Paphitis wrote:miltiades wrote:" I hope that Turkey does not carry out the wishes of the West in this instance. Syria must be left alone to solve its own problems, Russia, in my opinion as well as China are absolutely right in not supporting the revolutionaries infested with Islamic extremists and Jihadis. The West is making a dreadful error in contributing financially to the revolutionaries aided and abated by extremist Islamists who come to Syria from all corners of the world.Stay out of Syria is the best option and the only option that the West should consider."
I posted the above in 2012, page 15. Since then we have had millions of Syrian refugees , hundreds of thousands killed and displaced, the country infested with the ISIS virmin all because the incompetent and naive Western world leaders fucked up good and proper.
Russia has shown the west real diplomacy backed up with real military muscle.
Assad has, in spite of what the West is proclaiming, an overwhelming election victory, West open your blinkered eyes and accept that Assad is the only leader capable of bringing peace to Syria. Dictator he most certainly is, but look around that area, are they not all fucking dictators and infected by the Allah virus that determines a footballer must have a haircut just as the game is supposed to start because his hair was ....un Islamic. Where? in Saudi Arabia, the mother, the carrier, the spreader of this horrid virus.
You're kidding right?
You want us to open our eyes. We have!
And we are after Assad so he better watch his back. If he does not step down, we will get him with other means.
it sometimes takes many years for these War Criminals to find themselves in the dock.
The only we to escape it, is to do what Hitler did in his Bunker.
Paphitis, sorry mate, your eyes will always be shut, after all you bloody boring cricket dont you