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The war against Syria

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Re: The war against Syria

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Apr 16, 2016 12:58 am

First Turkey-backed operation against IS becomes a fiasco

Read more: ... z45wGeBjdv interesting article, because it places the many incidences that are occurring in Syria at the moment, up to date.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Apr 16, 2016 7:09 am

Paphitis wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:The reason for the US call that 'Assad must go!' was because he treats his people badly. This is the prime driver of the war against Assad and the Syrian people...... and some people even love them and their country. We, the US/UK arm these animals with modern weapons so that they can kill ............. no wonder Islam is such a threat to Europe.

Coming to a country near you .........:roll:

The above Video has been deleted for some reason! Maybe too near the truth for the UK PC brigade?

600,000 pages of captured material and photos of all the torture techniques and executions. ... es-exposed

Try a more balanced approach. They were not 'captured' and the numbers are proven to be grossly inflated! As usual you are promoting a narrative from a biased source as proof. They are all ‘alleged’ incidents, the background of them could be very different. The reality could be also be very different as there are photos of ‘foreign’ fighters with battle wounds that had been dressed. The story is riddled with anomalies.

Do you not remember the story of Iraqi soldiers taking babies out of incubators in Kuwai and throwing them on the floor? All told in front of the cameras by a very tearful young lady who was a 'witness' to it .......... who later turned out to be the daughter of the Kuwaiti Ambassador to the US and was not even in Kuwait at the time! It was all lies and very carefully stage managed. Don’t just believe without questioning what you read.

Torture Photos from "Caesar"

"It should be considered there are two parts to this evidence package; the actual photographs, and the alleged photographer's explanation of what they show. The 30+ images published, at least, do show systematic abuse of captive men, including signs of torture, starvation, and sometimes execution. While we cannot know how representative the few publicized photos truly are, it seems criminal abuses are being carried out in Syria, a problem that merits alarm and attention. "Caesar's" story may be true, but for all we know, many of these bodies passing through this morgue could have different true stories. For example, some of them (like the apparent Christian man in image #25 - see list here) could be of civilians hostages taken by rebel forces, executed and then dumped, and simply being documented by the government. It's only by trusting Caesar that one can be sure that's not even part of the picture."

"The reasons to question or even doubt the defector's word are many, starting with the baseless claim that any code-name would protect him or his family from the Syrian government, if his employment story is true. All it really does is keep his identity secret from those he's appealing to, and suggests he may not be at all who he claims. [3] But these reasons have been ignored in a push by the powerful to indict and harm the Syrian government again, this time over distressingly ambiguous morgue photos."
[url] ... 2Caesar%22[/url]

A more detailed article ..... many of these ‘torture’ victims appear to have had medical attention, died from battle wounds or were decomposing when photographed etc.
The Caesar Photo Fraud that Undermined Syrian Negotiations

12 Problems with the Story of Mass Torture and Execution in Syria

by Rick Sterling - Syria Solidarity Movement , March 2016

You are far too quick to condemn on the flimsiest of evidence!

Yes, Assad must go. And he will be going very soon. It's not possible for Assad to remain.

As President Putin has said from day one of their timely and effective intervention ........ that is for the Syrian people to decide ..... not the US .... not NATO ..... nor Russia ..... or even the Australians!

BTW: Assad has just had a snap election before the US could get the NGO's in to stir up trouble ..... we shall have to see what the results are. If the vote for the rebels, no doubt you will claim that as a valid result ...... if they vote to retain the Assad lot, you will claim it all to be a fixed vote? :roll:
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Apr 16, 2016 7:24 am

UPDATE: Syrian election results ......... Assad won! Or did 10.3 million Syrians get it all wrong? Many apparently were prevented from voting in the rebel held areas, obviously, but no doubt they would have voted for him as well .... as they have first hand experience of the preferred US Coalition candidates! :roll:
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Sat Apr 16, 2016 8:58 am

Robin Hood,

I don't talk to you. You are a very sick, deluded, grudge-filled bitter old person who has no clue of anything let alone Syria or Banking.

Simply put, I don't take you seriously I am afraid for the views you hold. ... ctim-hamza

Now bugger off! You go and believe whatever it is you want, while the rest of us believe in what we believe is right and just.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Apr 16, 2016 11:39 am

Paphitis wrote:Robin Hood,

I don't talk to you. You are a very sick, deluded, grudge-filled bitter old person who has no clue of anything let alone Syria or Banking.

Simply put, I don't take you seriously I am afraid for the views you hold. ... ctim-hamza

Now bugger off! You go and believe whatever it is you want, while the rest of us believe in what we believe is right and just.

In your opinion of course. Well you have proved me wrong! I thought I was talking to a reasonably intelligent adult? Obviously not! Anyone who can spit his dummy and throw his toys out of the pram when he cannot get his own way is not really grown up enough to debate anything.

