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The war against Syria

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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Wed Oct 26, 2016 7:43 am

miltiades wrote:" - a coalition every post that you make on Syria you distance your self from reality.
Do tell us how the USA and West carry out this vetting process. As for Sharia law, I was under the impression that the West was fighting ISIS the very people who are trying to establish this medieval so called law in this part of the world.

Through our collective security apparatus who I am 100% positive have a lot more knowledge than you do.

I do not know what the process is and neither can you find out, not even under FOI, but the Coalition Countries have Intelligence Officers on the ground in Syria and Iraq.

These security Agencies report directly to their respective Governments. Even our Embassies have them. That's every Embassy in the world.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Wed Oct 26, 2016 7:46 am

Robin Hood wrote:
miltiades wrote:" - a coalition every post that you make on Syria you distance your self from reality.
Do tell us how the USA and West carry out this vetting process. As for Sharia law, I was under the impression that the West was fighting ISIS the very people who are trying to establish this medieval so called law in this part of the world.

He left the real world years ago` :roll: :lol: :lol:

He mocks the Russian aircraft carrier and for sure its a 30 year old rust bucket ...... the Russians know that. It is simply a floating airfield but with permanent airfields in Syria they don't really need it The Russians are far smarter than the US they realized some years ago that for the price of one aircraft carrier, not taking into account the battle group it needs for 'protection,' that they could produce 100's if not 1000's of missiles any one of which could take out a whole carrier battle group ...... and the US would not see it coming until it was too late. So they designed missiles that were maneuverable, very fast, ballistic and could not be targeted by their enemy's defensive systems. Smart thinking or what?

The US build aggressive systems like carriers to threaten the rest of the world with their military might. One multiheaded missile ..... and the carrier group would be history. Russia would be safe because the US would not dare launch a nuclear attack because they would be well aware of the consequences for the US mainland ...... sort of Paphitis' theory with the boot on the other foot! :roll:

A floating airfield? Is that what you call it? :lol:

The damn thing looks ready to explode or stop dead in the water! :lol:

The Russians will be asking the Americans for a Tow soon! I think they would be obligated to offer any ship assistance whilst in distress by International law! :lol:

BTW, you're friggin dreaming to think any of your missiles will get anywhere near the US 6th Fleet! They will fly into a wall of metal. The real reason, is because Russia can't keep up with America. Russia's GDP is about 1/6 that of America on a per capita basis.

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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Get Real! » Wed Oct 26, 2016 8:18 am

Paphitis wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Has anyone come across any UN resolutions issued against the criminal United States for this… ... 29897.html

No? :?

Ah well, I’m sure Psoritis will have a perfectly valid explanation for it! :lol:

It's actually legal to target anyone who is giving material support to islamic state.

The Rules of Engagement were changed only a few months ago to broaden the target base to include any civilians who are supporting ISIL activities in the field. it was even mentioned in Australia's Parliament.

The classification for some civilians has changed to 'legal combatant" ... hange.html

So you have to be absolutely sure that the Coalition has deliberately targeted civilians, or whether there was another reason for it. previously, there were restrictions and people offering material support to ISIL could not be targeted.

There’s a few “minor” problems with your diarrhea… :lol:

1. The US *is* supplying ISIS with both weapons and training --> (al-Baghdadi is a Jew and US agent, ISIS was borne at a US base in Jordan)

2. Russia is the ONLY country on the planet targeting ISIS.

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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Wed Oct 26, 2016 8:26 am

Get Real! wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Has anyone come across any UN resolutions issued against the criminal United States for this… ... 29897.html

No? :?

Ah well, I’m sure Psoritis will have a perfectly valid explanation for it! :lol:

It's actually legal to target anyone who is giving material support to islamic state.

The Rules of Engagement were changed only a few months ago to broaden the target base to include any civilians who are supporting ISIL activities in the field. it was even mentioned in Australia's Parliament.

The classification for some civilians has changed to 'legal combatant" ... hange.html

So you have to be absolutely sure that the Coalition has deliberately targeted civilians, or whether there was another reason for it. previously, there were restrictions and people offering material support to ISIL could not be targeted.

There’s a few “minor” problems with your diarrhea… :lol:

1. The US *is* supplying ISIS with both weapons and training --> (al-Baghdadi is a Jew and US agent, ISIS was borne at a US base in Jordan)

2. Russia is the ONLY country on the planet targeting ISIS.


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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Get Real! » Wed Oct 26, 2016 8:52 am

Now you know why you should steer clear from political threads because you have no concept of the devil the planet is dealing with.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Wed Oct 26, 2016 8:54 am

Get Real! wrote:Now you know why you should steer clear from political threads because you have no concept of the devil the planet is dealing with.

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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Get Real! » Wed Oct 26, 2016 9:54 am

In the 90s a “Al-Qaeda” appeared out of nowhere but those with a functional brain knew that NOTHING comes out of nowhere and that all things need to be MANUFACTURED if they are to exist.

In 2011 a “ISIS” appears out of nowhere but once again, those with a functional brain knew that NOTHING comes out of nowhere and that all things need to be MANUFACTURED if they are to exist.

To create an army equipped with modern weapons and training; be they labeled “Al-Qaeda” or “ISIS”, requires funds, logistics, and “friends” in the vicinity that are willing to house you… the level of funds and logistics that only the US possesses.

When the planet’s satanic shit-stain they call “Israel” starts crying to US senators; half of which are either Jewish, brainwashed of bogus Jewish ancestry, or simply having their pockets lined up by criminal Israel through US-taxpayer’s donations to Israel, then it’s time for the criminal US to take satanic action so as to quench criminal Israel thirst for blood.

In the 90s it was Iraq that was considered a threat to the shit-stain, so Iraq was turned into dust, and more recently it was Syria that was considered a threat to the little shit-stain so once again the global arch-terrorist with the logistics and the money, set about to destroy Syria.

And in the process of course, we have seen a whole bunch of UN-member sovereign states turned into dust including Afghanistan, Yemen, Libya, Syria, Iraq, and Egypt… and it’s all for the sake of the dysfunctional little shit-stain we call “Israel” which I like to refer to as Satan’s sewerage.

You’ll find that everything leads right back Satan’s sewerage to which the world seems to have become enslaved.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Wed Oct 26, 2016 10:01 am

Pootin making a big huge fool of himself. can't defeat and capture Aleppo, and now this....

friggin hell this is turning into a comedy F Troop show! :lol:

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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Wed Oct 26, 2016 10:07 am

You guys better make sure that all the reports about the aircraft Carrier are not true, because if they are, this little love boat is about to sail into a shit storm and Pootin is gonna embarrass himself! :lol:
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Get Real! » Wed Oct 26, 2016 10:11 am

Amnesty International comes clean…

“USA must come clean about civilian deaths caused by Coalition air strikes in Syria” ... -in-syria/
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