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The war against Syria

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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Mon Feb 15, 2016 12:17 pm

The Turks are not inferior to the Russians at all. The Turks can deploy MORE troops, MORE Tanks, MORE aircraft and MORE Ships. They are militarily far superior to the Russian deployments in Syria.
40 odd aircraft of the Russian Air Force just won’t cut it against the TAF and RSAF. Not even close!

Robin Hood wrote:It is not what you have got that is significant ..... it is what you can do with it! :wink: :lol: The Turkish army has only ever fought lightly armed guerrillas and then with complete air superiority. Faced with a well trained and well armed opponent ........... they will drop their weapons and either surrender or run for their lives. The Saudi’s will be even easier ........ they are like trying to push a piece of string! They will not even advance unless the US is there to hold their hand.

Turkey has got it and can do quite a lot. Sorry but I don't believe Assad's regime Forces will be that much of a challenge for them, and Russia will be thinking twice and probably won't do anything but call for talks. That's my assessment. The cat will be out of the bag if Turkey and KSA invade.

............ and Pootin would probably not attack them.(Turkey/Saudi)

Robin Hood wrote:Oh yes he will ........... you can bank on it!

Will he now? I would like to see that one. Somehow, that is very far fetched!

....... so the Australian SAS and Commandos might be task with deploying into Kurdish Areas specifically to provide them with a shield from any Turkish Aggression. Turkey will not be able to attack them if there are allied troops among them.

Robin Hood wrote:Will the Australian SAS/SBS wear orange hi-viz jackets so that the Turks/Saudi’s can identify them and avoid killing them when they get in the way? I think your countrymen are a lot brighter than that! :roll:

The RSAF is extremely well trained and the Intelligence Sharing between Australia and KSA is top notch. They will know exactly where coalition troops are and they will play the game exactly to script. The RSAF are in fact much safer than the Turks who seem to think they can do anything at the moment. Plus, the saudis will not attack the Kurds as they consider them vital allies.

The Kurdish Forces are key to the Coalition's strategy and as such are protected.

Robin Hood wrote:Yes ...... by the Russians!

The Kurdish Forces are part of the SDF which Pootin has been bombing and considers "terrorists"

He(Assad) is a war criminal who is killing civilians, has used Sarin Gas on his own people, and millions of people don't want him.

Robin Hood wrote:He has yet to be judged! It is irrational, as Assad pointed out in his interview, to kill his own people and the evidence clearly says otherwise (listen/read what he says ..... it makes perfect sense) He did not use Sarin gas, again no evidence and what evidence there is points the finger at your ‘moderates’! A far greater number of Syrians would prefer the stability of Assad remaining in power than having a bunch of brain dead Islamist running the country according to Sharia Law.

We don't care. If judgement is what you want, hand him over and we will have him in the Hague in a flash.

If not, we want him out of office and if you want an end to this war than those are the terms.

Robin Hood wrote:Remember, until the US stirred up the Islamic malcontents with another of their ‘coloured revolutions’, Syria was a prosperous country with a growth rate of around 5%. But Assad had a Central Bank that was independent of the US World banking system and he also proposed to trade in currencies other than the Petro-dollar ...... that made him a marked man as far as the US Elite were concerned. That is why ‘Assad had to go!’ It was not because he was the tyrant you seem to think, is hated by his people and they needed the US’s benevolence to protect them, that is all bullshit ........... it was to protect US interests. The Russians have said very clearly today that they are working with Assad because they do not want Syria to end up in the same unholy mess the Western powers created in Iraq and Libya. Good for him ..... at least he sticks to his principals. :)

What principals? And Syria was a prosperous State? For who? And on what planet?

........(Assad) absolutely no respect for other religious creeds and ethnicities.

Robin Hood wrote:FFS .... before the US interfered Syria was stable, tolerant, secular and encompassed all religions. If you want to accuse any counties of tyranical intolerance of other religions and minorities ........... try looking first at your coalition partners ..... Israel, Saudi, Egypt, Bahrain, UAE, Qatar and of course ........Turkey!

If you remember, the USA didn't interfere at all.

The Syrian People began their spring and Assad started killing them on the streets. Yes RH, that is what happened! It had nothing to do with the USA.

You're a very sad individual to expect Syrians to live forever under his control when Millions can't even get papers for their existence.

Robin Hood wrote:If that is the case let the Syrian people (all of them) make the decision. Why is it you are so frightened of allowing him to stand for election! :?: It is because you KNOW that it is odds on he will get re-elected. The people want their country back ...... just like it was before YOU interfered. The only ones that fear Assad are the people who became the butchers who called themselves the FSA and the kaleidoscope of Islamic extremists you have encouraged, supported, financed and armed!

