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The war against Syria

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Re: The war against Syria

Postby miltiades » Tue Feb 16, 2016 9:28 am

Paphitis wrote:
miltiades wrote:I have always believed that America and Russia are in agreement over the war in Syria. Both have as their ultimate goal the destruction of Isis and since America took a step back from its demands on the removal of Assad, Russia has been given a free hand to bolster the Syrian army and recapture areas from the rebels.

America will not send ground troops into Syria and regardless what General Plonker is saying, Turkey will neither.

The two superpowers do not want a confrontation which could lead to an escalation and perhaps a third world war, both know what is at stake and that any such confrontation will not leave one a winner but both losers.

As for Turkey going it alone with the Saudis and others and sending troops into Syria, all participants have said that troops will only be employed if led by the USA, Britain and the coalition armed with a UN mandate.

Aleppo is about to fall into Syrian army hands and Raqqa , the Isis, shortly afterwards.

Silly old fart.

The Coalition can send troops into Syria whenever it likes and there will be no confrontation. They have been sending troops into Syria and even into Aleppo for a long time. Even the CIA are in Aleppo.

Dream on about Aleppo falling. You have no chance of that place falling any time soon. They can hold out for many months.

Also, it is just the Coalition fighting DAESH. Pootin has done bugger all against DAESH, as less that 2% of its strikes have targeted DAESH. Pootin has been targeting legitimate opposition, hospitals, schools, and civilian supporters of the opposition.

General Plonker, in less than a month I shall remind you of this, rather contradictory I may add since you accept that Aleppo " can hold on for many months " Meaning of course that it will eventually, after many months of holding up will fall.
Remember this as I will remind you of very soon : "Dream on about Aleppo falling. You have no chance of that place falling any time soon. They can hold out for many months."

So you think that the CIA is in Aleppo, how do you know GP, DID YOU ORDER THEM IN ?
If I were you I would keep quite for a little while, your assessment of the Syrian situation is much flawed.

Nobody can take a man seriously when he says one thing and then quickly changes his tune as you have done over your statement in 2013 that its better to prop up dictators, Assad included, for the sake of stability, then tells all that he hates Putin or Pootin as you stupidly persist is referring to him, more than he hates Daesh, expressing also that WW3 is not that a bad idea!

Just keep to playing with your toy soldiers General ! :lol:
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Tue Feb 16, 2016 12:31 pm

miltiades wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
miltiades wrote:I have always believed that America and Russia are in agreement over the war in Syria. Both have as their ultimate goal the destruction of Isis and since America took a step back from its demands on the removal of Assad, Russia has been given a free hand to bolster the Syrian army and recapture areas from the rebels.

America will not send ground troops into Syria and regardless what General Plonker is saying, Turkey will neither.

The two superpowers do not want a confrontation which could lead to an escalation and perhaps a third world war, both know what is at stake and that any such confrontation will not leave one a winner but both losers.

As for Turkey going it alone with the Saudis and others and sending troops into Syria, all participants have said that troops will only be employed if led by the USA, Britain and the coalition armed with a UN mandate.

Aleppo is about to fall into Syrian army hands and Raqqa , the Isis, shortly afterwards.

Silly old fart.

The Coalition can send troops into Syria whenever it likes and there will be no confrontation. They have been sending troops into Syria and even into Aleppo for a long time. Even the CIA are in Aleppo.

Dream on about Aleppo falling. You have no chance of that place falling any time soon. They can hold out for many months.

Also, it is just the Coalition fighting DAESH. Pootin has done bugger all against DAESH, as less that 2% of its strikes have targeted DAESH. Pootin has been targeting legitimate opposition, hospitals, schools, and civilian supporters of the opposition.

General Plonker, in less than a month I shall remind you of this, rather contradictory I may add since you accept that Aleppo " can hold on for many months " Meaning of course that it will eventually, after many months of holding up will fall.
Remember this as I will remind you of very soon : "Dream on about Aleppo falling. You have no chance of that place falling any time soon. They can hold out for many months."

So you think that the CIA is in Aleppo, how do you know GP, DID YOU ORDER THEM IN ?
If I were you I would keep quite for a little while, your assessment of the Syrian situation is much flawed.

Nobody can take a man seriously when he says one thing and then quickly changes his tune as you have done over your statement in 2013 that its better to prop up dictators, Assad included, for the sake of stability, then tells all that he hates Putin or Pootin as you stupidly persist is referring to him, more than he hates Daesh, expressing also that WW3 is not that a bad idea!

Just keep to playing with your toy soldiers General ! :lol:

You're backing the wrong horse you silly demented old man!

