No one is rushing to flee Aleppo! You are deluded and yes, the Sunnis fear the regime which is why they remain.
They can’t flee ... your terrorist kill them if they try and any that do make it through to the relative safety of government controlled western Aleppo do so at the risk of terrorist reprisals on their families.
If there is a deal, we will take the rebels and any civilians that want to come along to our safe havens for protection. No one is forced to do anything. And you can bet your bottom dollar that many will come, if not all.
What you suggest is of no significance. The UN deal is for the terrorists and their families. It is a UN arrangement that Russia and Assad will support unconditionally ...... as for the US, we are still waiting for them to agree. Then it will be put to the terrorists, if they refuse to accept ........ the assault goes on to its inevitable conclusion .... the total destruction of YOUR terrorists.
What will not occur is the disarmament of the rebels.
You should try reading these documents before making stupid comments...... the terrorists will be allowed to leave WITH their weapons!
And on top of that, the Coalition does not control these rebels. We asked the group a while ago to hand over any former Al Nusra fighters and they declined. In addition, the rebels have not agreed to anything.
There is no difference between your terrorists and Al-Nusra terrorists they are one and the same.
So you support them and arm them but have no control over them? That really inspires confidence in the competence of the US and their numerous allies!!! You give them weapons like TOW’s, MANPADS, rocket launchers, cluster bombs and chemical weapons ..... but have NO CONTROL over them? Just about says it all really!
We are however in support of the removal of the civilians if they want to come, but they will go to Kurdish areas where the coalition can be sure of their safety.
Assad has set up several corridors for the exit of civilians in the past and every time your terrorist shell the route or use the civilians as targets for their snipers. What happened to the principal of self determination? I assume you will reject any civilians that wish to go to the government controlled areas?
We do not accept any assurances from Assad nor do we recognize his legitimacy. There will be no agreements between the Coalition and the Assad regime. We do not make deals with War Criminals.
It's not YOUR shout! YOU don’t have a say! This is a UN initiative which Assad/Russia/Iran/Hezbollah are all supporting, as a means to ending the bloodshed without YOUR terrorists having to surrender.
So far, any sign of support from the US has not been forth coming. No doubt Kerry is busy draughting his alternative plan ...... which will be rejected anyway. But as you have no control or influence over YOUR terrorists, why would anyone need your input anyway?