The whole region is very green compared to many others areas of the island, especially the stretch between Paphos and Polis.
Peyia has been totally ruined by over development but there are some far nicer villages.
We live in Konia which is very close to town and is predominantly Cypriot but with a nice mix of Brits, Germans, Swedes and other nationalities.
i lived in Limassol many years ago and loved it then but it has grown far too big and sprawling and I now can't wait to get away and back to Paphos whenever I have to go to Limassol.
We all have different tastes and what suits one does not suit everyone.
Paphos does have a few nlice beaches if you know where to look and has everything you need for a comfortable life.
There are more facilities being built to improve the area and the recent opening of the new 7 screen cinema complex its restaurants, bowling alley and many other facilities is very welcome as it is just at the bottom of our road so very handy for us.

Paphos is the place to be IMO.