Paphitis ..... does this story appear familiar to you?
Sorry but I had to use your ‘
favorite’ source because this rather uncomfortable result after 20 years of the same estern demonisation you pour out on Assad/Putin with little or no evidence, was a rather embarrassing outcome. So like you ..... the West blanks it out and finds another victim who resisted their hegemony ..... Assad , The elected and officially recognised President of The Syrian Arab Republic .
Milosevic exonerated, as the NATO war machine moves onThe ICTY’s exoneration of the late Slobodan Milosevic, the former President of Yugoslavia, for war crimes committed in the Bosnia war, proves again we should take NATO claims regarding its ’official enemies’ not with a pinch of salt, but a huge lorry load.
For the past twenty odd years, neocon commentators and 'liberal interventionist' pundits have been telling us at every possible opportunity, that Milosevic (a democratically elected leader in a country where over 20 political parties freely operated) was an evil genocidal dictator who was to blame for ALL the deaths in the Balkans in the 1990s. Repeat after me in a robotic voice (while making robotic arm movements): 'Milosevic's genocidal aggression' 'Milosevic's genocidal aggression'.
But the official narrative, just like the one that told us that in 2003, Iraq had WMDs which could be launched within 45 minutes, was a deceitful one, designed to justify a regime change-op which the Western elites had long desired.
The same will happen if you ever manage to pin anything on Assad .... which, going on real evidence so far, is most unlikely. But the leaders of the US coalition have flaunted every rule in the International Law book! They just seem to feel that if they declare it does not apply to them by declaring themselves ‘exceptional’ and ‘indispensable’ that’s OK. I think they could be in for a surprise when Russia, China, Iran and all THEIR coalition press charges.