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The war against Syria

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Re: The war against Syria

Postby miltiades » Sun Oct 09, 2016 3:56 pm

" War crimes committed by any country are a deplorable thing."

Unless of course those killed happen to be ....gays!
You have a fucking audacious way of saying things you pisspot. On one hand you supported the savages throwing gays of the top of buildings, brain washed fucking barbarians that you consider righteous and brave, lunatic perverts shooting innocent people, now you have the audacity to claim that you consider war crimes deplorable. You may fool some naïve youngsters on this forum but you don't fool me.
Now do me a favour and jump off a high building you brainwashed zombie, if this is appropriate for gays surely it also is for perverts.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Schnauzer » Sun Oct 09, 2016 5:22 pm

miltiades wrote:THE PERVERT WROTE:
" War crimes committed by any country are a deplorable thing."

Unless of course those killed happen to be ....gays!
You have a fucking audacious way of saying things you pisspot. On one hand you supported the savages throwing gays of the top of buildings, brain washed fucking barbarians that you consider righteous and brave, lunatic perverts shooting innocent people, now you have the audacity to claim that you consider war crimes deplorable. You may fool some naïve youngsters on this forum but you don't fool me.
Now do me a favour and jump off a high building you brainwashed zombie, if this is appropriate for gays surely it also is for perverts.

Now I fully realize that you have got the 'Hump' about being 'Sussed' for your habit of resorting to 'Plagierism' in the hope that some of the less observant may think you an asset in 'Debate' BUT, your lame excuse for omitting to supply a 'Link' does not wash when you repeat the same folly time and time again. :roll:

To demonstrate the validity of your exposure as a 'Fraud', I invite you to cast a glance at the OTHER recent act of 'Plagierism' which you presented as your own opinion AND, if you have any sense of shame at all, kindly DO what it requires you to do in the introduction. :roll:

Never mind all the abuse and bad language, I am sure we are all quite used to it. I can't abide 'Poofters', MY opinion well known to be contrary to a vast number of those who are less 'Homophobic' least they ARE my opinions. :roll:

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Joined: Thu Apr 13, 2006 8:01 pm.......time he FUCKED OFF himself !. (to make use of His own characteristic terminology) (imho) :lol:

Which rebel group would that be ?.

"There are at least 100-120 different groups, with various aims, and differing in size from thousands to just 100-200 members. They are splintered, with some limited to a narrow geographical area. And some are far from moderate, sharing the ideology of al-Qaida.

The fragmented nature of the opposition is reflected in an assessment by Charles Lister, author of The Syrian Jihad: Al-Qaeda, the Islamic State and the Evolution of an Insurgency.

Among the various groups, he listed: Southern Front (58 factions), 25,000 strong; Northern Free Syrian Army (14 factions), 20,000; Tajamu Fastaqm Kama Umrat, 1,000; Thuwar al-Sham, 1,000; Jabhat al-Asala wal Tanmiya, 5,000; al-Jabhat al-Shamiya, 2,500; Kataib Nour al-Din al-Zinki, 1,500; Faylaq al-Rahman, 2,000; Faylaq al-Sham 4,000; al-Ittihad al-Islami Ajnad al-Sham, 3,000."

What the West failed to consider is WHO WILL REPLACE ASSAD?
Who from all these groups would be able to bring peace to the Syrian people ?

The country is breaking apart, the Syrian people need peace they do not need 100 plus groups fighting Assad.

I do care a great deal about the suffering of innocent men women and children, I can see only one group capable of restoring peace to Syria and that is the legal government of Syria, the internationally recognized government. Only the very naïve could envisage a solution and establishment of peace by removing the one force that can achieve this.I repeat, the West, America in particular, has totally FUCKED UP.

