humanist wrote:However, if you want a debate examining the socio cultural situation of TC's in Cyprus in 2012 it may look like this.
You said earlier your numbers are increasing and your returning to your roots. Correct?
You also asked who they are marrying. Yes? I responded.
However, what I would like to say is that, the original TC's those who have originated from the ottomans in Cyprus are actually reducing because what is happening people as you said earlier will be returning to their roots. Those roots as you claim can only be Turkish. So your Turkishnes comes first and you Cypriotnes second. Because as you suggest your all Turks first and then you assume the identity of a place you live.
humanist wrote:I don't identify as Greek Cypriot I say I am Cypriot.
I am happy to leave the conversation because I don't feel am getting my point accross.
humanist wrote:The sad for the future of Cyprus, unless the TC's come to a place where most GC's are where we all identify as Cypriot, we're just going to have the same problems in the future but on a numerically larger scale. Where you have 1 million we have 7
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