No I do not note it, and I do not read anything from RT. I don't take them as a serious source under any circumstances.
You have the same mind set as an Islamic extremist ...... you only listen to what suits your opinion. You should take a leaf from this interview.
Former Conservative chief whip Andrew Mitchell MP............ told RT UK’s Going Underground: “It’s important that RT carries interviews, if you carry interviews like this, then you are promoting free speech, and I wouldn’t want to put RT out of business.”
Western mass media is a lot more credible but there are degrees of credibility among them as well. For example, BBC/CNN Vs Daily Mirror and the like.
On RT yesterday they were running a series of interviews and videos showing how selective the west is with its rhetoric.
Example #!:
Hollande and Merkel. Hollande is spouting how using the excuse that an area is occupied by terrorists, as in Aleppo, is not an acceptable justification for air strikes that kill civilians ......... that is a war crime. Merkel agreed.
RT then went to another Hollande speech, spouting again ...... but this time he was talking about Mosul and said it was necessary to destroy ISIL in Mosul, using every means possible to protect the civilians!
Example #2
US White House spokesman was asked a question about civilian casualties by a lady journalist. His answer was ‘
Sorry .... but are you talking about Aleppo or Mosul ?..... so the west obviously believes the two are different scenarios
RT is below the Daily Mirror. I don't take them seriously either but at least they are no Pootin mouthpiece.
Of course not! They area mouthpiece for the US/UK et al ..... The Administration, the CIA, corporate interests ..... and the continuous stream of anti Putin, anti- Assad rhetoric. They are even using the ‘
Russia’ card to destroy Trumps campaign for POTUS.
I told you, my wife was a News limited journalist for 10 years. She also managed to do a number of pieces on the plight of Palestinians (Gaza Strip and West bank). She considers herself a Human Rights crusader or it is a subject close to her heart. Anyway, she got one piece in, 2 pieces in, 3 pieces in and eventually got the attention of the Israelis who were I could imagine pretty upset with her. So one fine day, she was summoned to the Editor's office who had received a letter from the Israeli Embassy naming my wife saying that the Israeli department of Information would like to invite her to Israel on a paid for visit.
So off she went. There were other journos in the group from a variety of countries. She promised to write an article from the Israeli perspective, and there is an Israeli perspective and a very valid and convincing one as well.
Now why do you think the Israeli’s offered her an ‘
all-expences-paid’ trip to Israel for a conducted tour to see the ‘
Israeli perspective’? Their propaganda obviously worked then as she obviously wrote the required article(s)? Was she allowed free rein to visit Gaza to hear the other side of the story? I expect not .... the Israeli’s paid her to publish their view, not a balanced view and no doubt that is what she wrote.
Then she started to received Death threats. It's a very dangerous business journalism. A lot of anxiety involved when all kinds of looneys write to you and even threaten your life and you not knowing whether its serious or not.
Threats? From who ............ presumably those Palestinians who read her piece for the biased piece of Israeli Propaganda it would have been?
Your wife may have heard of this young Lady Rachel Corrie? She was murdered by the IDF in Gaza by the IDF. She was very young journalist (late 20’s?) and was deliberately run down in spite of people yelling at the driver to tell him she was there and she was crushed by an Israeli armoured bulldozer that was knocking down a doctors surgery/house.
And being a Murdoch journalist, she got a number of pieces through regarding Cyprus. Even though her heritage was Cypriot.
I am sorry to say it but Cyprus is a subject that is really only of any real interest to Cypriots. From experience with Americans, I can assure you that most of them don’t even know where Cyprus is, let alone anything about the ‘Cyprus Problem’
But not just that, she wrote a lot of stuff, with regard to Bosnia, and other War Zones. She could write whatever she wanted, within reason. No bias, at least not the kind of bias you talk about with Murdoch's agenda. Now, true to form, her interests are with the mass movement of migrants from Syria to EU, Kurdish issues, things like the Assyrians of Syria, Yazidi and so on. She has taken a liking to Kurds as a cause she wants to champion now and she is doing it in a different way and her works penetrate with decision makers as well, who fund her. She also writes speeches.
Your wife is obviously a lady that demonstrates empathy with others and I admire that trait in anybody. She is obviously vastly different when compared to your irrational and hate filled views, all driven by the same hatred for Putin and all things Russian, and an irrational and ill-informed opinion of Assad. Be realistic ..... if you work for Murdoch, you write according to the Comany’s editorial policy, otherwise you are looking for another job ..... which you will find it very difficult to get ..... you are marked as a trouble maker.
If your wife has an interest in the Palestinian problem, she will know of and maybe even met with Alison Weir? She went to Gaza, as a journalist and was so upset by what she heard and saw she chucked in the job and started 'If Americans Knew'. She has also had many death threats and has been attacked several times by Zionists and had meeting disputed by them. She is also very close to the truth and is also very plausible with evidence to prove it.
Did you watch the Assad interview? On the remote off chance that you did, did you not think the questions were heavily loaded, almost accusations? Did you not think his polite replies were well measured, very logical and truthfull? Did you not note that he said he would answer
ALL questions and that, obviously, he had no pre-knowledgeg of what those questions would be? Have you ever seen Kerry allowing himself to be interviewed like that?
You should open your mind and try watching outlets like RT (
which is nowhere near as biased and selective as the outlets you use). They seem to welcome interviews with people who have anti-Russian/Putin/Assad views and invariably make them look rather foolish when they are asked to justify their views
I have seen very little outside of reports on RT etc. about the hundreds of civilian deaths in your coalitions attacks on the villages around Mosul ..... and where they are briefly mentioned, the deaths are always credited as being by ISIL ..... even when they are 284 dead human shield hostages. Why would you take hostages ...... and then kill them? Surely ..... they are then useless to you as a 'human shield'. Although RT/Sputnik have made no allegations, I believe these hostages were killed by our advancing coalition forces. They were all shot and then bulldozed into a pile. Do ISIL have bulldozers and, would they take the time to ‘tidy up’? The story is very questionable.
But it is already becoming very obvious that what happens in Aleppo and Syria in general is always down to Assad/Putin deliberately murdering civilians but in the same situation in Mosul, it is ISIS doing all the killing of their civilians, hostages and human shields? Maybe Putin should set up a ‘
White Helmet’ civil defence group in ISIL held Iraq and pay for a Moscow based
'Iraq Observatory of Human Rights', run by a ex-ISIS tee shirt salesman?
The air attacks, which apparently have been heavy and the artillery shelling and rockets ...... have all been done with no attributable civilian casualties. I find that to have absolutely no credibility at all!