Paphitis wrote:It really doesn't matter what you believe.
What matters is the position of the Coalition against International Law. The law is not with the Assad/Pootin side.
I would strongly recommend they don't even mention International Law because that only makes them a laughing stock in the international community. It's a bit like Himmler giving us a lecture on law.
If that's ok just like the ethnic cleansing was ok in Bosnia by Serbian militias of Muslims and ethnic kosovars. Well I am afraid we need to be consistent. It also means that it is OK to ethnically cleanse 37% of Cyprus.
This is the type of International Law you talk about? You are only interested in the political point scoring. America's enemies are my friends type of thing. Well the Coalition don't have enemies. We have allies but no enemies. We entered the war to finish off DAESH, not fight Assad's war against more than half the Syrian population, 52 militias (some Kurdish, Assyrian, Yazidi and Armenian) and all Sunni Muslims. Pootin declared war on Sunnis and will pay the price for that. You're in a quagmire.
Whereas Iraq is the blueprint. Our policies on show. Iraq will go on and prosper, Syria is finished!
Putin declared war on Sunnis ? Where did you get that from.
Putin was asked by the legitimate government of Syria for assistance in defeating the islamist jihadis, no such thing as Free Syrian bullocks army , no such entity as moderate rebels, they are all the same . The west has fucked up badly.
I have been always will be a staunch supporter of the west but will not be brainwashed by actions that my logic rejects entirely. The west should NEVER have been involved in this dreadful conflict, its involvement has contributed nothing to the Syrian people only exacerbated and prolonged the war. We do not have leaders in the west, only in name, piaston enan je fakka ton pas ton allon.