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The impending war against Iran thread

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Re: The impending war against Iran thread

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Feb 23, 2012 11:04 pm

Superstar wrote:
Schnauzer wrote:
Incidentally, it might be worth researching the development of 'Civilization' a little before ridiculing Iran. (just a piece of friendly advice) :wink:

These are the people who stone women and execute homosexuals and you use them as an example for civilisation, are you a disciple of Get Real? you go too far.

you should read a little history as Schnauzer has suggested...
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Re: The impending war against Iran thread

Postby Superstar » Thu Feb 23, 2012 11:18 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:
Superstar wrote:
Schnauzer wrote:
Incidentally, it might be worth researching the development of 'Civilization' a little before ridiculing Iran. (just a piece of friendly advice) :wink:

These are the people who stone women and execute homosexuals and you use them as an example for civilisation, are you a disciple of Get Real? you go too far.

you should read a little history as Schnauzer has suggested...

History is the past I'm talking about today.
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Re: The impending war against Iran thread

Postby yialousa1971 » Sat Feb 25, 2012 6:42 pm

Russian general: strike against Iran planned for summer


Prensa Latina

An attack on Iran might happen in the summer, the Chief of Staff of Russian Army General Nikolai Makarov, warned today on the channel Russia Today. When referring to the tensions created around the Islamic Republic's nuclear program, Makarov noted that the West, especially the military in Washington and Tel Aviv, are preparing an act of war against the Persian country in April or no later than June this year.

The argument used for aggression, which Tehran considers artificially made to justify a war, refers to the alleged Iranian attempt to develop a nuclear program with military pretensions.

But Iran defends its right to use atomic energy for peaceful purposes and to produce fuel for its nuclear facilities.

The West reacts with bellicosity and more unilateral sanctions against the Persian state each time it refers to new programs to develop the atomic sphere and to reiterate its peaceful character, the source warned.

Makarov reiterated that Iran was the target of cyber attacks, while many of its scientists were victims of fatal attacks, whose authorship Tehran attaches to Israeli intelligence.

The Iranian authorities captured an unmanned U.S. spy plane, cited the Russian high command.

Moreover, the United States maintains a large concentration of naval forces in the Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz, while Tel Aviv now accuses Iran of being behind the alleged attempts to organize attacks on Israeli embassies in Tbilisi and New Delhi.

The Russian military considered that the outbreak of a conflict with Iran could spread through the Middle East with a domino effect and unpredictable consequences, with the possibility of becoming even in an international confrontation.

Translated from the Portuguese version by:
Lisa Karpova

Pravda.Ru ... planned-0/
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Re: The impending war against Iran thread

Postby Schnauzer » Sun Feb 26, 2012 6:54 pm

It would appear that the Western leaders are not satisfied with the mayhem they have caused in the Middle East region and now need a new target for their recent aggression (and subterfuge) in various nations, particularly those which have come to regard 'Israel' as 'The Terror State'.

Iran is a civilised society, the 'Culture' there is different to our own but THAT fact does not necessarily mean that it is inferior to those societies which are in favour of 'Western Culture', indeed, to the Iranians, OUR societies are inferior to theirs and in many instances one can hardly blame them for thinking so.

The dispute about whether or not Iran should be allowed to continue with it's own 'Nuclear' ambitions (whether they be peaceful or otherwise) is quite strange since 'Israel' has THE most aggressive attitude in the Middle East and has a stockpile of 'Nuclear Weapons' to back such attitude.

Israel will not sign the 'Non Proliferation Agreement', it likes to present itself to the world as something of a 'whimpering dog in fear of a whipping from it's cruel master' YET, is actively engaged in persecuting and dispossessing the relatively defenceless Palestinian population.

The 'Trick' of trying to convince the world that Iran had threatened to "Wipe Israel off the Map" did not quite work (although there are STILL those fool enough to believe in such proven lies) so new 'Frighteners' have to be invented, what better than to now suggest that Iran poses a 'Nuclear Threat' to the entire world when in fact, Israel, with it's expansionist ambitions is a far greater one ?.

In the UK now, most of the population have adopted the countenance of the 'whimpering dog in fear of a whipping from it's cruel master' fully convinced that at any moment the dark forces of some obscure enemy will blow them all to 'Kingdom Come', it would appear that the new 'Frighteners' are having a greater deal of success than the 'Old Chestnut' about 'Map Wiping' (and whilst on the subject, only ONE nation has been 'Wiped' and Israel did the wiping), funny old game politics, the people in the UK are in dire financial straits yet will encourage their government to spend billions on another 'Pack of Lies' war.

Israel (and it's population) had a golden opportunity to ingratiate itself when it was first established in the land of the 'Palestinians', it could have encouraged a joint effort to improve the lot of ALL residents, it chose not to and now relies on the sympathy and support of those who are ever reminded of the almost daily "How we have suffered" syndrome exhibited by the Jews the world over.

Meanwhile, THEY are free to persecute on a daily basis and nobody seems to notice, God help us ALL if they get the upper hand.

I do know from experience and having visited Israel on various occasions that there is a great deal of resentment there due to Israel's progressive development, in the early days of the formation of the state, the land was barren and it is only through the hard work and industry of the new occupants, that the state became what it is today.

I think it would be fair to say that such progress, viewed through the eyes of the original inhabitants would create such resentment, call it jealousy.

Since the 'New State' (now regarded by many as 'The Terror State') of Israel received such strong support from the Western states, it is also fair to say that the resentment would increase, particularly if the original inhabitants felt they were being pushed out of their own lands.

The historical events of the last half century in and around Israel, surely give an indication of why some of the Arab nations have become opposed to it.