The LAST two words gave the game away I fear. :roll:
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Oct 09, 2016 5:26 pm

Robin Hood wrote:
repulsewarrior wrote:
FAMAGUSTA GAZETTE•Friday, 07 October, 2016
In Aleppo, thousands of people could die and the whole city may soon be destroyed unless rebel fighters retreat from the city and Syria and Russia call a halt to their aerial bombing campaign, the UN's Staffan de Mistura has said.

In a direct appeal to the three parties in the more than five-year-old conflict, the UN Special Envoy for Syria said that "the writing is on the wall" for Aleppo's civilians.

Some 275,000 civilians are besieged in eastern Aleppo which has become a key battleground between the Syrian government and opposition forces.

Among the rebels are between 900 and 1,000 former Al Nusra fighters who are now called Jabhat Fatah al-Sham.

Unless they pull back from the city, UN Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura warned, the situation risked becoming "another Srebrenica" and even "another Rwanda" – a reference to past conflicts where civilians paid the highest price.

"The reality is, the writing on the wall, in front of us, if this continues to be the pattern at this rate, unless there is any major game-changer that may change the equation, this cruel, constant use of military activity, bombing, fighting, destruction in eastern Aleppo will continue."

In his appeal to the rebels, Mr de Mistura called on them to leave eastern Aleppo "in dignity" and with their weapons.

He also said he was prepared to accompany them as a guarantee of their safety.

The UN negotiator made a second appeal, this time to Syria and Russia, asking whether they were prepared to carry on using weapons that risked destroying the whole eastern city of Aleppo for the sake of eliminating the rebels.

At the Special Envoy's side, UN humanitarian task force co-chair Jan Egeland said that 861,000 Syrians are now besieged inside the country, nearly 400,000 more than in February.

Larof has said he will support this move and will convince Assad to agree. Assad has already agreed to an amnesty for those that lay down their arms. Of course this will not suit the US as it means Assad will have achieved what he and Russia said they would do and clear Aleppo of terrorists. Then there will be no more need for military action ... at least in Aleppo.

Now let's watch Kerry and the US drag their feet on this one ..... and that will show just how committed to peace the US really is! :roll: Don't hold your breath .... the US will find some excuse to avoid this and no doubt blame Russia! :x

Now we know Kerry's plan 'C' or is it 'D' or even 'E' ? Kerry gives Hollande his often recycled demand that the Russian/Syrian aircraft must be grounded and a seven day cessation of hostilities. (so that the US can rearm the terrorists ) He gets Hollande to make his recycled plan a whole new French proposal to the UNSC. But Russia is not stupid, Lavrof and Co. have heard all this before.

So, Russia puts forward their plan which endorses the Plan proposed by the UN to allow the terrorists to walk away from Aleppo but keep their weapons. Russia knew it would fail. :(

Both failed. Now the US can blame Russia as they refused (once again) to go for Kerry's con trick. It is so pathetic ......... even Paphitis could make a better go of it than Kerry! Well, maybe that's pushing it a bit too far ? :roll: :lol: :lol:
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Oct 09, 2016 6:24 pm

Well Paphitis, looks like the idiots have got their fingers on the trigger and are again committing war crimes in Syria! :x All sounds very plausible to me ...... maybe why Russia used a cruise to destroy that US Intelligence centre ..... that stealth raid nobody knows anything about ? Just a friendly warning, heh ? :roll:

Pentagon Begins Low-Intensity, Stealth War in Syria - By Mike Whitney

“Last Wednesday, at a Deputies Committee meeting at the White House, officials from the State Department, the CIA and the Joint Chiefs of Staff discussed limited military strikes against the (Assad) regime … One proposed way to get around the White House’s long-standing objection to striking the Assad regime without a U.N. Security Council resolution would be to carry out the strikes covertly and without public acknowledgment.”

– Washington Post

Call it stealth warfare, call it poking the bear, call it whatever you’d like. The fact is, the Syrian war has entered a new and more dangerous phase increasing the chances of a catastrophic confrontation between the US and Russia.

And there's more .......