I am not sick just far better informed than you, obviously better mannered and obviously far more grown up ..... so excuse me if I don't belittle myself, come down to your level and tell you what to do. :roll:

You express your views by all means .... as I will mine.. If I disagree with you I will tell you and why ..... not just expound my unsupported opinion that I have got it right and every contrary view is wrong! No one on this forum is more deluded, arrogant and self opinionated or holds any where near as many grudges and chips on their shoulder, as you do !

Your mighty 'WE' lost out to Russian diplomacy in Syria, your knowledge on banking and money is abysmally poor, you blame some for war crimes on the scantiest of evidence but hail the virtues of the Israeli's ..... who are proven war criminals and you repeat nothing but propaganda about Ukraine and Russia ..... in short you are easily mislead.

Please grow up! :roll:

So no I won't do as you suggested ........ I am far too tough a character for you to tell me what to do! :)
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Sat Apr 16, 2016 11:48 am

I will keep this very brief and of course I wish you no grief or harm.

There is nothing adult about your posts at all. All you are doing is celebrating the misery and plight of millions more Syrians but not as if you care about them at all. And there is NOTHING democratic about these Syrian elections but there is no use trying to convince you of anything or to even attempt a reasoned chat.

Yes, we are talking about a War Criminal, and since Assad IS a War Criminal, he is on borrowed time. I dare him to set foot outside of Syria other than Iran, Russia or North Korea. he is wanted and we will get him, because he will answer to his crimes.

You know how Mossad use to get NAZI War Criminals. Well that is what if going to happen to Assad. He better watch his back.

But look, I am not interested in talking with you about this or Banking anymore. You just go your seperate way and find someone else to troll.

My opinions and beliefs are strong. I don't follow, or make them on the fly about anything and that includes Banks. I always try and stay true to what I believe is right and fair for the Syrian people. Pity not everyone is the same.

I am not telling you to do anything other than just ignore my posts and not talk to me again. OK?
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Apr 16, 2016 12:24 pm

The Syrian people have made their feelings known as did the people of Ukraine previously, both possible because of the Russians diplomatic peace keeping initiatives. I am sure had the 'moderate' rebels believed they could win they would have done everything to encourage the vote. They didn't ..... that says something!

PS: I agree with you, you should not comment on anything to do with banking or the monetary system. I think you have clearly demonstrated you have little knowledge to offer on the subject!
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Sat Apr 16, 2016 2:30 pm

Yes I think it might be time for you to head back to the sanctuary of Cyprus Living or Cyprus Eastern.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby miltiades » Sat Apr 16, 2016 2:59 pm

" I hope that Turkey does not carry out the wishes of the West in this instance. Syria must be left alone to solve its own problems, Russia, in my opinion as well as China are absolutely right in not supporting the revolutionaries infested with Islamic extremists and Jihadis. The West is making a dreadful error in contributing financially to the revolutionaries aided and abated by extremist Islamists who come to Syria from all corners of the world.Stay out of Syria is the best option and the only option that the West should consider."

I posted the above in 2012, page 15. Since then we have had millions of Syrian refugees , hundreds of thousands killed and displaced, the country infested with the ISIS virmin all because the incompetent and naive Western world leaders fucked up good and proper.

Russia has shown the west real diplomacy backed up with real military muscle.

Assad has, in spite of what the West is proclaiming, an overwhelming election victory, West open your blinkered eyes and accept that Assad is the only leader capable of bringing peace to Syria. Dictator he most certainly is, but look around that area, are they not all fucking dictators and infected by the Allah virus that determines a footballer must have a haircut just as the game is supposed to start because his hair was ....un Islamic. Where? in Saudi Arabia, the mother, the carrier, the spreader of this horrid virus.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Sat Apr 16, 2016 3:02 pm

miltiades wrote:" I hope that Turkey does not carry out the wishes of the West in this instance. Syria must be left alone to solve its own problems, Russia, in my opinion as well as China are absolutely right in not supporting the revolutionaries infested with Islamic extremists and Jihadis. The West is making a dreadful error in contributing financially to the revolutionaries aided and abated by extremist Islamists who come to Syria from all corners of the world.Stay out of Syria is the best option and the only option that the West should consider."

I posted the above in 2012, page 15. Since then we have had millions of Syrian refugees , hundreds of thousands killed and displaced, the country infested with the ISIS virmin all because the incompetent and naive Western world leaders fucked up good and proper.

Russia has shown the west real diplomacy backed up with real military muscle.

Assad has, in spite of what the West is proclaiming, an overwhelming election victory, West open your blinkered eyes and accept that Assad is the only leader capable of bringing peace to Syria. Dictator he most certainly is, but look around that area, are they not all fucking dictators and infected by the Allah virus that determines a footballer must have a haircut just as the game is supposed to start because his hair was ....un Islamic. Where? in Saudi Arabia, the mother, the carrier, the spreader of this horrid virus.

You're kidding right?

You want us to open our eyes. How about you open yours!

And we are after Assad so he better watch his back. If he does not step down, we will get him with other means.

it sometimes takes many years for these War Criminals to find themselves in the dock.

The only we to escape it, is to do what Hitler did in his Bunker.
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