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Postby alexconan9 » Thu Feb 02, 2012 3:10 pm

I have been here 1 week now and have noticed an odd phenomenon when I go out to the cities.....

Women are dressed like they are walking down a catwalk for Versace or some other top nosh exclusive designer brand.....

What is an Aussie girl like myself to do? My idea of my sunday best is a Cypriot womans' casual wear....

Back home in oz if you are wearing shoes it is a formal event. Back home in oz you can leave the house in a pair of tights with ugg boots and a loose floppy jumper and if you put make up on it is a bonus........and in summer your only footwear is your favourite pair of havianas thongs (because everyone owns minimum 3 pairs of thongs) and you wear your denim shorts and tank top with your bikini on underneath and you look more fashionable with beach hair (combination of sand and sea salt dried tresses) then the flock of GHD straightened hair do's I see here.

Tell me my fellow forum peeps should I conform and spend hours upon hours straightening my unruly hair, packing on make up, wearing stilletto knee high boots with my skin tight jeans tucked in with my fancy coat or funky top (depending on the weather) and embrace this way to the fullest or should I just keep doing my Aussie thang....
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Postby Get Real! » Thu Feb 02, 2012 3:21 pm

Shopping for clothes, bags, and shoes is Cypriot girls’ favorite pastime.

The worse is when they drag us along and want our opinion! Those are horrible days! :?

I guess you can try and conform if you want to, but something’s gotta give and it’s always the pocket! :lol:
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Postby alexconan9 » Thu Feb 02, 2012 3:29 pm

Get Real! wrote:Shopping for clothes, bags, and shoes is Cypriot girls’ favorite pastime.

The worse is when they drag us along and want our opinion! Those are horrible days! :?

I guess you can try and conform if you want to, but something’s gotta give and it’s always the pocket! :lol:

Get Real.......I literally spat my tea out when I read your thread (thankfully my lap top is still in tact)........I really enjoy hearing what the people on this forum have to say you are a bunch of witty intelligent and comical people and I thoroughly enjoy my time on here

Thank you for such a good laugh you made my day :D
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Postby Get Real! » Thu Feb 02, 2012 3:32 pm

Btw, if you’re on the market for a man (so to speak) you’ll have no option here but to conform because competition as you’ve noticed is catwalk oriented and thus stiff!
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Postby Paphitis » Thu Feb 02, 2012 3:37 pm

alexconan9 wrote:I have been here 1 week now and have noticed an odd phenomenon when I go out to the cities.....

Women are dressed like they are walking down a catwalk for Versace or some other top nosh exclusive designer brand.....

What is an Aussie girl like myself to do? My idea of my sunday best is a Cypriot womans' casual wear....

Back home in oz if you are wearing shoes it is a formal event. Back home in oz you can leave the house in a pair of tights with ugg boots and a loose floppy jumper and if you put make up on it is a bonus........and in summer your only footwear is your favourite pair of havianas thongs (because everyone owns minimum 3 pairs of thongs) and you wear your denim shorts and tank top with your bikini on underneath and you look more fashionable with beach hair (combination of sand and sea salt dried tresses) then the flock of GHD straightened hair do's I see here.

Tell me my fellow forum peeps should I conform and spend hours upon hours straightening my unruly hair, packing on make up, wearing stilletto knee high boots with my skin tight jeans tucked in with my fancy coat or funky top (depending on the weather) and embrace this way to the fullest or should I just keep doing my Aussie thang....

Hi there,

you are exaggerating a bit about the informalities of Australia, although Aussies can be an informal bunch which is a good thing at times.

Many Aussie women I know really do look after themselves these days and are probably as much of a shopper maniac than anyone else. But you are right, they can be very earthy and informal at the same time.

