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The war against Syria

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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Oct 24, 2016 5:28 pm

Paphitis: For your information ........

The only UN resolutions that carry any legal weight are those issued by The United Nations Security Council. Israel has ignored 65 to date ......... with no repercussions, sanctions or other punitive actions ....and certainly no one indicted for war crimes in the ICC. That figure does not include the 39 (up to 2004) UNSC resolutions vetoed by the US to protect Israel.

As far as UN General Assembly resolutions, Israel has clocked up .......... well, there are too many for me to count but by all means you have a go:

As for Syria .... since 2005 there have been 10 UNSC resolutions concerning Syria. So ... way to go yet to catch up with Israel.

Paphitis: A little tip. :roll:

I know I praised you for at last providing some links to your sources, but the adage that the more you repeat something, the more people will believe it, does no really apply to constantly repeating the same links. It does not make them any more valid ..... it just shows you have failed to grasp the basic principal of providing some credibility for your wild statements. Quiet the contrary .... it makes you look rather foolish! :lol: :lol:
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Tue Oct 25, 2016 12:41 am

They all have legal ramifications, and they are excellent in attributing blame and also giving the Coalotion an excellent pretext to stay in Syria indefinately and in the future commence direct conflict against the regime. it's coming.

Still no comment about Syria's duplicity. fact is, it is nearly impossible to get things through the Security Council because of russia.

But that won't worry the Coalition too much. When you start a War, you don't go asking for permission from a country which supports the War Criminal. That would be stupid wouldn't it? A bit like asking Assad if it is ok we can attack him even though we don't recognize his legitimacy.

What we will do is just commence Air Strikes, unilaterally, and rely on all the support we have in the General Assembly where we have a consensus of the vast majority of law abiding respectable countries. ... RP1_en.pdf

Meanwhile, you can also feast your eyes on the reports issued in February and June 2016. ... 021216.pdf ... 021216.pdf

And from the United Nations.

UN Resolution 2118

UN Resolution 2335

UN Resolution 2209

It's pretty clear who they blame here: ... penElement

and ... sS17_1.pdf
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Tue Oct 25, 2016 7:44 am

They all have legal ramifications, and they are excellent in attributing blame and also giving the Coalotion an excellent pretext to stay in Syria indefinately and in the future commence direct conflict against the regime. it's coming.

So why are Israel not in the Dock? Yes .... excellent at attributing blame .... just not very good at proving those allegations!

Not a pretext ........ the coalitions actions contradict international law . ‘The Regime’ is recognised by the UN as the legal government of Syria and they act accordingly. Just because YOU decide to ignore that fact, it does not make YOUR opinion a legal definition. Try telling a traffic cop that you don’t recognise a speed limit! :lol:

Still no comment about Syria's duplicity. fact is, it is nearly impossible to get things through the Security Council because of russia.

Since 1965 the US far outstrips any other of the five permanent members of the UNSC applying their power of veto, including Russia, but most are veto’s against Israel/Palestine resolutions. Before 1965 it was the USSR that was the prolific veto member of the UNSC Perm. Members. When YOU act unilaterally without a UNSC mandate ..... it is illegal, no matter what YOU think.
But that won't worry the Coalition too much. When you start a War, you don't go asking for permission from a country which supports the War Criminal. That would be stupid wouldn't it? A bit like asking Assad if it is ok we can attack him even though we don't recognize his legitimacy.

YOU certainly have plenty of practice at starting wars and conflicts, that’s for sure, and always in someone else’s backyard ! :roll: YOU are therefore serial war criminals! :x

What we will do is just commence Air Strikes, unilaterally, and rely on all the support we have in the General Assembly where we have a consensus of the vast majority of law abiding respectable countries.

An air strike on a sovereign state, unless in self defence, is an act of war or legal if it is supported by a UNSC resolution ..... therefore it is or would be illegal in both Law and the UN constitution to attack Syria.

That is why US/NATO are the world’s most prolific war criminals, responsible for the deaths of millions and the destruction of dozens of countries. You seem to be very proud of that fact, isn’t that at odds with your concern over refugees and the right of global citizens to self determination and to live in peace? :roll:
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Tue Oct 25, 2016 9:22 am

Say's the person who was trying to instill the fear that we would start a nuclear war.

