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The war against Syria

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Re: The war against Syria

Postby B25 » Tue Oct 04, 2016 4:10 pm

Robin, your suggestions for Israel should also apply to Turkey, but I think pigs will fly first!!!
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Lordo » Tue Oct 04, 2016 4:15 pm

Maximus wrote:Lets all go together because;

I supposed we will all be needed just to escort you to see Dr Zampas, even with your straitjacket on re elastihokefale

the difference is i know i am crazy if i was not i would not be here but you dont. you think you are normal. like furqe you are. boy you need help so just pop down there saturdauy morning and tell them your ex-patient lordo sent me and he will treat you right. straingh into the operating theatre. he wil remove your brain give it a good wash, refurbish it with better thoughts and plant it in a pot somewhere. you will do well trust me. tou may even flower once in a blue moon. you will be much happier. trust me onest.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Tue Oct 04, 2016 5:15 pm

Maximus wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Maximus wrote:The irony is that the Cyprus problem has many similarities to what has and is happening in Syria. How do you feel paphitis about supporting the Turkish Cypriots in the intercommunal conflict, invasion, ethnic cleansing and occupation of Cyprus? Thats probably not disimilar to how the average Syrian would think and feel but have them listening to you talking about Syria........

You would think one would clock after practically the same script has been used from one decade to the other, in one country or another to similar effect. The stars of the show remains the same but the stage is different.

There are many similarities between Ukraine and Cyprus.

Virtually none with Syria.

But you are either too blind or stupid to know any better.

Fact is, Russia doesn't give a flying fuck about Cyprus. In fact, they set Cyprus up nicely so they can have a war between 2 NATO members to exploit the weakness. The truth hurts I know!

:lol: :lol:

You are too funny to be taken seriously Paphitis.

These two unrelated conflicts, seperated by a long time also have something else in common? The coalition of NATO country's are behind both of them.


You still did not clock


I think you are confused.

The Cyprus Problem is an illegal invasion and occupation. Ukraine issue is one of annexation of the Crimean Peninsula in contravention of Russia's Treaty obligation that Crimea is part of Ukraine in exchange for some military bases on the peninsula. Both issues also concern minority ethnic issues as well. It's actually almost a carbon copy hence why the RoC sports NATO's position against Pootin on this issue.

Syria is not an issue of invasion and occupation. The Rebel groups are formed by Sunni Syrians who want Assad out, whether that be DAESH, Al Nusra or the Syrian Democratic Forces which include the Kurds and Free Syrian Army.

Completely separate issue altogether.

Also, the Coalition and NATO were never behind any Syrian Opposition Groups until arguably very recently and that is because we support fully the Kurdish Forces on the ground 100% and we half heartedly support some of the moderate rebel groups which are a part of the SDF. This only occurred in 2015 whilst the Syrian War started in 2010. In essence, we support a viable peace settlement and solution to the issue, not a military solution.

Our involvement in Syria was initially only to oppose DAESH but that was expanded to also include Al Nusra and another smaller group.

What we do not do is bomb civilians or starve them. We don't commit war crimes or use Chemical Weapons.

Pootin is also claiming coalition achievements as his own despite not even hardly attacking DAESH or even Al Nusra.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Tue Oct 04, 2016 5:24 pm

The Syrian Isdue for us is now one of War Crimes, with indiscriminate bombings against civilian targets, hospitals and the use of Chemical Weapons.

We do not accept Assad's legitimacy or recognize his authority.

The coalition is in Syria and the world now risks an unprecedented direct conflict between the Coalition and Russia. Both have Nuclear Weapons.

Just remember, it is Risdia who is playing this dangerous game. Coalition seeks a political solution with the Sunnis at the table seeking what is rightfully their's.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Tue Oct 04, 2016 8:28 pm

A more realistic and first hand assessment of the situation in Aleppo ........

Why Everything You Hear About Aleppo Is Wrong - Video

What's really going on in Aleppo? Are Assad and Putin exterminating the population for sport? Is it a war against US-backed "moderates"? That is what the mainstream media would have us believe. We speak with Vanessa Beeley, a journalist who just returned from Aleppo for the real story.

Posted October 04, 2016
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Tue Oct 04, 2016 8:55 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Maximus wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Maximus wrote:The irony is that the Cyprus problem has many similarities to what has and is happening in Syria. How do you feel paphitis about supporting the Turkish Cypriots in the intercommunal conflict, invasion, ethnic cleansing and occupation of Cyprus? Thats probably not disimilar to how the average Syrian would think and feel but have them listening to you talking about Syria........

You would think one would clock after practically the same script has been used from one decade to the other, in one country or another to similar effect. The stars of the show remains the same but the stage is different.

There are many similarities between Ukraine and Cyprus.

Virtually none with Syria.

But you are either too blind or stupid to know any better.

Fact is, Russia doesn't give a flying fuck about Cyprus. In fact, they set Cyprus up nicely so they can have a war between 2 NATO members to exploit the weakness. The truth hurts I know!

:lol: :lol:

You are too funny to be taken seriously Paphitis.

These two unrelated conflicts, seperated by a long time also have something else in common? The coalition of NATO country's are behind both of them.


You still did not clock


I think you are confused.

