equipment and medical supplies.

Oh yes! Those criminal war mongering Kiwis!
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Fri Oct 28, 2016 5:08 pm

In reply to your usual posturing and display of ignorance, conceit and bravado ........ I think I will wait and see what happens. I really do hope that the US/coalition doesn't think like you otherwise there will be a lot of tears. I know you are of the rash opinion that your coalition is invincible but, just take a few minutes to ponder the far better informed opinion in the following :

Russia Has Called the War Party's Bluff - By Pepe Escobar

The Admiral Kuznetsov is fully equipped with anti-ship, air defense, artillery and anti-submarine warfare systems – and can defend itself against a vast array of threats, unlike NATO vessels.

To top it off, as this comprehensive military analysis makes clear, Russia has “basically made their own no-fly zone over Syria”; and a US no-fly zone, viscerally promoted by Hillary Clinton, “is now impossible to achieve.”

Well-informed Western analysts know that Moscow never brags about military buildups – and has mastered to a fault the element of surprise. Much more than calling a bluff, it’s Moscow’s Sun Tzu tactics that are really rattling loudmouth Washington. (Loudmouth Australians as well :roll: )

Kremlin system 'blocking GPS in central Moscow'

The link to Vnukovo Airport, according to Mr Bakunov, suggests the purpose of the disruption may be to prevent drones flying over the Kremlin. GPS often automatically stops drones from flying near airports because of the danger they present to aircraft. Any device mimicking this would be able to halt overflights.

Then consider ......... this hypothesis: :idea:

Hmmmmm ......In April 2010, it was announced that by the end of 2012 the Kuznetsov would enter Severodvinsk Sevmash shipyard for a major refit and modernisation (which it did) , reportedly to include upgrades to obsolete electronics and sensor equipment, installation of a new anti-aircraft system .........

If they can alter GPs signals around the Kremlin and if such a system is fitted to the Kuznetsov and/or others of the flotilla ...... it will make ALL your cruise missiles obsolete and the flotilla virtually impregnable to attack. Cruise missiles use GPS to navigate, in case you didn't know !

If they then decide to use an Iskander short range ballistic missile ........ although I doubt they will:

The weapon would allow Russian forces to strike deep into Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon and Israel with virtual impunity—though Tel Aviv has been actively working with Moscow to de-conflict their forces. (and any hostile battle group within range) The 9K720 Iskander-M—known in NATO parlance as the SS-26 Stone—is a potent short-range ballistic missile.

I suggest you show a little more humility .......... you could lose the Syrian conflict to Assad and Russia and all end up in the dock in Den Haag charged with war crimes by the ICC ! :roll:
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Fri Oct 28, 2016 5:33 pm

Ow I have heard it all. All our cruise missiles are obsolete but yesterday you were saying Russia just needs missiles and because of Russia's arsenal, the Nimitz Class is obsolete.

Sure no problem. Even though all our ships have CIWS and RIM-117.

Believe what you want but it is hilarious. You also wiggle and make it up as you go along.

But I would prefer the Nimitz. But not just them, all the AEGIS equipped destroyers and Cruisers like the Ashleigh Burk which escort the Carriers, and are capable of tracking and engaging hundreds of targets simultaneously. The most advance Combat System on the planet. Before you talk big, we still don't even know they can launch a plane. Well maybe the Coalition might, but I haven't seen any evidence. The US Fleet is built to fight a WW3. Not even in the Soviet Era did the Russians have anything remotely close other than the Nuclear Sub Fleet which was the only formidable component. Today's Russian Fleet are just the remnants of the Soviet Fleet.

It's Pootin who is posturing. Things are not going too well for him. Oh well! I'm mean far out. This was suppose to be over in January. In your dreams!

This isn't going to be over any time soon!

Yeh yeh, we were suppose to have lost a long time ago. But it doesn't look like the case when our Mosul Offensive basically shits all over the Aleppo Offensive and without committing war crimes too.

It looks like we are winning because we still have Aleppo. The Syrians have never been able to even break into the outskirts. And even if you do take it, it means nothing when we go after Assad like we did to Saddam in 2003!
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Fri Oct 28, 2016 6:28 pm

Paphitis wrote:Ow I have heard it all. All our cruise missiles are obsolete but yesterday you were saying Russia just needs missiles and because of Russia's arsenal, the Nimitz Class is obsolete.

