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The war against Syria

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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Wed Feb 17, 2016 9:16 pm

miltiades wrote:No long winded delving into the Syrian conflict. Let this old timer state what I consider as the outcome.

The Syrian legitimate forces will in a matter of days capture Aleppo. Raqqa next within 3 months, Russia and Syria will then turn their attention to Daesh that should have been annihilated long ago.

Syria will return to peace and stability by the end of this year, thanks to Russian intervention.

Brief ....... but I can't argue with that opinion. :wink: Although it is a bit like reading War and Peace using speed reading ...... it's about Russia! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby miltiades » Wed Feb 17, 2016 9:28 pm

Robin Hood wrote:
miltiades wrote:No long winded delving into the Syrian conflict. Let this old timer state what I consider as the outcome.

The Syrian legitimate forces will in a matter of days capture Aleppo. Raqqa next within 3 months, Russia and Syria will then turn their attention to Daesh that should have been annihilated long ago.

Syria will return to peace and stability by the end of this year, thanks to Russian intervention.

Brief ....... but I can't argue with that opinion. :wink: Although it is a bit like reading War and Peace using speed reading ...... it's about Russia! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Pages and pages of repetitive " discussions" when the writing is clearly written on the wall.
In 2012 I posted that the West had made a grave error of judgement. Four years later most seem to agree apart from the General Plonker.

"The War of Western Failures: Hopes for Syria Fall with Aleppo"
The siege of Aleppo is a humanitarian catastrophe on a dramatic scale -- and a victory for Russian President Vladimir Putin. He has seized on the Syrian civil war to expose an impotent West and show his own geopolitical muscle. By SPIEGEL Staff " ... 77140.html
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Thu Feb 18, 2016 1:08 am

Robin Hood wrote:Paphitis:
RH, I Believe the USA and its Coalition allies had Carte Blanche to legitimately declare a No Fly Zone in Syria and they would have UN Support in doing so. Few will argue with that other than Russia. We will leave China out for a second. The reason is that they can be bought.

So why didn't they and who gave them this 'carte blanche' or was it self awarded ? Maybe because they had neither the agreement of the Syrian government or the UN ? As Russia has a veto, the US knew full well that they would never get a UN Mandate. To self declare a no fly zone would be an act of war.
Now, the reason while this action would achieve huge international support, is because the Assad regime has committed many crimes. In addition to this, the Rebels have every right to their share of the Syrian Government, which has been denied to them for decades in the sectarian based criminal Assad "Government"

Crimes? Where is the proof???? It was a secular government not a sectarian government.There is no proof ....... it is all hot air!

Syria has always had an active political opposition, unlike all the coalitions partners like Saudi, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain. Oman etc all of whom are dictatorships and do not allow an opposition! Your 'rebels' have no rights they are terrorists trying to overthrow a legitimate and elected government.

You applaud the US supporting rebels that are trying to overthrow a legal government, by force of arms but, when it comes to Ukraine, where a part of the population is threatened and attacked by a government put into power by a foreign inspired coup ........ yet you condemn Russia for giving them some support. Isn't that just a bit hypocritical?
Obama lacked leadership. Now, if Obama did that and Pootin attacked our aircraft, then we will attack him. Which is why the gig would be up for Pootin because there is no way he would engage an American aircraft.

I doubt the US would ever put itself in that position! Remember the US only attacks countries that are weak and defenceless and would not risk putting themselves in a position where the victim could fight back.
Now, if Turkey and Saudi Arabia invade Syria, and they prove to be unable to cope, something I doubt very much, and Pootin attacks KSA or Turkey then that is an act of war as far as we are concerned. (NATO, Coalition).

'As far as we are concerned' ????? :roll: If Turkey attacks Syria it is an act of war ..... if Syria/Russia were to retaliate it is in self defence. THAT is International Law and complies fully with the UN Charter. That is the way the rest of the World, apart from the US/NATO and their rather dubious gaggle of allies, will see it as well.
The end result would inevitably be negotiations and we would be a step closer to transition.

Forget transition! The Syrian people, not the US or NATO or Russia or Saudi or any other country will make that decision.

This illegal obsession of the US pursuing their desire for 'Regime Change' at any cost, has caused thousands of deaths and millions to flee the country ........ not Russia or Putin. There is little or no support for what your rebels are offering the Syrian people. They want the 'good old secular days back, not another Islamic State ...... the US don't give a shit about the Syrians, it's all about the Petro Dollar, reigning in their independent Central Bank and keeping Israel happy!
We do not recognize the Assad Government.

But you recognise the Ukraine Government who took power through an illegal coup, instigated, encouraged and implemented by a foreign government (USA)?
We do not have diplomatic connections in any form, and for as long as he remains, we will never trade or communicate with this terrorist much in the same way as we do not communicate with North Korea. Quite literally, he does not exist!

