Yes, we have Carte Blanche handed down by the UN who are supportive of Regime transition. We don't care about Security Council Resolutions because it is ineffective and impossible because Pootin has a veto. But that won't stop us because there won't be any resolutions condemning our action. And when it goes to the General Assembly, more than 100 countries would be supportive. Cyprus among them we would presume because Cyprus actually moved motions for the Coalitions initial intervention in Syria.
A lot of confrontational discourse but not a single link to your sources! This is simply your unfounded opinion.
Well, if Assad is innocent, why doesn't he prove it. We have a tonne of evidence against him, including the latest Hospital Bombings and the bombings against civilians, Barrel Bombs, deaths in custody, torture, not allowing aid to the starving, and the use of Chemical Weapons against civilians. I know you will deny all of this, but sorry, you have no credibility
You cannot prove innocence! No, you do not have evidence, what you have is vague and unsubstantiated accusations. It is up to the accuser to provide the proof of guilt, not the accused to prove innocence. Where is your irrefutable evidence ?
No he will not remain. He can't remain! He is a politically as dead as a door hinge. There is no possibility of him remaining. Otherwise the war will continue with no end near until someone in the USA gets sick of it all and totally stuffs him up. Hillary, Cruz, Bush, or Rubio are not going to be as tolerant as Obama is.
He will remain as it is not your judgement to make! There will be elections supervised by the UN ...... he will stand ...... and there is a high probability he will be voted back as President. The Syrian people want their country back, not an Islamic Sharia State which is all your terrorists have to offer.
I agree with your observation that the attitude of all the runners for POTUS that you list are all building up for a war, but I don’t think the people of the US will tolerate an escalation which could, for the first time in their history, result in an attack on mainland USA ........... scenario WWIII.
Times are changing ..... even in the US!