Don’t you think the Washington Post should have mentioned that Carter’s sordid-little enterprise is already underway?

Consider the bombing of Deir Ezzor, for example. Doesn’t that meet the Post’s standard of “U.S. military strikes against the Assad regime”?

Sure, it does.

And what about the two Syrian bridges US warplanes took out over the Euphrates last week? (making it more difficult to attack ISIS strongholds in the eastern quadrant of the country) Don’t they count?

Of course, they do.

And let’s not forget the fact that Carter’s jihadist buddies on the ground launched a mortar attack on the Russian embassy in Damascus on Tuesday. That’s another part of this low-intensity war that’s already underway. So all this rubbish about Obama mulling over these “new options” for “military strikes” is complete hogwash. Plan Carter is already in full swing, the train already left the station. The only thing missing is presidential authorization which probably isn’t necessary since Il Duce Carter decided that it was his turn to run the country.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Schnauzer » Sun Oct 09, 2016 9:12 pm

miltiades ('The Plagiarist') wrote:

I always provide a link when bringing to attention views. On this occasion I failed to do so, neither did I state that those were my words..

If such be the case, how do you account for THIS 'Plagiarized' post which was discovered quite by accident ?.

Post by Schnauzer » Wed Sep 28, 2016 4:34 pm

Yesterday at 'Westminster Abbey' I attended the 'Memorial Service' for 'Terry Wogan' (leave out the 'Sir' because HE wasn't really bothered about such stuff) and there were many people there who came to know him well and some who really loved Him.

Among the throng of those who came to pay their respects and celebrate His life were several 'Journalists' and among them, 'Ewen MacAskill' (correspondent for 'The Guardian Newspaper') a Scottish chap that I have known for several years.

Nothing extraordinary about such a small event except for the co-incidence that just occurred within THIS thread when I read something that I remember reading before.

On or about the 30th November 2015 (according to my diary) 'Ewen' wrote an article which was quite informative about events taking place in 'Syria'.

There ARE reasons for why this article was of interest to Me BUT, what prompts a mention is the fact that 'Ewen's Article' appears to have been presented by a member of THIS forum and I suspect that the intention is to fool other members into believing that it is His own work. !! :shock:

A disgraceful exhibition of 'Plagiarism' if ever there was one, however, the 'Plagiarist' slipped up at the end of the contribution by ending the article with an offensive expression and THAT was the clincher for Me, how could one produce such an 'In Depth' informative account of such enormous consequences to the civilized world and end it with His customary injection of 'Filth'. (tut tut, it's just not on) :roll:

Looks like you had a previous 'Lapse of Memory' (a couple of weeks ago) when you plagiarized 'Ewen MacAskill' :lol:

You are like a 'Gopher' poking His head out of His hole and looking around to see if it's safe to come out of hiding before you have another rant about something you know nothing about :lol: I wonder you have the nerve to 'Pop Out' so soon after your exposure. :roll:
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Mon Oct 10, 2016 1:59 am

Schnauzer wrote:Naturally I am concerned and sympathetic with the sufferings of those innocents (be they whosoever) that are in the predicament they are forced into in Aleppo, where would you find ANY decent human being that would NOT share such sentiments ?.

The 'Gulf' which exists twixt you and I (a wide one) is where we place responsibility for all the conflicts in and around the ME, not exclusively 'Syria' and certainly not attributed to 'Russia'.

The constant references to 'War Crimes' are not helpful, it is difficult to determine which of the two major forces (or many) have committed more BUT, in MY estimation, I would suggest that the greater number of the 'Sum Total' of them ALL (in recent years) must have been committed by the forces of the 'West' (and I keep reference to 'Iraq' as a starting point) not those of either 'Russia' or 'Syria'.

There is NOW much evidence to support the contention that 'America' is the 'Beast' that made the first offensive move and I am in agreement with THAT conclusion.

