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Internet security / isecurity.exe virus

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Re: Internet security / isecurity.exe virus

Postby supporttheunderdog » Sun Feb 12, 2012 11:45 am

Get Real! wrote:I forgot to mention that there are 1 or 2 extremely rare cleverly written viruses that are capable of loading and taking control of a system even in safe mode (probably by writing a copy of themselves to the boot sector) in which case the solution is to remove the hard disk and connect it as a secondary drive to another healthy computer from where you can scan and clean the infected drive without fear of the virus loading into memory.

I run trend micro house call and also use Sophos anti bootkit to try to look for nasties that try that sort of trick.

I'll book mark the other URL's for other scanners. I am also using Kingsoft PC Doctor which supposedly has malware detection/elimination built in, amongst a number of other belle sansd whstles that supposedly make computers faster.
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Re: Internet security / isecurity.exe virus

Postby Erica » Wed Feb 29, 2012 7:10 pm

Mainly, we get viruses with e-mail.

You have to take it as a habit. Every time you want to open a letter from unknown sender you have to check his/her IP.
It is very easy. Just go at where this ip from

Then it's for you to decide is it worse to open the letter or not.
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Re: Internet security / isecurity.exe virus

Postby supporttheunderdog » Sat Mar 03, 2012 12:53 am

Erica wrote:Mainly, we get viruses with e-mail.

You have to take it as a habit. Every time you want to open a letter from unknown sender you have to check his/her IP.
It is very easy. Just go at where this ip from

Then it's for you to decide is it worse to open the letter or not.

I d be cautious about supossedly Known senders: I got a nasty recently which supposdly came from a friend, but wasn't. There are Viruses (virii?) that will disguise the email address of the originator to make it more likely the email will be opened and the payload activated.
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Re: Internet security / isecurity.exe virus

Postby pcpaphos » Mon Jun 25, 2012 5:37 pm

I highly recomend downloading and installing avg free (its free!) you dont need to register to download it. It automatically updates on a regular basis, checks emails, checks all downloaded files and doesnt have a very large footprint (i.e. doesnt take up too much computer processing power) you only really notice your computer slowing down when it does a periodic full disk scan but you can easily configure it to do this e.g. at 4 in the morning on a Tuesday so it doesnt affect you or turn it off entirley if you prefer. the free download is valid for a year but when it runs out it will tell you and you can just go back and download the new version (for free). Get it from
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Re: Internet security / isecurity.exe virus

Postby supporttheunderdog » Thu Jun 28, 2012 4:30 pm

know it well - we have not knowingly had any probelms with using the free Microsoft Security Essentials.
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