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The war against Syria

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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Lordo » Mon Oct 03, 2016 3:37 pm

where is the occupied parts exactly. or do you mean the liberated parts. and in anycase there is no similarity what so ever. gcs have tc lands in the south worth a lot more than tcs have gc land in the north. is that the same as israil and the west bank. do the arabs have jewish properties in the west bank. you deluded stupid old man.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Mon Oct 03, 2016 4:49 pm

How this thread got onto Palestine/Israel beats me ..... BUT:
I wonder how Turkey would react if : " Since Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip in 2005, terrorists have fired more than 11,000 rockets into Israel. Over 5 million Israelis are currently living under threat of rocket attacks. More than half a million Israelis have less than 60 seconds to find shelter after a rocket is launched from Gaza into Israel."

But that is not true! The Palestinians are not firing rockets into Israel they are firing them at an occupier of their lands which were taken by force with a great loss of life. No different to the actions of the Resistance in Europe during the WWII German occupation. The 5 million settlers have no more rights than those in the occupied north of Cyprus.
Until the right of Israel to exist is recognized by its neighbours atrocities will continue .
Unfortunately I can not see this happening in the near future. There is far too much hatred and far too much religious doctrine to deal with.

What about Palestine's right to exist?

I have always found it strange that GC’s cannot see the similarity between what happened in Palestine in 1948 and has continued for over 65 years, and what happened here in 1974. The only real difference is that the Palestinians land has been progressively stolen throughout that period. For 65+ years the Zionists have been stealing land from the Palestinians and have forced most of them into the World’s largest ever Concentration Camp. In Cyrus, the Turks occupied 37% and then stopped.

The Palestinians are slowly being exterminated. (Genocide)

Almost three times the population of Cyprus is squeezed into an area the size of Limassol. Just imagine how you, as GC’s would feel now if the Turks had continually encroached on the south, and when you loosed a homemade rocket at them, they retaliated with a massive modern arsenal of weaponry right into the heart of Limassol and killed thousands of GC's ..... men, women and children?

Maybe it would be worth you looking at this video, a brief explanation: (20 minutes)

The Empire Files: How Palestine Became Colonized

From the early settlements, the Nakba, and to the conquest of the West Bank, Abby Martin reveals the roots of the so-called "Israel-Palestine conflict"


I just hope the US Coalition listens! It is not often that Russia issues warnings ....... usually it just acts. This seems to be a clear, very clear, case of “You have been warned!” :?

Russia Warns of 'Terrible' Consequences if U.S. Attacks Syrian Government Forces
- By The Associated Press

Russian news agencies quoted Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova as saying that a U.S. intervention against the Syrian army "will lead to terrible, tectonic consequences not only on the territory of this country but also in the region on the whole."
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Lordo » Mon Oct 03, 2016 5:23 pm

dont expect the old fool to understand any of this. his brain has gone, in his head there is only read wine. what a way to live.
Last edited by Lordo on Mon Oct 03, 2016 5:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby miltiades » Mon Oct 03, 2016 5:38 pm

Robin Hood wrote:How this thread got onto Palestine/Israel beats me ..... BUT:
I wonder how Turkey would react if : " Since Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip in 2005, terrorists have fired more than 11,000 rockets into Israel. Over 5 million Israelis are currently living under threat of rocket attacks. More than half a million Israelis have less than 60 seconds to find shelter after a rocket is launched from Gaza into Israel."

But that is not true! The Palestinians are not firing rockets into Israel they are firing them at an occupier of their lands which were taken by force with a great loss of life. No different to the actions of the Resistance in Europe during the WWII German occupation. The 5 million settlers have no more rights than those in the occupied north of Cyprus.
Until the right of Israel to exist is recognized by its neighbours atrocities will continue .
Unfortunately I can not see this happening in the near future. There is far too much hatred and far too much religious doctrine to deal with.

What about Palestine's right to exist?

I have always found it strange that GC’s cannot see the similarity between what happened in Palestine in 1948 and has continued for over 65 years, and what happened here in 1974. The only real difference is that the Palestinians land has been progressively stolen throughout that period. For 65+ years the Zionists have been stealing land from the Palestinians and have forced most of them into the World’s largest ever Concentration Camp. In Cyrus, the Turks occupied 37% and then stopped.

The Palestinians are slowly being exterminated. (Genocide)

Almost three times the population of Cyprus is squeezed into an area the size of Limassol. Just imagine how you, as GC’s would feel now if the Turks had continually encroached on the south, and when you loosed a homemade rocket at them, they retaliated with a massive modern arsenal of weaponry right into the heart of Limassol and killed thousands of GC's ..... men, women and children?

Maybe it would be worth you looking at this video, a brief explanation: (20 minutes)

The Empire Files: How Palestine Became Colonized

From the early settlements, the Nakba, and to the conquest of the West Bank, Abby Martin reveals the roots of the so-called "Israel-Palestine conflict"


I just hope the US Coalition listens! It is not often that Russia issues warnings ....... usually it just acts. This seems to be a clear, very clear, case of “You have been warned!” :?

Russia Warns of 'Terrible' Consequences if U.S. Attacks Syrian Government Forces
- By The Associated Press

Russian news agencies quoted Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova as saying that a U.S. intervention against the Syrian army "will lead to terrible, tectonic consequences not only on the territory of this country but also in the region on the whole."

