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The war against Syria

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Re: The war against Syria

Postby miltiades » Tue Oct 18, 2016 9:11 pm

Paphitis wrote:It really doesn't matter what you believe.

What matters is the position of the Coalition against International Law. The law is not with the Assad/Pootin side.

I would strongly recommend they don't even mention International Law because that only makes them a laughing stock in the international community. It's a bit like Himmler giving us a lecture on law.

If that's ok just like the ethnic cleansing was ok in Bosnia by Serbian militias of Muslims and ethnic kosovars. Well I am afraid we need to be consistent. It also means that it is OK to ethnically cleanse 37% of Cyprus.

This is the type of International Law you talk about? You are only interested in the political point scoring. America's enemies are my friends type of thing. Well the Coalition don't have enemies. We have allies but no enemies. We entered the war to finish off DAESH, not fight Assad's war against more than half the Syrian population, 52 militias (some Kurdish, Assyrian, Yazidi and Armenian) and all Sunni Muslims. Pootin declared war on Sunnis and will pay the price for that. You're in a quagmire.

Whereas Iraq is the blueprint. Our policies on show. Iraq will go on and prosper, Syria is finished!

Putin declared war on Sunnis ? Where did you get that from.
Putin was asked by the legitimate government of Syria for assistance in defeating the islamist jihadis, no such thing as Free Syrian bullocks army , no such entity as moderate rebels, they are all the same . The west has fucked up badly.
I have been always will be a staunch supporter of the west but will not be brainwashed by actions that my logic rejects entirely. The west should NEVER have been involved in this dreadful conflict, its involvement has contributed nothing to the Syrian people only exacerbated and prolonged the war. We do not have leaders in the west, only in name, piaston enan je fakka ton pas ton allon.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Get Real! » Tue Oct 18, 2016 11:35 pm

Paphitis wrote:The law is not with the Assad/Pootin side.

I would strongly recommend they don't even mention International Law because that only makes them a laughing stock in the international community.

You're making a total fucking fool of yourself... just give it up for your sake.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Get Real! » Tue Oct 18, 2016 11:38 pm

Aleppo is probably going to get incinerated soon. Listen to General Rudskoi…
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Wed Oct 19, 2016 7:56 am

No doubt when the Syrians and the Russians deal with ANOTHER US screw up ...... any civilian deaths incurred will be classified as 'deliberate' actions against civilians by Assad and the Russians.

An analogy: Your neighbour Mr.P's garden floods with sewage; he plans his solution for months whilst blaming you for the smell; he then lays land drains and re-directs his crap into your garden; problem (His) solved !!! Conclusion Mr.P is not a nice neighbour to have !!! :roll: :x

The Real Purpose Behind the "Liberation" of Mosul?

Syria’s army and Hezbollah and Iranian allies are preparing for a massive invasion by thousands of Isis fighters who will be driven out of Iraq when Mosul falls. The real purpose behind the much-trumpeted US-planned "liberation" of the Iraqi city, the Syrian military suspect, is to swamp Syria with the hordes of Isis fighters who will flee their Iraqi capital in favour of their "mini-capital" of Raqqa inside Syria itself.

For weeks now, Western media and the American experts it likes to quote have been predicting a Stalingrad-style battle to the death by Isis inside Mosul – or a swift victory over Isis followed by inter-sectarian Iraqi battles for the city. The UN is warning of massive refugee columns streaming from a besieged city. But the Syrians – after witnessing the sudden collapse and evacuation of Palmyra when their own army retook the ancient Syrian city earlier this year – suspect that Isis will simply abandon Mosul and try to reach safety in the areas of Syria which it still controls.

Aleppo The Worst Humanitarian Disaster Since WWII? Not So Fast, Mr. Kerry

The propaganda offensive unleashed against Russia by Washington and its allies has moved beyond satire and entered the realm of farce.

At the conclusion of their most recent meeting in London over the ongoing conflict in Syria, specifically the operation being carried out by Syrian government forces and Russia in Aleppo, US Secretary of State John Kerry spoke to the press in words that will not be treated kindly in the court of history.

“We are outraged by what is happening in Aleppo, which is in year 2016, beginning of the 21st century, horrendous step back in time to a kind of barbarianism, a use of force that is an insult to all of the values that the United Nations and most countries believe should guide our actions,” Kerry said.

It should be borne in mind that John Kerry speaks for a country which since the beginning of the 21st century has been responsible for a military mission in Afghanistan, where today the Taliban has never been stronger and in which ISIS now has a foothold, and for turning Iraq and Libya into failed states, unleashing an ocean of death, misery, human suffering, and chaos in the process.

It is more than enough to expose the moral high ground upon which the US and its allies have occupied over Syria as a dung heap of hypocrisy and double standards.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Wed Oct 19, 2016 3:23 pm

And as you can see, only 3 days into the Mosul operation, and everything is exceeding expectations with 9 villages liberated.

The coalition has stipulated that escape routes will be provided for civilians able to escape Mosul and refugee camps have been set up. Coalition countries are also preparing for the humanitarian crisis. So far, they are able to ammommodate 60,000 refugees.

Clear contrast to the War Crimes of Aleppo. Assad and Pootin have a war with the entire Sunni Muslim world now. The coalition has a war with DAESH. I know which I would prefer.