The only way a nuclear war can start is if pootin does something stupid and launches an ICBM at us. We don't have a first strike policy.

So once again, the aggression will have to come from your side just like all the war crimes, and criminality which comes from your side necessitating further action from the Coalition.

And the Coalition do not recognize Assad. ... RP1_en.pdf

Meanwhile, you can also feast your eyes on the reports issued in February and June 2016. ... 021216.pdf ... 021216.pdf

And from the United Nations.

UN Resolution 2118

UN Resolution 2335

UN Resolution 2209

It's pretty clear who they blame here: ... penElement

and ... sS17_1.pdf
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Tue Oct 25, 2016 11:40 am


Say's the person who was trying to instill the fear that we would start a nuclear war.

The only way a nuclear war can start is if pootin does something stupid and launches an ICBM at us. We don't have a first strike policy.

So once again, the aggression will have to come from your side just like all the war crimes, and criminality which comes from your side necessitating further action from the Coalition.

And the Coalition do not recognize Assad.

What a plonker you are! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Tue Oct 25, 2016 11:48 am

Fact is, between the USA and Russia, Pootin would be the more likely to start a nuclear exchange.

He has a short fuse. A bit like small dog syndrome. plenty of bark just like a Poodle but in the end, just one good kick to the head and it's Poodle heaven for Pootin!
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Tue Oct 25, 2016 12:53 pm

Paphitis wrote:Fact is, between the USA and Russia, Pootin would be the more likely to start a nuclear exchange.

He has a short fuse. A bit like small dog syndrome. plenty of bark just like a Poodle but in the end, just one good kick to the head and it's Poodle heaven for Pootin!

If your comments reflect the opinions of the US/NATO/Coalition countries ........ it will surely lead to their demise! :roll:

If they are given a reason by BATO forces action on their border with Europe, even an accidental situation, they will attack first ............ you would leave them no other option, because they know they are next, along with Iran, on NATO's menu supporting US hegemony! :x
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Get Real! » Tue Oct 25, 2016 3:04 pm

A Russian Kornet ATGM wastes an “indestructible” Abrams... :lol:

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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Tue Oct 25, 2016 4:46 pm

Now THIS really would make a difference to the US ‘First Strike’ policy ... what was it Clint Eastwood said “Go on punk ..... make my day!” Should make NATO think twice about making threats ? Maybe it is just propaganda ...... or maybe not? Fear not ..... Paphitis will bring it down with his super hypersonic ........... boomerang! :shock:

Russia unveils image of its terrifying Satan 2 missile: Super-nuke could destroy an area the size of FRANCE

The RS-28 Sarmat missile, dubbed Satan 2 by Nato, has a top speed of 4.3 miles (7km) per second and has been designed to outfox anti-missile shield systems.

Maybe we could get Putin to send Article 50 to the EU in Bruxelles on our behalf (Air Mail) that would settle the Brexit negotiations very quickly! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Tue Oct 25, 2016 5:50 pm

I have tried to find out what is happening around Mosul ....... there is NOTHING available, even in the independent press except for opinion. There are no real facts available on civilian casualties ...... I find this very strange after all the condemnation of Syria and Russia and there so called 'war crimes' in Aleppo. Few reports of air raids ..... although living within ear shot of Akrotiri they still appear to be very active, presumably bombing around Mosul?

This is an opinion .... I tend to mainly agree with:

US, Allies Massacre at Will, Yet Condemn Russia - By Finian Cunningham

The rogue-state behavior of Washington and its allies has become so rampant it is no longer possible to hide.

The public anger and disdain for this murdering cabal is fuelled not only by what they see in Syria and the region. People all around the world are making the connection that US-led warmongering and dirty wars are rooted in the same murdering and plundering capitalist system that is killing their own societies and communities.

People are realizing more than ever that the high and mighty Western leaders who presume to sit as judges casting condemnations on others are actually the lowest, most despicable criminals.

http://www.informationclearinghouse.inf ... e45731.htm
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