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Is Cyprus Airways next

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Re: Is Cyprus Airways next

Postby Paphitis » Mon Feb 06, 2012 12:11 am

supporttheunderdog wrote:I've got a personal interest in their survival at least until Wednesday as I am due to fly with them on Tuesday....

They must be getting worried with increasing direct competion on some routes, eg Aegean to London, and the low cost carriers such as Ryan Air now offering flights ex Paphos.

Otherwise agree that whole sale changes are needed: same applies, to for example, the Electric board, Cyta, etc., where quite possibly jobs are doled out the same way as Police promotions allegedly are.

I think you should be OK for Wednesday! :lol:
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Re: Is Cyprus Airways next

Postby SKI-preo » Mon Feb 06, 2012 5:06 am

The solution is to register a subsidiary to funnel subsidies in Israel or perhaps a joint Cypriot-Israeli airline.

It makes no sense for any airline to fly to a place like Queenstown NZ . The traffic is tiny. Yet airfares are subsidized since visitors each throw down $0000 in a few days.

Look at the best airlines in the world today they are almost all government owned and run as a service to the country not simply as a business. Emirates - government owned SIngapore- same, Air New Zealand part government owned.
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Re: Is Cyprus Airways next

Postby humanist » Mon Feb 06, 2012 6:00 am

It’s by no coincidence that all national carriers who go by strict safety rules rarely if ever make a profit.
LOL how much profit would you have them make. I think any business that makes half a billion in profit is rich enough and doesn't deserve any more :evil:
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Re: Is Cyprus Airways next

Postby Paphitis » Mon Feb 06, 2012 6:15 am

humanist wrote:GR
It’s by no coincidence that all national carriers who go by strict safety rules rarely if ever make a profit.
LOL how much profit would you have them make. I think any business that makes half a billion in profit is rich enough and doesn't deserve any more :evil:

Unfortunately, there are not many carriers that make that kind of money and usually returns on investment are pretty dismal or razor thin. There are industries where returns are far greater and less volatile!

Usually private investors like Branson for instance open airlines because they are Aviation nutcases, but not to make huge profits because if it was all about money, then people like that will invest their money in other sectors!
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Re: Is Cyprus Airways next

Postby humanist » Mon Feb 06, 2012 7:25 am

I will take your word for it, because I don't feel equiped to respond accurately all I know is when the news reports says boxing day sales are down and then they report that in SA alone the sales exceeded one billion then you have to question the whole bloody capitalist system and the greed that it encourages.

Gina Reihardt ... what does she need 10 billion $ for lol. She could fix the aboriginal problem of this country with a few million and still be the richest woman in the Country lol
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Re: Is Cyprus Airways next

Postby Paphitis » Mon Feb 06, 2012 7:38 am

Yeh it is an obscene amount of money.

However even corporations making Billions in profit have small investors like retirees and pensioners trying to make a capital gain or derive a small income. The money doesn't really belong to the corporation but to millions of investors.

I don't think capitalism is at fault. I believe our own human nature is to blame. This is where the greed comes from. For example, even in Communist nations there is an obscene amount of corruption and an elitest establishment that pillages public utilities and assets. You just need to look at what hapenned in Russia. From communism, there are now so many extremely wealthy individuals, even buying Football Teams in the UK!
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Re: Is Cyprus Airways next

Postby Ron Doran » Mon Feb 06, 2012 4:03 pm

Some years ago a pal of mine who was the chief pilot of Cathy Pacific told me that there was an accepted formula within the industry which was staff to planes. 6:1.
Cyrus Airways, at the time was 18:1.
He predicted they would go under....
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