Ron Doran wrote:G.I.G. - If you choose to quote me do NOT amend or alter my quote.
Don't be a drama Queen.

Ron Doran wrote:G.I.G. - If you choose to quote me do NOT amend or alter my quote.
Ron Doran wrote:G.I.G. - If you choose to quote me do NOT amend or alter my quote.
yialousa1971 wrote:Don't be a drama Queen.
Ron Doran wrote:yialousa1971 and CBBB, I did not address my comment to you so why the snide interference?
Milo wrote:Insurance discrimination will end on December 21st 2012, following the European Court of Justices ruling last year that made it illegal for gender to be taken into account when insurers calculate premiums.
Women's premiums will rise, men's should in effect go down, but as we are talking insurance that's hardly likely to happen.
Women though have much less serious road accidents than men who account for over 90% of serious accidents which seriously injures, maims or kills, women tend to keep to small less costly accidents. But now we will all be offered insurance based on the area we live in, standard of past driving, and agehow long before ageism and area code becomes discriminatory
Milo wrote:Insurance discrimination will end on December 21st 2012, following the European Court of Justices ruling last year that made it illegal for gender to be taken into account when insurers calculate premiums.
Women's premiums will rise, men's should in effect go down, but as we are talking insurance that's hardly likely to happen.
Women though have much less serious road accidents than men who account for over 90% of serious accidents which seriously injures, maims or kills, women tend to keep to small less costly accidents. But now we will all be offered insurance based on the area we live in, standard of past driving, and agehow long before ageism and area code becomes discriminatory
Milo wrote:Insurance discrimination will end on December 21st 2012, following the European Court of Justices ruling last year that made it illegal for gender to be taken into account when insurers calculate premiums.
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