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The war against Syria

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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Thu Oct 27, 2016 1:36 am

Robin Hood wrote:Courtesy of RT .......

60 civilians killed, 200 injured as US-led coalition strikes Mosul residential areas – Russian MoD

Oooop’s good job it wasn’t Aleppo ...... it would be called ‘deliberately targeting civilians’ and classed as a war crime! I’m glad to see the Russians just stick to facts and refrain from making stupid accusations to score propaganda points! :roll:

Considering the fact that the operations commenced 9 days ago, I think 60 dead is pretty damn good going. Assad and pootin will kill 60 a day. it took us a week.

In addition, ISIL have commenced Summary Executions of Civilians, and throwing the dead bodies in the river to terrorize other civilians.

There is no evidence that all these civilians were killed from our Air strikes.

we still got nothing to worry about in terms of War Crimes, so stop clasping at straws. this will be all over in a few weeks whilst Assad will still be toiling with Aleppo.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Thu Oct 27, 2016 1:43 am

Robin Hood wrote:
Paphitis wrote:I challenge everyone to ask themselves. If you had a choice between these 2 places only, which will YOU choose?

Mosul is in Iraq ..... Aleppo is in Syria! Why not throw in New York, London or Paris?

Would you feel more comfortable in Mosul with Coalition Aircraft flying over you or Aleppo with regime and Russian aircraft flyibng over you?

Aleppo ! Reason ..... there are no aircraft currently flying over Aleppo.. The Syrian Government and their allies have had 7 safe transit exit points open for almost a week. Unfortunately, the terrorists are either landing mortars and shells on these points (shown LIVE of RT) or using snipers (also shown live on RT as the crowd of people trying to get out had to run for their lives. The Russians and SAA have said their aircraft will remain grounded for the time being ...... but if they see the terrorists being rearmed that would change.

All of you will pick Mosul, because in Aleppo, you're as good as dead almost! In Mosul, you got a good chance of survival (provided you stay away from desperate DAESH), because the Coalition won't carpet bomb you with barrel bombs.

Bravo .... you have captured 80 villages and a couple of very small towns! You are several Km from the city and already the civilian casualties due to air attacks and artillery fire are beginning to rise. This is in virtually open country with a few small hamlets! So far, a girls school, a funeral and quite a few other mistakes where women and children have died ..... but of course there is no 'White Helmets' and SOHR to relay the information to the MSM ..... only your highly trained Iraqi special forces to provide the drama of their outstanding military successes, as Daesh fade away and leave the Iraqi's to their IED's and to kill/shoot their human shields.

When they reach the outer suburbs .... mark my words ..... the Iraqi advance will grind to a standstill and they will run for it. They did last time they faced IS and the same will happen again this time ..... in general these people have no stomach for a fight, they are only good at killing when they have the upper hand. It's an Arab thing!! :wink:

Paphitis, your problem is ..... gross overconfidence in YOUR own ability and a gross underestimate of the competence and ability of your opponent. I think back to Vietnam! "It will all be over by Christmas because they are just a bunch of illiterate peasants with pitchforks "......... the peasants wiped the floor with the US forces and they fled for their lives. :cry:

Hitler thought the same about Russia ..... and they did the same with the overconfident German Army, they ran them out of 'town' and slaughtered hundreds of thousands of them. The Russians did the same to Napoleon .......... well you get the picture .... yes? :roll:

Don't count your chickens before they hatch. So far the Russians have been several steps ahead of YOUR coalition every time in this conflict, except on the propaganda front. All the time you hear nothing from Putin ...... wonder why! :roll:

We know how tough it is going to be. but we've been planning this for 2 years, building up our Ground Forces and training them for this offensive and to maintain security in a completely liberated iraq.

We will be holding Iraq's Hand for many years to come. We are completely prepared to just send them all the arms and aid they need to find their feet and we are even prepared to do it with no charge to them. This is now personal.

And yes, the success so far has exceeded all Coalition expectations. 90 villages and towns liberated in 8 days, and our forces on the outskirts of Mosul, and an ISIL offensive in Kirkuk that needs to be mopped up.

Overall though, progress has been excellent and now our forces will be entering the urban environment of Mosul.

assad, has never been able to clear the rebels out of Aleppo. They have not achieved what the Coalition has in well over a year and counting. So good luck with that.

The pendulum has swung and we are going to rub assad and pootin's noses in it!

Sorry, but it takes a lot more than posturing to be one of the big boys or be considered a Super power. real super powers like the USA don't need to posture, and they don't. most people just know and all the posturing says a lot about Pootin. Soon, he is going to get a big huge bitch slap as well. it's only a matter of time before someone goes crazy and one of his ships end up on the bottom of the Mediterranean. What will he do then? Declare war against the Coalition? I think not!

