i would like to infrom u that not only the greek skylades use eastern music.
actually a number of neo-greek musicians (not skylades) create beautiful music after they have accepted the influence of the east on our tradition.
with which western music do you thing we have things in common?
tango or wals?
mozart or bethoven?
or american pop?
as for the political leaders u admire indeed they seem quite americanised.
there was a very nice research concerning greek teachers (done in early 1990s).
it showed that greeks have inferiority complex
1. when it comes to their past. they dont know their past but they know that they are inferior in comparison with their ancestors
2. when it comes to the europeans (germans , french, etc)
thats why when something works good we say : europe, europe
they believe that they are more close to italians and spaniards
they ofcource feel superior against slavs, albanians and turks
not to mantion racism.
if u r interested i can tell u the name of the book.