Kikapu wrote:I don't want to dismiss anything what Boomer, Paphitis, GR and others are saying regarding Greece's role in collaboration with Turkey and UK to partition Cyprus between themselves, even leading up to and beyond the official agreements built into the 1959 Zurich agreements under the disguised "Cyprus Independence", but at the same time, one cannot ignore in Greece making up for her earlier mistakes on Cyprus by making sure Cyprus would become an EU member with 100% of her territory in tack back in 2004. Call it what you want as to why Greece did this great favour for Cyprus, guilty conscience perhaps or revenge against Turkey's double crossing Greece in their double enosis agreements in 1974, I don't know and it doesn't really matter, because what it really matters today is, that Cyprus has been given a huge political EU stick to beat Turkey over the head with it. In retrospect, what has Turkey and the UK have done to pay for their own aggressions in the past and present towards Cyprus? Without Cyprus being in the EU, there would not be any chance that she would be able to bring the Gas & Oil to the surface in the future or even have any sense of protection of further aggressions from Turkey, specially now that Turkey is already on the island. Without Cyprus being in the EU, Israel/Cyprus cooperation pact would not have emerged, nor would Cyprus would be on the world's stage.
Yes it is true, that scars of past Greece's double enosis crimes against Cyprus are still present on the island and Greece cannot be excused for them, but the present problems are no longer what Greece is doing in violating Cypriots Human Rights, but what Turkey is doing in not respecting Cypriots Human Rights, but continuing in violating them. Greece helping Cyprus to become an EU member may have helped Greece deal with her own past ghosts and bad deeds on Cyprus, but at the same time, Cyprus as an EU member has been able to stand up against Turkey's recent aggressions and threats with the backing of the EU, even when Turkey is still occupying northern part of Cyprus. Since 2004, EU member Cyprus has been given a new "lifeline" in solving the Cyprus problems, to be based on EU Principles by placing her on a leveled playing field vs. with Turkey's military might. Until the Cyprus problem is solved, Cyprus will always be Turkey's biggest headache and a large thorn at her side, now and in the future. At least in some small way, Cypriots can thank Greece for making this happen, despite her past mistakes towards Cypriots and Cyprus, because without an EU membership, Cyprus would have remained at the mercy of others in the years to come. No longer this is the case since 2004!
i hear you kikapu...there is niothin friendly about greece getting the roc in the EU with threatening to stop all the other you actually believe greece ever had so much power?...come on man...
powers to be decided the roc will be getting in thats all...the illegals are gonna use EU law at the end and there is nothing you can do about it...
something sinister is brewing i tell yeah and again the common denominator, greece...

kiks you need to understand greece and turkey could sell cyprus from under our feet at any given time...don't pay lip service...they have a proven record...
our fellow brother george papandreou wanted us to sigh the annan plan...see another attempt at sellout...