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Boring or What?

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Re: Boring or What?

Postby Schnauzer » Tue Feb 07, 2012 8:29 pm

bill cobbett wrote:Yes Schnauzer, .... Deplorable that in this day and age there will almost cert be people "sleeping" rough on the streets of London tonight on this bitterly cold night.

I do wonder (and by no means would I wish to seem impertinent) if you have ever endured ANY of the three examples I mention?.

I personally have experienced 'Solitude' on countless occasions and 'Solitary Confinement' (experimentally) once only, I find that the former condition is one which can become quite an asset since it encourages self sufficiency, the latter condition is quite an amazing one since it encourages deep thought and is possibly the greater of the two in terms of understanding one's limits of endurance, particularly under conditions of stress.

I have never really experienced 'Loneliness', although I must confess that I HAVE come extremely close to it (still do) when I remember (and miss) the close companionship I had with my 'Old Friend' Moses, my dog. :(
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Re: Boring or What?

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Tue Feb 07, 2012 8:30 pm

Schnauzer wrote:I have never really experienced 'Loneliness', although I must confess that I HAVE come extremely close to it (still do) when I remember (and miss) the close companionship I had with my 'Old Friend' Moses, my dog. :(

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Re: Boring or What?

Postby bill cobbett » Tue Feb 07, 2012 8:34 pm

Reh Schnauzer... am taking the Fifth Amendment on your three points.
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Re: Boring or What?

Postby Schnauzer » Tue Feb 07, 2012 8:39 pm

bill cobbett wrote:Reh Schnauzer... am taking the Fifth Amendment on your three points.

Such a shame, I might have been able to corner you BUT, there is an old adage, "There is no good in growing old if you don't grow crafty!" :lol:
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Re: Boring or What?

Postby bill cobbett » Tue Feb 07, 2012 8:42 pm

Schnauzer wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:Reh Schnauzer... am taking the Fifth Amendment on your three points.

Such a shame, I might have been able to corner you BUT, there is an old adage, "There is no good in growing old if you don't grow crafty!" :lol:

crafty = wise ?????
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Re: Boring or What?

Postby Schnauzer » Tue Feb 07, 2012 8:50 pm

bill cobbett wrote:
Schnauzer wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:Reh Schnauzer... am taking the Fifth Amendment on your three points.

Such a shame, I might have been able to corner you BUT, there is an old adage, "There is no good in growing old if you don't grow crafty!" :lol:

crafty = wise ?????

Not necessarily applicable in ALL cases Bill, for if it were so, there would be no room for the other adage "There is no fool like an old fool!". :lol:
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Re: Boring or What?

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Tue Feb 07, 2012 9:56 pm

De Rong Song

Your house is
Falling down
And you got
To eat,
Don't worry
Be happy.
Your fish
Have drowned
You wear
A frown,
You search
But you don't
Own a pound,
Don't worry
Be happy.

You ain't got
Nowhere to
Just balconies
Don't worry
Be happy.

You meet
You really like,
They tell you to
Get on your bike,
Don't worry
Be happy.

You're on your bike
And all is fine,
You get caught
In a washing line,
Don't worry
Be happy.
You go to school
The school is
The Government
Put pressure on,
Don't worry
Be happy.
Your tea is
Your ice is
Your head is
Tied up in a
Don't worry
Be happy.
You worry
You're hurrying,
And hurry
You're worrying,
Don't happy
Be worried.

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Re: Boring or What?

Postby Schnauzer » Tue Feb 07, 2012 10:31 pm

The sun comes up and the sun goes down,
hands on the clock go round and round,
I just got up and it's time to lay down,
Life gets 'Tee-jus' don't it?

My shoes are untied and I don't care,
I really ain't fixing on going nowhere,
I'd just have to wash and comb my hair,
well that's just wasted effort.

The water in the well is getting lower and lower,
so I can't take a bath and I don't like to shower,
but I've heard it said and it's probably true
that too much bathing is not good for you.

I open the door and the flies swarm in,
I close the door and I'm sweating again,
I move too fast and I bust my shin,
just one damn thing after another.

My old brown mule must be feeling sick,
I jabbed him in the ribs with a hickory stick,
he humped his back but he didn't kick,
there's something 'cock-eyed' somewhere.

An old mouse is chawin' on the pantry floor,
he's been a chompin' an' a 'chewin' for a week or more,
when he gets through he'll sure be sore,
why there ain't nothing in there.

The cows gone dry and the hens won't lay,
the fish quit biting last Saturday,
my troubles pile up on me day by day
and now I'm getting dandruff.

Grief and misery, pains and woes,
debts and taxes and on it goes,
I'm sure I'm getting a cold in my nose,
Life gets 'Tasteless don't it?.

Figgy is complaining co's it's too damn quiet,
yesterday she moaned co's they were having a riot,
she needs a new car but she just can't buy it,
and the 'Forums' going to pot !!..................boom boom. :lol: (Life Gets Tee-Jus Don't it) Hank Williams ?. (except for last verse). :wink:
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Re: Boring or What?

Postby kurupetos » Wed Feb 08, 2012 12:40 am

(after reading the above)

Yes it is boring! :cry:
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Re: Boring or What?

Postby Get Real! » Wed Feb 08, 2012 1:18 am

I’m bored beyond

I’m bored beyond what words can say for this is not the average day! :cry:
Into them threads and through them posts I click around for my daily dose. :?

Maybe a fight, a joke, who knows… come on Admin throw some blows! :twisted:
Oh here comes trouble a Turk and a Bubble…I know what, I’ll go for double! 8)
Anything to keep the day from falling further in dismay… 8)

Hang on a tick… is that a click? No, it’s the phone you silly dick! :?
Just when I thought I’d die all bored a surprising call, oh thank you Lord! :D
Sorry wrong number! Says the chap, and I’m right back into the forum crap!

Needs a little work but it’ll do for now… :?
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