Below is just some of the comments made in 2013 by the very ....consistent GENERAL PLONKER !!!
" Another thing that confuses me is the fact that the Rebels are backed by fundamentalist Islamists. Sometimes, it is better in helping regimes like Assad, Qaddafi, and Mubarak maintain their power to keep everything under tight control and peaceful.
"Simple fact is, some countries are just not ready for democracy and it is over rated anyway. Let's face it! Is the US, EU, or any other 'democracy' truly a democracy? Just because you get to cast your ballot does not mean you have a say. "
"Not just that, but now we can reject all the conspiracy theories because this deal proves that any potential US strike was about the Chemical Weapons and not regime change or destroying Syria and its military capability."
PAGE 39 WHAT ???
"What's the bet that the US will actually assist Assad to cling onto power at the rebels expense?"
At the end of the day, Assads chemical weapons are history thanks to a Russia inspired agreement
Syria has too much to lose by doing this. It is not as if it can use its CW stockpiles from this point on. I think Assad is on a winner to be honest.
Turkey will get smashed by Russia and the US will think twice.
PAGE 48 This is a classic
Turkey will be met with plenty of resistance if it invaded. The Syrian Military is quite capable and should give the Turks a real good run. Turkey is not as strong as the ill informed in Cyprus or Greece actually think.
And if Russia comes to Syria's aid, then Turkey would be toast and I really do not believe the US is going to have a war with Russia to save Turkey's bacon. The Americans are not stupid...just like the Russians were never going to come to Syria's aid if the US attacked them.
PAGE The ...turn around PAGE 54 SEPTEMBER 2013
So the question should be, how is Russia and Iran even going to have any impact at all if they do not cooperate with us and force that boofhead into peace talks? We control the airspace and decide what flies and what doesn't.

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Paphitis Leading Contributor
As you can all see General Plonker has been ...consistent throughout