What will happen is that he will bitch and whine like a whore just like he did when Turkey shot down one of his jets. That's all he can do! And it is time, the world saw his true stature, which isn't very much. Coalition knows this. we have just been very conservative avoiding confrontation, but this will not last forever because our patience is wearing thin. the world can think the Coalition that we are not a bunch of cowboys like pootin, but one day, we will have a cowboy in office making criticasl decisions, and then its game over for pootin.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Get Real! » Thu Oct 27, 2016 5:13 am

How American terrorists are introduced into Syria/Iraq:

Somebody is obviously directing and paying for all this mockery. Since when do fighters in the middle of a war zone like Syria get access to brand new uniforms, flags, insignias, desks, cameras and all the other bullshit… This is most likely recorded at a US base in Jordan or thereabouts.

Arab firends inform: "Brigades of Glory announce their formation today. The group includes various groups including Abu Moussa al-Asha'ari brigade who were previously apart of Faylaq al-Rahman.
Eastern Ghouta, Damascus, Syria."

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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Thu Oct 27, 2016 6:36 am

errr, I think the Coalition has been quite frank about the fact that they have been issuing arms to a few groups who are now parties within the Syrian Democratic Forces!

Video was made 26Oct16. It is no indication of any such activity dating nack to 2010.

Plus no subtitles. So know way of knowing who they actually are or what they're saying. They could be groups loyal to Assad for all we know.

Scraping the bottom of the battle. things must be getting more and more desperate! :lol:

Neeeeext! :lol:
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Thu Oct 27, 2016 7:05 am

Paphitis wrote:errr, I think the Coalition has been quite frank about the fact that they have been issuing arms to a few groups who are now parties within the Syrian Democratic Forces!

Video was made 26Oct16. It is no indication of any such activity dating nack to 2010.

Plus no subtitles. So know way of knowing who they actually are or what they're saying. They could be groups loyal to Assad for all we know.

Scraping the bottom of the battle. things must be getting more and more desperate! :lol:

Neeeeext! :lol:

The US and its allies have been supplying personnel and weapons, sophisticated weapons, to known and declared terrorist groups, since 2010 and on an ever more international scale ..... a fact confirmed by the US themselves. :roll:
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Thu Oct 27, 2016 7:25 am

Robin Hood wrote:
Paphitis wrote:errr, I think the Coalition has been quite frank about the fact that they have been issuing arms to a few groups who are now parties within the Syrian Democratic Forces!

Video was made 26Oct16. It is no indication of any such activity dating nack to 2010.

Plus no subtitles. So know way of knowing who they actually are or what they're saying. They could be groups loyal to Assad for all we know.

Scraping the bottom of the battle. things must be getting more and more desperate! :lol:

Neeeeext! :lol:

The US and its allies have been supplying personnel and weapons, sophisticated weapons, to known and declared terrorist groups, since 2010 and on an ever more international scale ..... a fact confirmed by the US themselves. :roll:

Really? Then how come all we see is AK47s?

I know some rebels have been supplied TOW, MILAN and Javelin as the most advance weapons since 2015. it's only fair since barrel bombs and Chemical Weapons have been used against them wouldn't you say? Every man has a right of self defence.

If it were up to me, I would be supplying Ground to Air MANPADS like Stinger and Rapier! I would write To pootin, with love, from The Coalition!
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Thu Oct 27, 2016 11:19 am

Really? Then how come all we see is AK47s?

Because the US is one of the worlds biggest distributors of AK-47‘s, there is even a factory in California(?) that makes a semi-automatic version !

• As of 2007, a Romanian-made AK-47 could be purchased in the United States for $350, while other models can cost $1,395 — similar to the price of a high-end laptop computer. However, only semi-automatic models can be purchased legally in the United States.

• Covert actions by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency funnelled millions of AK-47s, as well as shoulder-held missiles, to Afghanistan in the 1970s in order to fight Soviet invaders.

• In 2004 and 2005, more than 350,000 AK-47 rifles and similar weapons were taken out of Bosnia and Serbia to be used in Iraq by private contractors working for the Pentagon — with the approval of NATO and European security forces in Bosnia.

• During the U.S. occupation of Iraq and the 2004-2005 period of the war, the Pentagon lost track of about 110,000 AK-47 assault rifles and 80,000 pistols given to Iraqi security forces. (Maybe history will repeat itself ?)