As I understand the capability, Nimitz has no defense against a ballistic Iskander!

Sure no problem. Even though all our ships have CIWS and RIM-117.

ALL obsolete against the Russian defenses S300 S400 and even a S-500 (coming soon I believe) !

Believe what you want but it is hilarious. You also wiggle and make it up as you go along.

That obviously is the way you work ....but I try to at least understand before I open my mouth!

But I would prefer the Nimitz. But not just them, all the AEGIS equipped destroyers and Cruisers like the Ashleigh Burk which escort the Carriers, and are capable of tracking and engaging hundreds of targets simultaneously. The most advance Combat System on the planet. Before you talk big, we still don't even know they can launch a plane. Well maybe the Coalition might, but I haven't seen any evidence.

You should read a bit more and get some facts about these weapons before making rather boastful comments.

It's Pootin who is posturing. Things are not going too well for him. Oh well! I'm mean far out. This was suppose to be over in January. In your dreams!

Putin doesn't posture ..... not his style

This isn't going to be over any time soon!

Didn't you say you thought Mosul would be wrapped up in a week?

Yeh yeh, we were suppose to have lost a long time ago. But it doesn't look like the case when our Mosul Offensive basically shits all over the Aleppo Offensive and without committing war crimes too.

But you haven't actually WON anything in what 4 years ..... it took Russia to make a difference just 12 months ago! Depends what you class as a war crime ? If civilians die 'accidentally' because of your offensive against Daesh in Iraq .... it's collateral damage ..... if Assad/Russians kill civilians trying to drive terrorists you created, support and arm out of Syria ......... it's deliberate and a war crime! Don't you think that smacks a bit of double standard, given the US's war record over the last 50 yearss? :roll:

It looks like we are winning because we still have Aleppo. The Syrians have never been able to even break into the outskirts. And even if you do take it, it means nothing when we go after Assad like we did to Saddam in 2003!

What a wind bag you are, Read what western analysts say about the US military it is years behind the Russians. BTWFYI: Your Iraqi forces are killing hundreds in Mosul and your terrorists have launched attacks on civilians, schools and hospitals in western Aleppo also killing many civilians ...... but by your double standards ..... those deaths don't count!
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby miltiades » Sat Oct 29, 2016 6:54 am

Is the coalition serious in asking us in the west to support its actions in Syria ?

"The insurgents have a diverse range of objectives and backers, but they issued statements of unity on Friday. Those taking part in the offensive include the Levant Conquest Front, a militant group formerly known as the Nusra Front that grew out of Al Qaeda; another hard-line Islamist faction, Ahrar al-Sham; and other rebel factions fighting Mr. Assad that have been vetted by the United States and its allies." ... .html?_r=0

Since when has Al Qaeda become our ....friend as well as other islamist extremists.
" Eleven of the roughly 20 rebel groups conducting the offensive have been vetted by the C.I.A. and have received arms from the agency, including anti-tank missiles, said Charles Lister, a senior fellow and Syria specialist at the Middle East Institute in Washington."
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Oct 29, 2016 7:03 am

Paphitis wrote:White Helmets have been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. So which countries nominated them? There must be several.

Did you guys know, that even New Zealand has been sending them rescue equipment and medical supplies.

Oh yes! Those criminal war mongering Kiwis!

'White Helmets' ? Really ? Crosstalk discussion with three journalists who have been to Syria and Aleppo. They tell it how it is on the ground, rather than just repeating propaganda! The White Helmets are a PR stunt, deeply embedded with the terrorists and financed by the US/UK/EU to spread their 'word' !

The 'equipment' supplied to them is mostly banned under US sanctions against Syria .......... so it could only have been acquired by these imposters with the connivance of the US coalition.

BTW: During the recent no-fly of flights over Aleppo by Syria and Russia ..... the US air dropped 40 tons of arms and ammunition to terrorists to the west of Aleppo. This is where the terrorists attack to break the siege has come from. It will soon be time to 'switch on' the S-300 and S-400 RADAR's! :roll:
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