Diplomatic connection or not is your choice! He will remain .... get used to it. You've got it arse about face again ..... the terrorists are your armed 'opposition' according to the accepted definition of a 'terrorist'. Oh, but he does exist and very much so, as is confirmed by the US wishing to see him removed from power but are willing to take any old Jihadist who will dance to their tune ........ i.e. can be bought for a few million dollars! ........ Assad did not capitulate the their demands just like Saddam and Ghadaffi before him ..... and we know how you treated them!!!!!
He is a War Criminal. We will only acknowledge him when he is on the stand in The Hague.

Again ..... where is the evidence? There are many in the queue before they get round to putting Assad in the dock, many of them your western leaders and their cohorts. :roll:

Yes, we have Carte Blanche handed down by the UN who are supportive of Regime transition. We don't care about Security Council Resolutions because it is ineffective and impossible because Pootin has a veto. But that won't stop us because there won't be any resolutions condemning our action. And when it goes to the General Assembly, more than 100 countries would be supportive. Cyprus among them we would presume because Cyprus actually moved motions for the Coalitions initial intervention in Syria.

Well, if Assad is innocent, why doesn't he prove it. We have a tonne of evidence against him, including the latest Hospital Bombings and the bombings against civilians, Barrel Bombs, deaths in custody, torture, not allowing aid to the starving, and the use of Chemical Weapons against civilians. I know you will deny all of this, but sorry, you have no credibility.

No he will not remain. He can't remain! He is a politically as dead as a door hinge. There is no possibility of him remaining. Otherwise the war will continue with no end near until someone in the USA gets sick of it all and totally stuffs him up. Hillary, Cruz, Bush, or Rubio are not going to be as tolerant as Obama is.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Thu Feb 18, 2016 1:09 am

miltiades wrote:Let this old timer state what I consider as the outcome.

The Syrian legitimate forces will in a matter of days capture Aleppo. Raqqa next within 3 months, Russia and Syria will then turn their attention to Daesh that should have been annihilated long ago.

Syria will return to peace and stability by the end of this year, thanks to Russian intervention.

I think it's time for you to sell your computers like you promised. Shall we start a poll?
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby miltiades » Thu Feb 18, 2016 2:35 am

I can see that GP is still playing with his toy soldiers, so involved he is with computer war games that he actually is convinced that HE is personally involved in the Syrian war.
You, members, will have noticed, his incessant attribution and personalization of all activities taking place in Syria. We will not, We do not accept, we demand, we this and we this, in fact he is merely ...weeing himself :lol:

On the poll thread he is actually telling me that " you will not" as if somehow I was involved either with the Syrian army or the Russians. !!

He has got it absolutely wrong and so have the West. Assad will continue, pockets of resistance will too but the end result will be total capitulation of the rebels.

A few years back this PG was telling us that the Cypriot National Guard could and should declare war and win against ....Turkey,

Now he is telling us that Turkey could take on Russia and have Putting pissing his pants, by this equation Cyprus , since Turkey was no problem , could take on ....Russia :lol: :lol:

Im very surprised that some consider his views as those of a knowledgeable individual when in fact his knowledge and perception of realities is limited and constrained by his war game fantasies.

Aleppo has more or less fallen to the Syrian army, even FSA spokesmen confess to this. Raqqa will be next and the destruction of Isis that the west has failed to achieve will commence.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Thu Feb 18, 2016 3:21 am

miltiades wrote:I can see that GP is still playing with his toy soldiers, so involved he is with computer war games that he actually is convinced that HE is personally involved in the Syrian war.
You, members, will have noticed, his incessant attribution and personalization of all activities taking place in Syria. We will not, We do not accept, we demand, we this and we this, in fact he is merely ...weeing himself :lol:

On the poll thread he is actually telling me that " you will not" as if somehow I was involved either with the Syrian army or the Russians. !!

He has got it absolutely wrong and so have the West. Assad will continue, pockets of resistance will too but the end result will be total capitulation of the rebels.

A few years back this PG was telling us that the Cypriot National Guard could and should declare war and win against ....Turkey,

Now he is telling us that Turkey could take on Russia and have Putting pissing his pants, by this equation Cyprus , since Turkey was no problem , could take on ....Russia :lol: :lol:

Im very surprised that some consider his views as those of a knowledgeable individual when in fact his knowledge and perception of realities is limited and constrained by his war game fantasies.

Aleppo has more or less fallen to the Syrian army, even FSA spokesmen confess to this. Raqqa will be next and the destruction of Isis that the west has failed to achieve will commence.

Yes I take it personally and as far as I am concerned and I have my personal reasons and agenda for that.

Stop being a pathetic imbecile fussy because you don't agree with me. As you can see, there are 3 people who do, and there are more which have not voted and will not vote because of your childish games.

Aleppo, has not fallen. Don't count your chickens just yet. The fall of Aleppo is not a given. And what can be reported in the media is often not the case.

You will be eating your words as Syrian soldiers are picked off one by one by snipers and as Armor are destroyed by missiles.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Robin Hood » Thu Feb 18, 2016 8:59 am

Air strikes kill 15 people in Syria's northeastern city: monitor

U.S.-led air strikes killed at least 15 people on Tuesday when they hit a bakery in the city of Shadadi in northeastern Syria near the border with Iraq, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.