The 'Iraq' fiasco cannot (and must not) be swept under the carpet, we live with the outcome and millions suffer on account of it. :wink:

there are many so called ;'human beings" who don't give a stuff about the people of aleppo.

This war is just a means to an end, and everything is justified. well not from the Coalition's point of view. This has gone beyond anything anyone could have imagined.

But brace yourselves, because it looks like the Coalition is seeking support for direct action against Assad and Hezbollah. At this stage, they are talking about Air Strikes against the Regime Forces around Aleppo, but Damascus has also been mentioned.

So we are very near to a war with Syria and Russia. now what?
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Mon Oct 10, 2016 2:04 am

miltiades wrote:I always provide a link when bringing to attention views. On this occasion I failed to do so, neither did I state that those were my words.
Paphitis is obsessed with Putin, and also considers himself to somehow be the one that pulls the strings in Syria.
The fact of the matter, Assad, like his father before him, dictators they may well be, but held Syria together for many years until the west got involved, the west has fucked up badly and time will show the naivety and stupidity of their actions.

The suffering and killings continue and will continue until the west realizes how dreadfully wrong their involvement in Syria has been.

Assad and only Assad can return Syria to peace.

Paphitis, do us all a favour mate, stop referring to the coalition as YOU or WE, OR OUR.
You have as much influence in the Syrian conflict as I or anyone else on this forum has. So lets get it straight. They are NOT your troops, you do NOT dictate policy or make demands.

no it had nothing to do with the West.

The conflict started from inside Syria. These dictators had decades of repressing Sunni Syrians. They divided the country on sectarian lines.

the war was raging for 4 years before the west got involved and that wasn't to eliminate all of Assad's opposition but just DAESH. We don't care for Assad. now we just think he is a war criminal and we are going to get him.

Just hold your horses sunshine, because they are talking about direct strikes against the regime now.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Mon Oct 10, 2016 2:05 am

Robin Hood wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:
repulsewarrior wrote:
FAMAGUSTA GAZETTE•Friday, 07 October, 2016
In Aleppo, thousands of people could die and the whole city may soon be destroyed unless rebel fighters retreat from the city and Syria and Russia call a halt to their aerial bombing campaign, the UN's Staffan de Mistura has said.

In a direct appeal to the three parties in the more than five-year-old conflict, the UN Special Envoy for Syria said that "the writing is on the wall" for Aleppo's civilians.

Some 275,000 civilians are besieged in eastern Aleppo which has become a key battleground between the Syrian government and opposition forces.

Among the rebels are between 900 and 1,000 former Al Nusra fighters who are now called Jabhat Fatah al-Sham.

Unless they pull back from the city, UN Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura warned, the situation risked becoming "another Srebrenica" and even "another Rwanda" – a reference to past conflicts where civilians paid the highest price.

"The reality is, the writing on the wall, in front of us, if this continues to be the pattern at this rate, unless there is any major game-changer that may change the equation, this cruel, constant use of military activity, bombing, fighting, destruction in eastern Aleppo will continue."

In his appeal to the rebels, Mr de Mistura called on them to leave eastern Aleppo "in dignity" and with their weapons.

He also said he was prepared to accompany them as a guarantee of their safety.

The UN negotiator made a second appeal, this time to Syria and Russia, asking whether they were prepared to carry on using weapons that risked destroying the whole eastern city of Aleppo for the sake of eliminating the rebels.

At the Special Envoy's side, UN humanitarian task force co-chair Jan Egeland said that 861,000 Syrians are now besieged inside the country, nearly 400,000 more than in February.

Larof has said he will support this move and will convince Assad to agree. Assad has already agreed to an amnesty for those that lay down their arms. Of course this will not suit the US as it means Assad will have achieved what he and Russia said they would do and clear Aleppo of terrorists. Then there will be no more need for military action ... at least in Aleppo.

