bill cobbett wrote:Yes Schnauzer, .... Deplorable that in this day and age there will almost cert be people "sleeping" rough on the streets of London tonight on this bitterly cold night.
I do wonder (and by no means would I wish to seem impertinent) if you have ever endured ANY of the three examples I mention?.
I personally have experienced 'Solitude' on countless occasions and 'Solitary Confinement' (experimentally) once only, I find that the former condition is one which can become quite an asset since it encourages self sufficiency, the latter condition is quite an amazing one since it encourages deep thought and is possibly the greater of the two in terms of understanding one's limits of endurance, particularly under conditions of stress.
I have never really experienced 'Loneliness', although I must confess that I HAVE come extremely close to it (still do) when I remember (and miss) the close companionship I had with my 'Old Friend' Moses, my dog.