Paphitis wrote:miltiades wrote:I have always believed that America and Russia are in agreement over the war in Syria. Both have as their ultimate goal the destruction of Isis and since America took a step back from its demands on the removal of Assad, Russia has been given a free hand to bolster the Syrian army and recapture areas from the rebels.
America will not send ground troops into Syria and regardless what General Plonker is saying, Turkey will neither.
The two superpowers do not want a confrontation which could lead to an escalation and perhaps a third world war, both know what is at stake and that any such confrontation will not leave one a winner but both losers.
As for Turkey going it alone with the Saudis and others and sending troops into Syria, all participants have said that troops will only be employed if led by the USA, Britain and the coalition armed with a UN mandate.
Aleppo is about to fall into Syrian army hands and Raqqa , the Isis, shortly afterwards.
Silly old fart.
The Coalition can send troops into Syria whenever it likes and there will be no confrontation. They have been sending troops into Syria and even into Aleppo for a long time. Even the CIA are in Aleppo.
Dream on about Aleppo falling. You have no chance of that place falling any time soon. They can hold out for many months.
Also, it is just the Coalition fighting DAESH. Pootin has done bugger all against DAESH, as less that 2% of its strikes have targeted DAESH. Pootin has been targeting legitimate opposition, hospitals, schools, and civilian supporters of the opposition.
General Plonker, in less than a month I shall remind you of this, rather contradictory I may add since you accept that Aleppo " can hold on for many months " Meaning of course that it will eventually, after many months of holding up will fall.
Remember this as I will remind you of very soon : "Dream on about Aleppo falling. You have no chance of that place falling any time soon. They can hold out for many months."
So you think that the CIA is in Aleppo, how do you know GP, DID YOU ORDER THEM IN ?
If I were you I would keep quite for a little while, your assessment of the Syrian situation is much flawed.
Nobody can take a man seriously when he says one thing and then quickly changes his tune as you have done over your statement in 2013 that its better to prop up dictators, Assad included, for the sake of stability, then tells all that he hates Putin or Pootin as you stupidly persist is referring to him, more than he hates Daesh, expressing also that WW3 is not that a bad idea!
Just keep to playing with your toy soldiers General !