Kikapu wrote:Paphitis wrote:Kikapu wrote:Paphitis wrote:Maybe the USA will set Turkey up on an war with Russia and then create the Kurdish Republic on Turkey's border.
Now you are beginning to see the bigger picture!
Very far fetched and such a long shot. I was being sarcastic.
I don't think it is that far fetched at all. Shooting down the Russian jet with the approval of the Americans is a good indicator that the US want's Turkey to get a bloody nose, as well as USA'a support for the Syrian Kurds against Turkey's objections is also another indicator, because the goal is to create a Kurdish state between Turkey and Syria and re-draw the Syrian border. This the kind of "partition" that even Assad will approve. Erdogan knows what's coming, hence saying to the Americans, "Are you with Turkey or with the terrorist", basically accusing the USA being in bed with the terrorist. Now, that's pot calling kettle black, no?
America will not allow any direct confrontation. Pootin does not want any direct confrontation either.
Any attack on Turkish or Saudi troops will result in direct confrontation with the Coalition and probably NATO.
As far as Pootin is concerned, Assad is expendable as long as they keep their Strategic assets and Syria as their client State. As far as the USA and Coalition are concerned, Syria is expendable as long as Assad goes.
Pootin and USA will agree on all kinds of things to avoid direct conflict.