When the Americans were reported by Doctors Without Borders and the Red Cross for accidentally bombing a hospital in Afghanistan, Obama came out like a Gentleman, expressed sincere regret, launched an investigation, and promised compensation and money to build another hospital.

When Doctors Without Borders and the Red Cross report Pootin for bombing multiple hospitals and targeting civilians, the dirty scoundrel and Assad brush it off as Western Propaganda. When you starve thousands of people to the brink of death, once again its Western propaganda.

The fact is, you guys have our number on that front. Experts in debauchery and propaganda.

But don't worry. We are coming after Assad and Pootin has no choice. That is because the SDF can not be defeated. They will keep recruiting and fighting because the people of Syria just at won't go back.

How fucking dare you ridicule the deaths of 300,000 mostly caused by the regime. Don't these lives mean anything to you? Assad is the terrorist and will go down, make no mistake about that. Victory is inevitably the rebellions.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby miltiades » Tue Feb 16, 2016 12:44 pm

Firstly let me make it clear that Im merely an observer of events taking place in Syria, unlike you I do not have MY troops out in Syria. My comments are based on my belief and that of many political analysts that the West has made a grave error in judgement in demanding the removal of Assad, you your self also believed this a few years back.

Ask your self this, who will replace Assad the dictator, do you think that if Assad was to step down the war would end and peace would be restored in Syria?

Your endless and rather boring comments are indicative of your utter naivity as to the situation in Syria. You hate Putin more than you hate Daesh, you said so your self, you even took your hat off to the pervert who staunchly supports Isis, do you expect me or anyone else to take you seriously?

You have much to learn not least that YOU have not the slightest influence on what goes on in Syria.

Aleppo wwill shortly fall into the hands of the Syrian army, Assad will survive and Assad will eventually bring peace to Syria, if only the west fully comprehend this.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Tue Feb 16, 2016 1:17 pm

miltiades wrote:Firstly let me make it clear that Im merely an observer of events taking place in Syria, unlike you I do not have MY troops out in Syria. My comments are based on my belief and that of many political analysts that the West has made a grave error in judgement in demanding the removal of Assad, you your self also believed this a few years back.

Ask your self this, who will replace Assad the dictator, do you think that if Assad was to step down the war would end and peace would be restored in Syria?

Your endless and rather boring comments are indicative of your utter naivity as to the situation in Syria. You hate Putin more than you hate Daesh, you said so your self, you even took your hat off to the pervert who staunchly supports Isis, do you expect me or anyone else to take you seriously?

You have much to learn not least that YOU have not the slightest influence on what goes on in Syria.

Aleppo wwill shortly fall into the hands of the Syrian army, Assad will survive and Assad will eventually bring peace to Syria, if only the west fully comprehend this.

You don't even have a clue so don't be calling yourself an Observer! I have noticed a very alarming trend in your posting habits. You are a Turncoat. A traitor. You lack backbone, leadership, and credibility!

You only consume that which you read, and then you take the side of who you perceive to have the upper hand. It doesn't matter that you are supporting Hezbollah Terrorists. It doesn't matter that the Assad regime is killing thousands of his own people without remorse. It doesn't matter that they attack rebel held schools, hospitals, or whether they have used Sarin in their dirty little war or starved thousands to death.

Tell me imbecile! Who are the terrorists here? Are DAESH terrorists or is it the regime? Any person with one iota of decency will put DAESH on the backburner because the regime take the entire cake when it comes to terrorism. Don't manipulate my words and accuse me of saying DAESH are no terrorists. They are but they are nowhere near as much of a threat to millions of Syrians who want their fair share.

Furthermore, the Kurds are on the brink of annihilation if Turkey invades. These are the good guys. They are our allies and sympathetic to Greece and Cyprus. And what about the Yazidi? You have no clue old man. These are all peoples on the fringes. But that doesn't matter now does it?

As for me old fart, I remain in my corner. The same corner I have always been no matter how lacking in leadership we are at the moment. I certainly don't change because you think Pootin is a strong leader without any consideration to his criminality or legacy. This is just a battle in a very long war and Aleppo has not fallen. I remain, consistent and steadfast as opposed to you who is nothing more than a Turncoat. You have proven that time and again. It's an ongoing thing with you.

Get ready to eat your words because there is no military victory in this war! You are deluded to believe the rebels, some of which are Christian and part of the SDF, will concede defeat. Please explain to me how Assad will unsurp these rebels? Please explain that to me? Assad's Forces will be trapped for months and their forces will be decimated. We will make sure of that!