I know some rebels have been supplied TOW, MILAN and Javelin as the most advance weapons since 2015. it's only fair since barrel bombs and Chemical Weapons have been used against them wouldn't you say? Every man has a right of self defence.

Does that self defence apply to everyone or just those supported by the US? I think of Eastern Ukraine, Crimea, Grenada, Panama, etc. Barrel bombs? A bomb is a bomb is a bomb! Hellfire’s ...... what are they sparklers in disguise?

Chemical weapons ..... hypothesis until there is some tangible evidence to support it .... which so far seems to point more at the Saudi supplied terrorists!

If it were up to me, I would be supplying Ground to Air MANPADS like Stinger and Rapier! I would write To pootin, with love, from The Coalition!

Thank goodness then, that it isn’t up to you! You would get a missile up the jacksie for sheer impudence.

Read the bit by Saker ..... he knows his stuff .... you just spout conceit and propaganda! As Saker says, Russia could destroy every US/NATO vessel within 500km of this ‘fleet’ and there would be absolutely nothing your coalition could do to prevent it ........ except start WWIII. :roll:

I think the US has sensible people running the operation ..... they may be misled by propaganda from their politicians ..... but the military just has to do as it is told and they generally do it well. All armies make mistakes but Putin refrains from continually decrying the US military for their mistakes ......... it is an inevitable consequence of the dirty game of war.

You say Putin ‘postures’ ...... he ain’t got nothing on your performance ........ even if it was true, which I don’t think it is. :roll:
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby supporttheunderdog » Thu Oct 27, 2016 2:31 pm

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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Thu Oct 27, 2016 6:51 pm


If accurate ….. it will be a tragedy, if deliberate .... a war crime!

The report appears only in The Guardian, any other sites seem to refer back to this article, so there is no way of verifying the story. The Guardian story is also embellished with references to remarks made by a ‘top UN official’ Stephan O’Brian, which are highly emotive and not directly related to the incident. Plus:

• The article mentions ‘The Syrian Civil Defence’ as a source. The Syrian Civil Defence do not operate in terrorist held areas …… the Info is from the ‘White Helmets’ an Al-Nusra affiliate funded by the coalition.

• Unusually, although there is a reference to ‘photographs showing upturned desks and chairs covered in dust’ these are not available …… at least I cannot find them! Most unusual for 'White Helmet' claims.

• The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights is also stated as a source, this is another terrorist associated group, the man gets all his info direct from the terrorists.

IMO: Too early to jump to conclusions and assign responsibility? :(

Meanwhile in Iraq on the outskirts of Mosul …….. the death toll also climbs!

Civilian Toll Mounts As Mosul Offensive Enters Second Week

If the brutal and reactionary Islamist militia has been able to hold the city for so long, it is in no small part because of the overwhelming hostility within Mosul’s population toward the central government in Baghdad, whose Shia-dominated security forces systematically suppressed and abused Sunnis throughout Iraq.

These sectarian fissures, the product of the wholesale destruction of the US war of aggression begun in 2003 and the subsequent divide-and-rule methods of the eight-year American occupation, are now being deepened by the Mosul offensive, with the city’s civilians paying the price.

There are already reports of Sunni civilians fleeing Mosul at the risk of being killed by ISIS, only to be imprisoned and brutalized at the hands of Iraqi security forces once they escape.

Given the record of ISIS, these reports are highly credible, as are claims that the Islamist militia intends to use the civilian population as “human shields.” What is striking about the ample reporting of these facts in the Western media is the contrast to their total silence over similar atrocities carried out by the US-backed “rebels,” Al Qaeda-linked militias similar to ISIS, across the border in Syria.

This blatant double standard has a long history. ISIS was not seen as a problem by Washington until it stormed across the border into Iraq and overran a large swathe of Iraqi territory, while exposing the utter rot within the Iraqi state and its US-trained security forces.

With the present offensive against Mosul, there are reports that one aim of the US intervention is to send the ISIS fighters back across the border into Syria to fight another day, rather than destroy them.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Fri Oct 28, 2016 2:07 pm

Still pulling your dicks I see!

Well, not only have the Coalition got DAESH on the ropes and taking village after village, but it appears that our Rebels in Aleppo are on the offensive against the Regime!

Looks like you better forget about January 2017 boys.

Soon, Pootin will be the one begging for a cessation.

Not so easy now is it lads? :lol:

That's because, the rebels have the support of Sunni civilians. You don't know who your enemy is do you? It's a bitter pill boys, just drink plenty of water. :mrgreen:

If Pootin is smart, he will be forgetting about Assad and cutting a deal before it's too late and the Coalition lose interest.
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