This has to be true ...... the source is ‘impecable’, it’s from good old reliable Rami Abdulrahman, who runs (is) the British-based monitoring group ‘Syrian Observatory for Human Rights’ ...... strange though that the BBC and other MSM outlets forgot to mention this incident.! Now, if it had been a Russian led airstrike it would be a different story!

Free Syrian Army abandons Aleppo, leader flees to Turkey

The Free Syrian Army (FSA), the recognized armed opposition group against the Bashar al-Assad in Syria, has ceased its resistance in Aleppo, Syria’s second biggest city, withdrawing its 14,000 militia from the city, a ranking Turkish security source told the Hürriyet Daily News on Nov. 17.

Take a good, good, good look at the photo ...... is that a gas canister? ......obviously the FSA go in for ‘precision’ bombing! No wonder they manage to hit so many hospitals and schools and kill so many civilians (or gas them?) ...... and then they blame it on Assad/Russia!

How Far Will The U.S. Go If Turkey Invades Syria?

Turkey’s leadership, in insisting — in 2011-12 — on sponsoring a proxy war to overthrow Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, has already led to a refugee crisis of irreversible strategic damage to Europe, but Turkish Presisdent Reçep Tayyip Erdogan, the Saudi Arabian military-political leadership, the U.S. Barack Obama administration, and the Qatari Emir now find themselves with nowhere to go except to escalate further in the hope that the Syrian revival, backed by Russia and Iran, will collapse.

The prospect of yet another abandonment of the Kurds is causing considerable division within some U.S. military and intelligence circles, but the fiction is that the Turkish battle is with ISIS.

Anything to save face? The Kurds have obviously served their purpose for their coalition master........good job they have the Russians to support them ?............ it's like Saddam Mk.II :roll:
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby miltiades » Thu Feb 18, 2016 9:28 am

Although this is a little old it still is relevant :
The final bankruptcy of American and British policy in Syria came 10 days ago as Islamic Front, a Saudi-backed Sunni jihadi group, overran the headquarters of the Supreme Military Council of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) at Bab al-Hawa on the Syrian side of the border with Turkey. The FSA, along with the Syrian National Coalition, groups that the United States and Britain have been pretending for years are at the heart of Syrian military and political opposition, has been discredited. The remaining FSA fighters are in flight, have changed sides, or are devoting all their efforts to surviving the onslaught from jihadi or al-Qa’ida-linked brigades." ... 05332.html

I expressed similar views way back in October of 2012, in a much shorter version.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Thu Feb 18, 2016 9:32 am

Robin Hood wrote:
Air strikes kill 15 people in Syria's northeastern city: monitor

U.S.-led air strikes killed at least 15 people on Tuesday when they hit a bakery in the city of Shadadi in northeastern Syria near the border with Iraq, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.

This has to be true ...... the source is ‘impecable’, it’s from good old reliable Rami Abdulrahman, who runs (is) the British-based monitoring group ‘Syrian Observatory for Human Rights’ ...... strange though that the BBC and other MSM outlets forgot to mention this incident.! Now, if it had been a Russian led airstrike it would be a different story!

Free Syrian Army abandons Aleppo, leader flees to Turkey

The Free Syrian Army (FSA), the recognized armed opposition group against the Bashar al-Assad in Syria, has ceased its resistance in Aleppo, Syria’s second biggest city, withdrawing its 14,000 militia from the city, a ranking Turkish security source told the Hürriyet Daily News on Nov. 17.

Take a good, good, good look at the photo ...... is that a gas canister? ......obviously the FSA go in for ‘precision’ bombing! No wonder they manage to hit so many hospitals and schools and kill so many civilians (or gas them?) ...... and then they blame it on Assad/Russia!

How Far Will The U.S. Go If Turkey Invades Syria?

Turkey’s leadership, in insisting — in 2011-12 — on sponsoring a proxy war to overthrow Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, has already led to a refugee crisis of irreversible strategic damage to Europe, but Turkish Presisdent Reçep Tayyip Erdogan, the Saudi Arabian military-political leadership, the U.S. Barack Obama administration, and the Qatari Emir now find themselves with nowhere to go except to escalate further in the hope that the Syrian revival, backed by Russia and Iran, will collapse.

The prospect of yet another abandonment of the Kurds is causing considerable division within some U.S. military and intelligence circles, but the fiction is that the Turkish battle is with ISIS.

Anything to save face? The Kurds have obviously served their purpose for their coalition master........good job they have the Russians to support them ?............ it's like Saddam Mk.II :roll:

Yes the first story is a source I would give significant credence to, particularly if they have reports such as these.

To me it indicates that the Lbservatory is genuinely concerned for the well wing of innocent civilians.

The US Military would not come out to deny it out of hand like the Russians. You can feel assured that they investigate all alleged incidents!

The rest is all rubbish!
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby miltiades » Thu Feb 18, 2016 10:42 am

" Aleppo under siege as Kurds fall in with Assad"
The Kurdish attack is the YPG’s most overt assault yet in collusion with Russian and Assad regime forces.

It marks the start of what is expected to be a brutal final battle for Syria’s second city and a potentially devastating loss for the rebels. ... 52abcfbef3
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