CBBB wrote:Paphitis wrote:supporttheunderdog wrote:Paphitis wrote:supporttheunderdog wrote:On Friday the Hungarian flag carrier, Malev, suddenly stopped flying. In the past few days two other non flag carriers, Spanair and Cirrus, went under. According to reports in the Economist, other airlines are in trouble including the Czech and Polish Flag carriers CSA and LOT.
http://www.economist.com/node/21546853The lack of profitability at Cyprus Airways is well known: The Government has even anounced they are looking to sell a majority stake in the Company.
http://www.cyprus-mail.com/cyprus-airways/crunch-time-cyprus-airways/20120203However qill we all wake up one morning soon to find that Cyprus Airways has just gone, like Malev?
Yes, this could be likely to occur if the company is not allowed to restructure by the unions.
The carrier can shed up to 25% of its personnel, but the unions may not allow it which means that 100% of its personnel could be jobless one day if the Government stops subsidizing it.
Under EU law the government cannot subsidize CY anymore - that was Malev's biggest problem- illegal subsidisies had to be paid back.
Yes I know. It gives Cy Air an unfair competitive advantage against privately funded airlines in the EU.
But the Government has bailed the airline a number of times in the past.
Logically it would give them an unfair competitive advantage against privately funded airlines in the EU, so they must have worked very hard to F it all up!
You know what it's like CBBB!
Cy Air is a public owned company and you have many people appointed into positions by the Government that are not qualified to be there. They also believe their jobs are for life and many will avoid work as much as possible.
That is why it is better for the airline to be completely privatized and restructured with productivity and efficiency based initiatives and a staff cull. If this does not occur then the future of Cy Air is very bleak.
It was the launch carrier for the IAE V2500 engine on Airbus, but since then there has been a steady decline.
http://www.cyaireng.com/fleet.htmlI noticed they got rid of the A330s as well.