The Cyprus Problem is an illegal invasion and occupation. Ukraine issue is one of annexation of the Crimean Peninsula in contravention of Russia's Treaty obligation that Crimea is part of Ukraine in exchange for some military bases on the peninsula. Both issues also concern minority ethnic issues as well. It's actually almost a carbon copy hence why the RoC sports NATO's position against Pootin on this issue.

Syria is not an issue of invasion and occupation. The Rebel groups are formed by Sunni Syrians who want Assad out, whether that be DAESH, Al Nusra or the Syrian Democratic Forces which include the Kurds and Free Syrian Army.

Completely separate issue altogether.

Also, the Coalition and NATO were never behind any Syrian Opposition Groups until arguably very recently and that is because we support fully the Kurdish Forces on the ground 100% and we half heartedly support some of the moderate rebel groups which are a part of the SDF. This only occurred in 2015 whilst the Syrian War started in 2010. In essence, we support a viable peace settlement and solution to the issue, not a military solution.

Our involvement in Syria was initially only to oppose DAESH but that was expanded to also include Al Nusra and another smaller group.

What we do not do is bomb civilians or starve them. We don't commit war crimes or use Chemical Weapons.

Pootin is also claiming coalition achievements as his own despite not even hardly attacking DAESH or even Al Nusra.

What a load of rubbish!!
Our involvement in Syria was initially only to oppose DAESH
... So the Assad must go was never US policy? :lol:
Ukraine issue is one of annexation of the Crimean Peninsula
..... at the request of 97% of the population! :roll:
... also concern minority ethnic issues as well
.... like the Government threatening to exterminate the ethnic Russian population? A government YOU installed by a US sponsored coup d'atat! :x
The Rebel groups are formed by Sunni Syrians
.... bullshit, they are predominately foreign mercenaries! :x
This only occurred in 2015 whilst the Syrian War started in 2010
..... the CIA has been funding and arming the 'official opposition' since day one or even earlier. :x
Pootin is also claiming coalition achievements as his own despite not even hardly attacking DAESH or even Al Nusra.
If Russia had not responded as it did'to Assad's request ..... Syria today would be another Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya!
Your mighty coalition dropped over 58,000 bombs on Iraq and Syria and Daesh was even stronger than ever. It was not until Putin arrived that Syrias fortunes changed and the terrorists were and are being seriously dealt with. It is proven that the US has been supporting Daesh, Al-Nusra and all the other head choppers ........ because they want Syria as yet another failed state and could not give a damn about the Syrian people!

Well done President Putin ..... next step......... a Russian/Syrian 'No Fly Zone'.

You have some strange concepts. :roll:
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Wed Oct 05, 2016 7:40 am

What is a load of rubbish is the fact that for the time being, Assad is committing War Crimes, with impunity.

This however will not go on forever, as the chooks will eventually come home to roost. they ALWAYS do.

Assad no longer has legitimacy other than as an alleged War Criminal for crimes he will eventually answer to.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Wed Oct 05, 2016 12:44 pm

Paphitis wrote:What is a load of rubbish is the fact that for the time being, Assad is committing War Crimes, with impunity.

This however will not go on forever, as the chooks will eventually come home to roost. they ALWAYS do.

Assad no longer has legitimacy other than as an alleged War Criminal for crimes he will eventually answer to.

That is just your completely unsupported opinion and is at odds with what those outside the US/NATO 'coalition' see !

Watch this for a reality check (Just 22 minutes - US TV Station interview )...... the lady has previously lived there for many years, has contacts and has recently returned from a visit to Aleppo ...... I would take her explanation and view of the situation over yours, or Kerry's, any day! :roll:
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Wed Oct 05, 2016 1:05 pm

It's not an opinion. It is a fact. War Crimes are being committed against Syrian Civilians by the now illegal and criminal "government" of Syria.

We do not recognize its authority or legitimacy. The coalition is in Syria without invitation and is fighting diplomatically to protect all the people of Syria, including Allepo. History will be Assad's judge and international law will catch up with him like it did for other war criminals in the past.

History will be kinder to the Coalition than it will be for Pootin and Assad. And we will also see him in The Hague.

The information is there for all to see. Your opinion is formed by whether you have the debauchery to tolerate mass murder of civilians which is systematic and deliberate with the use of Chemical Warfare.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Lordo » Wed Oct 05, 2016 2:18 pm

Paphitis wrote:It's not an opinion. It is a fact. War Crimes are being committed against Syrian Civilians by the now illegal and criminal "government" of Syria.

We do not recognize its authority or legitimacy. The coalition is in Syria without invitation and is fighting diplomatically to protect all the people of Syria, including Allepo. History will be Assad's judge and international law will catch up with him like it did for other war criminals in the past.

History will be kinder to the Coalition than it will be for Pootin and Assad. And we will also see him in The Hague.

The information is there for all to see. Your opinion is formed by whether you have the debauchery to tolerate mass murder of civilians which is systematic and deliberate with the use of Chemical Warfare.

if the job of the coalition was to protect the civilians, judguing by how many civilians have been killed and how many have left their homes and add to that how many properties have been damaged. i would say it has been a total disaster. pack up your bags and piss off the middle you assholes.
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