My suggestion is for you to just be yourself. You will need to conform to the 'catwalk' look, but that shouldn't be a problem for you as I doesn't seem to be a problem for the Aussie girls I know anyway.

the best thing about Aussies is their sense of humour and their character.
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Postby alexconan9 » Thu Feb 02, 2012 3:38 pm

Get Real! wrote:Btw, if you’re on the market for a man (so to speak) you’ll have no option here but to conform because competition as you’ve noticed is catwalk oriented and thus stiff!

Thanks for the heads up :wink:
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Postby alexconan9 » Thu Feb 02, 2012 3:59 pm

Paphitis your comment alone tells me your really do know aussie women :wink:
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Postby Paphitis » Thu Feb 02, 2012 4:04 pm

alexconan9 wrote:Paphitis your comment alone tells me your really do know aussie women :wink:

Yes I do and I know you won't have a problem showing those Cypriot girls your stuff! :wink:
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Postby fig head » Thu Feb 02, 2012 4:56 pm


I loved your post, and I totally agree with you... I don't think anyone should dress up unless you going clubbing or to a social event that require you to dress up .. But I don't see things as you said !!maybe its because I don't socialize with Cypriot neither go to Cypriot hang out places (( I learnt with time that Cypriots my age are dead push,show off and think of foreigners are fuckable materials)) and oh my oh my..., the girls... No offence but lots of them are dead hairy yet they would act, walk and talk like they are Angelina Julie ... Or maybe Paphos does not have any sense of fashion and it is limited only for Limasol and Nicosia girls who I admit they look pretty made up 24/7 based on what I see in malls!!

Although I still think every girl should have a wide collection of shoes , dresses and what ever relate to girly girls... What makes a different between a real woman and a scruffy one ? (real one take good care of her self and enhance her femininity with clothes, shoes etc

Just there have to be a balance, when you wear casual and when you dress up..

Also if you are naturally beautiful you will not be in need to look like a blow up doll because you will be confidant enough to know you look the chips what ever you wear...

Please post again it is good to lighten up the forum :)) girls power
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Postby alexconan9 » Thu Feb 02, 2012 5:24 pm

fig head wrote:Alexconan9

I loved your post, and I totally agree with you... I don't think anyone should dress up unless you going clubbing or to a social event that require you to dress up .. But I don't see things as you said !!maybe its because I don't socialize with Cypriot neither go to Cypriot hang out places (( I learnt with time that Cypriots my age are dead push,show off and think of foreigners are fuckable materials)) and oh my oh my..., the girls... No offence but lots of them are dead hairy yet they would act, walk and talk like they are Angelina Julie ... Or maybe Paphos does not have any sense of fashion and it is limited only for Limasol and Nicosia girls who I admit they look pretty made up 24/7 based on what I see in malls!!

Although I still think every girl should have a wide collection of shoes , dresses and what ever relate to girly girls... What makes a different between a real woman and a scruffy one ? (real one take good care of her self and enhance her femininity with clothes, shoes etc

Just there have to be a balance, when you wear casual and when you dress up..

Also if you are naturally beautiful you will not be in need to look like a blow up doll because you will be confidant enough to know you look the chips what ever you wear...

Please post again it is good to lighten up the forum :)) girls power

Hey Fig head thanks for the compliment :)

I understand where you are coming from. Maybe it is because we are not born and bred locals we percieve things differently from our Cypriot sisters....
Don't get me wrong I do like to do the girly thing and have nice pretty frilly things......every now and then but to constantly go through it on a daily basis would seriously make me go loco!

Yes it is important to have confidence within ones self and to project that confidence and yes make-up, clothes, shoes and bags all play a part in it but you are right, not to the point of looking like a blow up doll!!!

As for the hairyness..........there is no excuse I'm sorry that is why we have waxing, razors, laser etc etc etc no excuse ladies!!!! hahahaha

I am intrigued Fig Head, if you don't go to Cypriot places and don't hang with the locals then whom is there to see and where is there to hang????? Forgive my nosey questions but I'm new here and everything is a learning curve :)
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