miltiades wrote:THE PERVERT WROTE:
" War crimes committed by any country are a deplorable thing."
Unless of course those killed happen to be ....gays!
You have a fucking audacious way of saying things you pisspot. On one hand you supported the savages throwing gays of the top of buildings, brain washed fucking barbarians that you consider righteous and brave, lunatic perverts shooting innocent people, now you have the audacity to claim that you consider war crimes deplorable. You may fool some naïve youngsters on this forum but you don't fool me.
Now do me a favour and jump off a high building you brainwashed zombie, if this is appropriate for gays surely it also is for perverts.
Now I fully realize that you have got the 'Hump' about being 'Sussed' for your habit of resorting to 'Plagierism' in the hope that some of the less observant may think you an asset in 'Debate' BUT, your lame excuse for omitting to supply a 'Link' does not wash when you repeat the same folly time and time again.
To demonstrate the validity of your exposure as a 'Fraud', I invite you to cast a glance at the OTHER recent act of 'Plagierism' which you presented as your own opinion AND, if you have any sense of shame at all, kindly DO what it requires you to do in the introduction.
Never mind all the abuse and bad language, I am sure we are all quite used to it. I can't abide 'Poofters', MY opinion well known to be contrary to a vast number of those who are less 'Homophobic' least they ARE my opinions.
Post by :- miltiades
Leading (plagiarist) Contributor
Posts: 15392
Joined: Thu Apr 13, 2006 8:01 pm.......time he FUCKED OFF himself !. (to make use of His own characteristic terminology) (imho)
Which rebel group would that be ?.
"There are at least 100-120 different groups, with various aims, and differing in size from thousands to just 100-200 members. They are splintered, with some limited to a narrow geographical area. And some are far from moderate, sharing the ideology of al-Qaida.
The fragmented nature of the opposition is reflected in an assessment by Charles Lister, author of The Syrian Jihad: Al-Qaeda, the Islamic State and the Evolution of an Insurgency.
Among the various groups, he listed: Southern Front (58 factions), 25,000 strong; Northern Free Syrian Army (14 factions), 20,000; Tajamu Fastaqm Kama Umrat, 1,000; Thuwar al-Sham, 1,000; Jabhat al-Asala wal Tanmiya, 5,000; al-Jabhat al-Shamiya, 2,500; Kataib Nour al-Din al-Zinki, 1,500; Faylaq al-Rahman, 2,000; Faylaq al-Sham 4,000; al-Ittihad al-Islami Ajnad al-Sham, 3,000."
What the West failed to consider is WHO WILL REPLACE ASSAD?
Who from all these groups would be able to bring peace to the Syrian people ?
The country is breaking apart, the Syrian people need peace they do not need 100 plus groups fighting Assad.
I do care a great deal about the suffering of innocent men women and children, I can see only one group capable of restoring peace to Syria and that is the legal government of Syria, the internationally recognized government. Only the very naïve could envisage a solution and establishment of peace by removing the one force that can achieve this.I repeat, the West, America in particular, has totally FUCKED UP.
The LAST two words gave the game away I fear.