Robin, I will Not respond to the forum's idiot but will ask you the following.
What in your opinion is a likely solution, do you think the Israelis should be expelled from what is now the state of Israel ? Do you think that this scenario would be possible bearing in mind that Israel does have nuclear capabilities. Or would you perhaps consider that the only option is both Hamas and Israel accept each other and bring peace in this troubled region.
What happened in 1948 and subsequently can not now be revoked,. it is far better for a settlement respecting each others right to exist.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Maximus » Mon Oct 03, 2016 10:53 pm

I dont think Jews are the problem in this conflict, many jews might probably agree that zionism is. Robin has told the cold hard truth of what is going on there. A likely scenario is that the existing trend continues until there is no more palestine. This is probably the long term objective. Then some anglo-american-jew academic with "expert" credentials will tell why it was all the palestinians fault.

Getting back to the thread.

America has been cornered and exposed, this is why she has suspended dialogue with Russia. Even when they were talking, everything agreed was still born because the US never kept to its side of the agreements. So the Russians say.

So basically, Russia will start shooting anything that moves inside Syria that is not Syrian and America will shoot at everything inside Syria that is Russian or Syrian. Yesterday, Nato accidentally targetted the Syrian army but from tomorrow they will do it on purpose. What rational and intelligent leaders we have in the west, hey?
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Lordo » Tue Oct 04, 2016 11:43 am

many jews may dislike the israili government but the majority of the population do vote for the zionists who have no intetion of having peace in the middle east. first they will remove all the palastenians from the west bank and gaza strip and then turn their atention to the rest of the arab countries.

till the yanks with their poodle israel leave the middle east there will be no peace.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Maximus » Tue Oct 04, 2016 12:22 pm

You did the same thing in Cyprus, and also created EOKA and now ELAM. So whatever you think will craete peace in palestine and the middle east, the same will create peace in Cyprus and the eastern med.

Basically, get out of Cyprus and Anatolia.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Lordo » Tue Oct 04, 2016 1:32 pm

i see the problem is far worse then what it seemed. perhaps a visitation to the doktor the lunatic one is best i think. you will need some very strong medication. may i suggest Dr Constantinos Zampas, he will take good care of you. while you are there take b25 and kuru with you and if gr or dt has an episode teke them too. not forgetting the rest of the assholes here.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Maximus » Tue Oct 04, 2016 1:44 pm

Lets all go together because;

I supposed we will all be needed just to escort you to see Dr Zampas, even with your straitjacket on re elastihokefale
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Tue Oct 04, 2016 3:24 pm

Robin, I will Not respond to the forum's idiot but will ask you the following.

What in your opinion is a likely solution, do you think the Israelis should be expelled from what is now the state of Israel ?

I am no expert on the subject but IMO ....... YES! :roll:

They took it by force and there is no denying that, therefore it does not belong to them and it should be returned to those that were there for several hundreds if not a couple of thousand years. Quite simply ....... no matter who decided it should be theirs .......the Israeli’s do not have the title deeds!

I know several GC refugees who would not tolerate there being a settlement of the Cyprus Problem that did not address their claims to the return of their property. I think the same should apply to the Palestinians and Israel. How you make that division is a difficult one to answer but sure-as-hell both sides will not get everything they want, in either case.

Do you think that this scenario would be possible bearing in mind that Israel does have nuclear capabilities?

Only the US can divest the Israeli’s of their nuclear capability. If there was ever a country that should feel the clout of US sanctions .... it is Israel. Maybe if the US cut off the $3bn annual funding, applied a total arms embargo ..... and progressive sanctions for failure to comply with a total destruction of their nuclear and chemical weapons arsenal, that problem could be addressed. But I have always regarded Tel Aviv as the US’s capital city ........... so I think that is a very remote scenario. :wink:

Or would you perhaps consider that the only option is both Hamas and Israel accept each other and bring peace in this troubled region.

Palestine never had an army, that is why it was so straightforward for the Zionists to overwhelm them so easily. With a cessation of hostilities would there really be a need for either Hamas or the IDF? You could always put in a UN multinational force to police the country?

What happened in 1948 and subsequently cannot now be revoked. it is far better for a settlement respecting each others right to exist.

But you should be able to use the 1967 borders as a starting point? But does Israel respect the Palestinians right to exist? It does not look that way to me. BTW: The threat from Iran is a false concept, Iran has no time for the Zionist regime in Jerusalem and would see them disappear but they have no argument with the Jewish people.

A suggestion: :roll: :wink: Carry out a DNA test on all Israeli’s; those that have proven genetic origins in the ME stay and those that do not leave. The USA has states that are almost empty such as Vermont, Wyoming and even say New Mexico. So why not buy out those that are already living there, relocate them and turn New Mexico into New Israel? The Zionists could build the wall between Mexico and the US and act as a buffer zone, let’s face it they have a lot of experience of keeping people IN, so the transformation to keeping people OUT, would not be that different.

Seriously, all the time Israel has the total backing of the US and as such, is one of the two States in the UN to whom International Law does not apply ...... nothing will change. Israel will continue to present themselves as an oppressed State threatened by all its neighbours, and the MSM will continue to create the impression that this is so! The Palestinians will ALWAYS be identified as the aggressors. Anti-Semitism is a word that is now used in much the same way as ‘human rights’ ...... it can be, and is, misused to cover all eventualities.

All a Utopian ideal as I don’t think we will ever stop the animosity between not only the Israel’s and Palestinians , but the whole religious mess that Islam seems to be ..... so many different versions, all of whom hate the others ....... and have done since their Prophet died. The strange thing is that Iran is painted as the evil Islamic State and yet it seems to be the only one that is not fighting a war with Islamic extremists ......... except for sending forces to fight ISIS in Syria!

Best solution ......pull out all foreign armies, Isolate the region completely, complete ‘lock-down’ (We buy nothing from them and sell them nothing) by land, sea and air ..... and let them solve their own problems! :|
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