I told you many times. That is exactly what we are demanding. We are demanding a transitional time frame up until the next UN Sponsored elections can take place. Assad will not accept because he knows it will be the end of the road for him.

Fact is, Syrians have put up a brave fight against Assad. They want their freedom. I can't stand in their way, not when 300,000 were killed mostly by the Assad Regime btw and not DAESH or any other militia. That is a fact.

Robin Hood wrote:It is not a fact .... it is bull shit! The Syrians have been fighting ISIL as well as having to fight against Erdogan and the terrorist you have been using to fight a proxy war to meet the demands of the US just to serve its hegemonic aspirations. That is why your coalition has made such poor progress over the 4-5 years, You have concentrated your efforts on supporting these terrorists to get rid of Assad and have made the Syrian people suffer for it. The SAA and the Russians are being welcomed by the Syrian people as LIBERATORS! :roll:

Seriously? SDF is in control of vast amounts of land and held them for years. They are not going away RH and you still haven't even entered Aleppo yet because you're shitting your pants.

One thing is for sure RH. Pootin will not achieve a Military Solution. we will ensure he doesn't which means this war will go on and on until you've had enough.

And if our troops invade, then we will basically partition the country by force. Aleppo will be the new Capital City of this newly formed client state.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Paphitis » Mon Feb 15, 2016 12:26 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Maybe the USA will set Turkey up on an war with Russia and then create the Kurdish Republic on Turkey's border.

Now you are beginning to see the bigger picture! :wink:

Very far fetched and such a long shot. I was being sarcastic.

There is probably no way, but it would be ok for me if Russia and Turkey just blow each other to smithereens!

Pootin is nasty and every bit as bad if not worse than Erdogan.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Kikapu » Mon Feb 15, 2016 1:01 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Maybe the USA will set Turkey up on an war with Russia and then create the Kurdish Republic on Turkey's border.

Now you are beginning to see the bigger picture! :wink:

Very far fetched and such a long shot. I was being sarcastic.

I don't think it is that far fetched at all. Shooting down the Russian jet with the approval of the Americans is a good indicator that the US want's Turkey to get a bloody nose, as well as USA'a support for the Syrian Kurds against Turkey's objections is also another indicator, because the goal is to create a Kurdish state between Turkey and Syria and re-draw the Syrian border. This the kind of "partition" that even Assad will approve. Erdogan knows what's coming, hence saying to the Americans, "Are you with Turkey or with the terrorist", basically accusing the USA being in bed with the terrorist. Now, that's pot calling kettle black, no? :lol:
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby miltiades » Mon Feb 15, 2016 1:05 pm

" If not, we want him out of office and if you want an end to this war than those are the terms. "
You and whose army ? The USA has accepted that the removal of Assad will not be their primary demand, unless of course YOU can influence a change of mind.
Every post that you make diminishes your rationality.

By the way when you say " we want him out of office " do you mean YOU personally or the USA ! :lol: :lol:
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby miltiades » Mon Feb 15, 2016 1:23 pm

US changes its tune on Syrian regime change as Isis threat takes top priority
"US backing for Syria peace talks hosted by the Russian government in Moscow this week is being seen as further evidence that the Obama administration has quietly dropped its longstanding demand that President Bashar al-Assad step down as part of any settlement." ... s-priority

However General ...Paphitis does not agree :lol:
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby miltiades » Mon Feb 15, 2016 9:28 pm

(CNN)—Turkey's defense minister said his country has no intention of sending ground troops into Syria amid international concern over Ankara's shelling of armed Kurdish groups in the war-torn country.

Defense Minister Ismet Yilmaz made the comments Sunday in Turkey's semiofficial Anadolu news agency"

I wonder if the Russians raised the ...white flag, unless of course General Paphitis intervened :lol:
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Lordo » Mon Feb 15, 2016 9:38 pm

is that not what foreign minister güneş said about intervening in cyprus in july 1974 followed by ayşe can go on her holidays. she is due another holiday where better than syria where there are terggmen.

passports at the ready.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby miltiades » Mon Feb 15, 2016 9:53 pm

Lordo wrote:is that not what foreign minister güneş said about intervening in cyprus in july 1974 followed by ayşe can go on her holidays. she is due another holiday where better than syria where there are terggmen.

passports at the ready.

The Russians will await the terrrggish army with open arms and, might even offer them a glass or two of :lol: :lol:
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby Lordo » Mon Feb 15, 2016 10:20 pm

terggy does not want to go into syria but if she does she aint never coming out.
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Re: The war against Syria

Postby miltiades » Mon Feb 15, 2016 10:26 pm

Lordo wrote:terggy does not want to go into syria but if she does she aint never coming out.

How right you are, the Russians will annihilate them.
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