Since you have indicated an interest in the 'Larnaka' region of Cyprus, you will probably find yourself drawn to the area surrounding 'Voroklini' where there are many 'Ex-pat Brits' in residence.
When last I visited the 'Officer's Club' in Dekeleias (or Dhekalia/Dhekelia) as the British like to call it, I spoke to a chap who informed me that there was a problem at the UKCA club in 'Voroklini', it would appear that someone in authority had made off with the funds and that the club was facing closure.
It might be wise to check whether there be any truth in such information, apparently it is (or was) a place where most of the community meet on a daily basis, if the clubs in other locations are still functioning, it may well prove to be advisable to select one of them as your intended base.
Incidentally, I was told that the person in authority was a 'Brit', which just goes to show that there is nothing like a bit of the' Old Bulldog Spirit' when it comes to getting their hands a few bob 'eh ? (F**k you Jack, I'm alright).