Pootin is in a quagmire. Coalition is not taking any sides.

We have also been very successful in getting all sides to cooperate and help each other in the Mosul Offensive. The first 100 families have managed to flee Mosul and are in the care of the Iraqi Security Forces and Peshmerga. We await to see how the Sunni population will welcome the Iraqis. The Peshmerga will not enter Mosul. Clear borders and green lines have been agreed to.

Well ladies and gentlemen! In the end, the world now sees who has the correct plans and who meticulously plans all operations to achieve objectives without war crimes and without turning the entire Sunni world against us or reducing cities to rubble with innocent civilians underneath.

Watch and learn. What you won't see is war crimes and the Coalition is always willing to have the scrutiny of the entire world as it has nothing to fear or worry about unlike Assad and Pootin who are now hated by 600 million people and are now accused war criminals.

The coalition achieves political solutions, not military solutions. Our objective was never to subjugate Sunni under Shia, but to achieve a partnership between Sunni and Shia and Kurds in Iraq.

Now you will see who is on the right side of International Law and Human Rights. But deep down you all knew it because you know you play politics whilst the coalition fights terrorism and helps stabilize and build countries (in this case Iraq). You know who has international credibility and who does not. The world votes with its feet. Some 70 countries are on our side as Coalition members and supporters, including Greece and Cyprus which claim to be in full support of the Coalition. Why I hear you ask. Well it appears they know who is right too.

Meanwhile, the Russians reduce Aleppo to a pile. Remember when you were all predicting that Aleppo will fall by last January? Hahaha! I guess you must have meant January 2017. But you won't be out of the Quagmire until January 2020 when we have Assad on the dock in The Hague! That's when you will be out. Good luck!
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Wed Oct 19, 2016 3:43 pm

Btw, any criminal Russian Forces who enter Iraqi Airspace will be treated as an act of aggression against Iraqi Sovereignty and will be confronted as such by the Coalition.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Wed Oct 19, 2016 3:55 pm

While you guys were all pulling your dicks, the US and Australian military have managed to train 50,000 Iraqi soldiers in counter terrorism and security. We are about to unleash our boys now. Our objectives were always long term and measured as we prepare Iraq to do all the heavy lifting here rather than send in an occupying force which would not be welcomed by many Iraqis.

Our aircraft will be in the skies picking all the low fruit. The high fruit will be left to the ISF. That's because, we don't kill hundreds of civilians for a few terrorists. Intentionally targeting civilians would be a war crime.

It's their country. We will help them naturally, but this is their operation. They can rely on our support as long as they don't stoop to the Criminal lows of the Assad regime.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Wed Oct 19, 2016 4:19 pm

This is gonna get very embarrassing for Assad and Pootin.

Coalition now assisting Shia in Iraq to liberate Mosul. Mmmmm!

But that's just us people. We are on the side of both Sunni and Shia. Who would have thought hey?

Are you guys in a brain meltdown yet? No?

Well, judging by your enemy's enemy is my friend type of politics you all now appear to be in dissarray. All over the place! And no credibility! Fancy talking about International Law now folks? With what authority?

Sure, the West fucked Iraq up. But it is now 2016 and it appears it ain't the Coalition fucking things up anymore.

Oh well! Better luck next time girls.

You've lost this war big time and Pootin is shitting himself because he will now have to come to terms with some major loss of face. Poor bugger! We all know it won't be easy for him.

Our Iraq has International legitimacy. Your Syria has as much credibility as the "trnc"! That is what happens when you are in blatant disregard of International Law. Based on that alone, then who has won? Pretty obvious to me. Assad has undermined himself. No one will ever take him as legitimate apart from Russia, China, Iran and Venezuela! You got to laugh don't you?

The losers are those who stand accused of war crimes. Bye bye!

Our enemy is DAESH. Never was the Sunni or Shia, or Iran or Saudi Arabia. You have picked your side not us. We can exit when our work is done, and Pootin can't! Enjoy Saudi Arabia Pootin. You won't like it. We win, Pootin and Assad will be left with a very shitty can to carry. And naturally, the Coalition will continue to arm the Saudis and the Iraqis to boot. A foot in both camps. Oh well Pootin. Sucker!

Who has the brains now?
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby miltiades » Wed Oct 19, 2016 4:45 pm

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Wed Oct 19, 2016 4:53 pm

At this rate, Assad will be lucky to achieve the same Pariah status as North Korea.

Iraq on the other hand is a different matter.

In the end, there is a BIG price to pay for violating International Law and conducting War Crimes. And Syria and Russia are going to pay it.

There is one golden rule. Yes sure, the UN has its flaws. But International Law and Himan Rights are an international sacrament. It's these laws which protect every country and the rights of civilians in war zones.

And we Cypriots are victims just like Syrians and Iraqis today. No one is beneath us or no life is worth less where countries can just roll up and have blatant disregard for it.

It's the same laws which forbid Israel from gaining any legitimacy over the West Bank. It's these laws which forbid Tirkey gaining legitimacy over occupied Cyprus. It might not be fair, but it is consistent.

I am amazed that so many Cypriots will play politics with all this mayhem after what our island has been through and continues to endure to this day!


You better smarten up folks I tell you what!
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