Please explain to me how the SDF are terrorists and jihadists when they have Kurds, Yazidi, Turkmen, Assyrians and Sunnis in their ranks. How does that friggin work old fart?
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby miltiades » Tue Feb 16, 2016 1:33 pm

I shall respond in kind.
You are the biggest joke when sometime back you ....supported aiding Assad.
I have been consistent throughout you Plonker have not.
Now, accept that you are a Plonker of the highest order and clear off.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Tue Feb 16, 2016 1:34 pm

And let me tell you old fart! I am 100% about this.

Obama is 100 times the man Pootin is!!!! Why?

Whilst he may lack the leadership of the ruthless zeal, probably because he probably really really nice (New Zealand PM certainly thinks so and he is a good guy himself), but he never stole from the American people, had integrity, could admit to his mistakes, genuinely preferred dialogue and negotiations rather than blow everyone up, tried to bring Universal Health Cover and made other great initiatives. He is a proud American truly ruling for America and no one can deny that.

But yes, he has contributed to one or 2 big headaches which either he or the future US President will have to mop up.

No one can accuse him of anything as opposed to criminal Pootin.

Now, what kind of man are you? Are you a man or an old deluded and lonely fart? Are you a turncoat?

Please explain to me how someone can go from one extreme to the other? How can anyone trust you?

What are your morals, ethics and values old man? Do you have any when you say Assad must remain in power? How can you sit there with a straight face and say that directly to the residents of Ghouta?
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Tim Drayton » Tue Feb 16, 2016 1:35 pm

That is unless the secret deal I mentioned above in which Russia gets Syria and America gets Iraq is true - and the only evidence in its favour to my eyes is that it explains currents events on the ground - in which case the Assad regime will regain control over places like Aleppo in the rump Syria where Russia is to reestablish its puppet's dictatorship and forces like the Free Syrian Army will find they have been stabbed in the back by their former sponsor. We will just have to watch how it plays out, but I am not ruling out the possibility that the US will permit the regime to retake Aleppo even if some sort of fight is put up for show.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Tue Feb 16, 2016 1:40 pm

miltiades wrote:I shall respond in kind.
You are the biggest joke when sometime back you ....supported aiding Assad.
I have been consistent throughout you Plonker have not.
Now, accept that you are a Plonker of the highest order and clear off.

Respond however you like!

You lack credibility! Everything in your head is so wishy washy it's not funny anymore. You lack consistency, reason, and humility! No one takes you seriously.

No I never supported aiding Assad unless of course it would be against DAESH. But I don't support that anymore. Not even close. For me, Assad is enemy number one. He has no place in Syria any more. I have always supported regime change and transition but only advocated for care and planning. That's impossible now because this war has taken several nasty turns beyond comprehension and that is due to Assad and Pootin not a few DAESH terrorists.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Tue Feb 16, 2016 1:44 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:That is unless the secret deal I mentioned above in which Russia gets Syria and America gets Iraq is true - and the only evidence in its favour to my eyes is that it explains currents events on the ground - in which case the Assad regime will regain control over places like Aleppo in the rump Syria where Russia is to reestablish its puppet's dictatorship and forces like the Free Syrian Army will find they have been stabbed in the back by their former sponsor. We will just have to watch how it plays out, but I am not ruling out the possibility that the US will permit the regime to retake Aleppo even if some sort of fight is put up for show.

Yes we will see.

But I will remain positive in the belief that Saudi Arabia, Qatar and UAE will feel this betrayal.

I am hoping the rebels are assisted in shoring their positions to get them to the next peace summits and able to negotiate. If these people are stabbed in the back, they will only start another rebellion. There will be no peace in Syria.

I find it hard to believe there will be a Military Solution here even if Aleppo falls which is extremely difficult in itself. The rebels have had years to prepare and are now in possession of American Arms.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby miltiades » Tue Feb 16, 2016 1:47 pm

Paphitis wrote:
miltiades wrote:I shall respond in kind.
You are the biggest joke when sometime back you ....supported aiding Assad.
I have been consistent throughout you Plonker have not.
Now, accept that you are a Plonker of the highest order and clear off.

Respond however you like!

You lack credibility! Everything in your head is so wishy washy it's not funny anymore. You lack consistency, reason, and humility! No one takes you seriously.

No I never supported aiding Assad unless of course it would be against DAESH. But I don't support that anymore. Not even close. For me, Assad is enemy number one. He has no place in Syria any more. I have always supported regime change and transition but only advocated for care and planning. That's impossible now because this war has taken several nasty turns beyond comprehension and that is due to Assad and Pootin not a few DAESH terrorists.

Instead of long winded rubbish can you give us an example, after all I gave an example of your posting on page 21, now give one of my incostistency or shut the fuck up Genearl Plonker :lol:
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