Now let's watch Kerry and the US drag their feet on this one ..... and that will show just how committed to peace the US really is! :roll: Don't hold your breath .... the US will find some excuse to avoid this and no doubt blame Russia! :x

Now we know Kerry's plan 'C' or is it 'D' or even 'E' ? Kerry gives Hollande his often recycled demand that the Russian/Syrian aircraft must be grounded and a seven day cessation of hostilities. (so that the US can rearm the terrorists ) He gets Hollande to make his recycled plan a whole new French proposal to the UNSC. But Russia is not stupid, Lavrof and Co. have heard all this before.

So, Russia puts forward their plan which endorses the Plan proposed by the UN to allow the terrorists to walk away from Aleppo but keep their weapons. Russia knew it would fail. :(

Both failed. Now the US can blame Russia as they refused (once again) to go for Kerry's con trick. It is so pathetic ......... even Paphitis could make a better go of it than Kerry! Well, maybe that's pushing it a bit too far ? :roll: :lol: :lol:

we are up to Plan F and that will involve direct conflict. Enjoy!

be ready to anticipate direct Air Strikes after the US presidentials in November at the latest. Clinton needs to stamp her authority.

And say bye bye to Assad while you still have him because he might need to live underground for a while.

It looks like pootin was smart enough to work it out for himself, hence the S400 but they will not save the regime around Aleppo.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby yialousa1971 » Mon Oct 10, 2016 8:32 pm

Yesterday evening, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) fully secured the Bustan Al-Basha district after conducting a succesful 48-hour offensive in the northern Aleppo neighbourhood.

With fierce clashes still ongoing at the nearby Owaija district, SAA troops and Liwa al-Quds (Palestinian paramilitary) are yet to break through rebel defenses in this neighbourhood. Islamist rebels here are increasingly relying on booby traps, snipers and occasional suicide bombers to prevent rapid government advances.

Meanwhile, the leadership of Jabhat Fateh Al-Sham (formerly known as Jabhat Al-Nusra) said they would not evacuate the jihadist group's fighters from Aleppo despite a desperate plea from the UN's Staffan de Mistura to rid the city's rebel-held districts of Al-Qaeda militants through diplomatic means.

In southern Aleppo, the SAA's Republican Guard - backed by Hezbollah and Al-Baath battalions - was able to capture the Sheikh Sa'eed Hill this morning after launching two waves of attacks on the Sheikh Sa'eed district beginning at daybreak on Friday. Government forces now have fire control over the entire neighbourhood.

Effectively, with the SAA advancing through rebel-held districts from two flanks in Aleppo, it seems only a matter of time before the entire city falls into government hands.

A zoomable version of the Aleppo map is available here.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby yialousa1971 » Mon Oct 10, 2016 9:08 pm

Syrian Army, Popular Forces Continue Evacuation of Civilians from Aleppo City
Tens more of people, mainly women and children, have left the Eastern neighborhoods of Aleppo city through humanitarian corridors established by the Syrian army troops, and are being relocated to equipped makeshift centers," the sources said.

The Syrian Army General Command announced on Wednesday that it will reduce airstrikes and shelling attacks on Eastern Aleppo to allow civilians to leave the city's besieged areas still controlled by militants groups.

"The command of the army made a decision to reduce the number of aerial and artillery strikes against terrorists' positions to help the civilians trapped in the city to leave for safer regions," the Syrian Army's statement said.

Aleppo has seen intense fighting over the past few months, with the Syrian army and popular forces managing to encircle large groups of militants in the Eastern districts of the city.

Syrian Army also said in order to prevent bloodshed and avoid more destruction, it gives militants in Aleppos Eastern neighborhoods an additional opportunity to benefit from amnesty decree and settle their status, or hand over their weapons and leave with their families.

The General command added in the statement that We call on all gunmen in the Eastern neighborhoods not to wait for any assistance from any one as all supplying routes became cut off and there is no chance for them, but handing over their weapons.
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