I am not qualified to make judgements, nor do I, but I suspect the general population of most 'Eastern cultures', regard Israel as the epitome of 'Western cultures' which they regard as inferior to their own.

Such a situation is the ideal breeding ground for extremism, it is also a blessing in disguise for politicians of every persuasion and a lucrative source of income for the profiteers, unfortunately it is of little use to the ordinary families that have to live under constant threat.

The escalation of violence over the past few years is abhorrent to ALL of us ordinary folk, we are the innocent victims of deceptive political agendas, we are powerless to repair the damage done by our political representatives,BUT, that does not mean we should sound the 'War Cry' like a hoard of savages, that makes us as bad as them, don't you think ?.

Stand by folks, if you don't start 'Thinking' soon, it may be too late for ALL of us. (imho) :wink:
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Re: The impending war against Iran thread

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Feb 26, 2012 8:53 pm


.............the land was barren and it is only through the hard work and industry of the new occupants, that the state became what it is today.

I agree with the rest of your post but, are you sure the above is actually true, or is that a myth as well?

The Palestinians were virtually self sufficient and had been for many generations. The way Israel has grown is in great part due to the money that the US Tax payer has stumped up in aid .... although most of them are not aware they are currently giving $8.2 million A DAY to the Israeli government. If you include all the military freebies, that figure rises to around $15M A day!

You are very right about the threat being Israel not the Iranians. The Iranians are not a bunch of Marsh Arabs that herd sheep, they are a very intelligent race, in fact far smarter than the average American. They have a long history and will not be drawn into a knee jerk reaction to Israeli threats. Even if they are attacked they will not (IMO) retaliate as they will realise that the rest of the world will condemn Israel and their best interests will be served through the UN. Also in the last several centuries, Iran/Persia has not attacked any of its neighbours, which cannot be said for the Israeli’s, nor the USA. In the 80’s Israel previously attacked Iran but they did not retaliate then and I don’t believe they will if it happens again.

What has puzzled me over all this ‘nuclear enrichment’ argument is that nobody has actually asked the Iranians what they would need from the West to encourage them to abandon their nuclear ambitions, whatever they happen to be? Could it be that the US and Israel would not like the very obvious answer?
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Re: The impending war against Iran thread

Postby Superstar » Tue Feb 28, 2012 11:58 pm

Robin Hood wrote:What has puzzled me over all this ‘nuclear enrichment’ argument is that nobody has actually asked the Iranians what they would need from the West to encourage them to abandon their nuclear ambitions,?

Drop some nuclear bombs on them, that'll soon pull tham into line and know their place in the pecking order which is back of the queue with the rest of the smelly arabs. :o
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Re: The impending war against Iran thread

Postby Get Real! » Wed Feb 29, 2012 12:14 am

Superstar wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:What has puzzled me over all this ‘nuclear enrichment’ argument is that nobody has actually asked the Iranians what they would need from the West to encourage them to abandon their nuclear ambitions,?

Drop some nuclear bombs on them, that'll soon pull tham into line and know their place in the pecking order which is back of the queue with the rest of the smelly arabs. :o

“Dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return” Genesis 2:7

That’s the only “pecking order” that awaits us! :lol:
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Re: The impending war against Iran thread

Postby Robin Hood » Fri Mar 02, 2012 2:42 pm

This is why the US is pulling out of Afghanistan, is moving 15,000 troops to Kuwait and is making all the noise about Iran and the Uranium enrichment. They need an excuse! It has nothing to do with enrichment it is all about the US getting their grubby hands on the Iran/Pakistan oil line .... and their oil/gas. The USA has realised that the Afghan Pipeline could never be made 100% secure, and this pipeline would bypass the Afghan pipeline and cut the US out of the deal.

The sooner the American people wake up and get rid of the corrupt Zionist elite and cut off all aid to the Israeli’s the better. Who in hells name do the Americans think they are? They are little more than a super Mafia!!!

U.S. Threatens Pakistan: Drop Iran Pipe

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has threatened Pakistan with sanctions if the country continues with plans to build a natural gas pipeline to Iran.
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Re: The impending war against Iran thread

Postby yialousa1971 » Sat Mar 03, 2012 4:29 am

Nasty surprises await warmongers in Persian Gulf
Wed Feb 29, 2012 2:0PM GMT

The most important thing I've read these last few days is the excellent article 'Armageddon Approaches' written by Dr Lasha Darkmoon , a cautionary piece which points the reader towards some very scary background information.

For example, according to Russ Winter of The Wall Street Examiner , Iran’s Sunburn missiles, acquired from Russia and China over the last 10 years, have the capability of creating "a world of hurt" for the US Navy’s 5th Fleet.

"The Sunburn is perhaps the most lethal anti-ship missile in the world, designed to fly as low as 9 feet above ground/water at more than 1,500 miles per hour (mach 2+). The missile uses a violent pop-up maneuver for its terminal approach to throw off Phalanx and other US anti-missile defense systems. Given their low cost, they’re perfectly suited for close quarter naval conflict in the bathtub-like Persian Gulf.”

With its 90-mile range, the Sunburn can be fired from practically any platform, including a flat bed truck, and could hit a ship in the Strait in less than a minute.

Adding this warning, Mark Gaffney says , "The US Navy has never faced anything in combat as formidable as the Sunburn missile.”

He mentions the even more-advanced SS-NX-26 Yakhonts missiles, also Russian-made (speed: Mach 2.9; range: 180 miles) deployed by the Iranians along the Persian Gulf's northern shore.

“Every US ship will be exposed and vulnerable. When the Iranians spring the trap, the entire lake will become a killing field,”

“In the Gulf's shallow and confined waters evasive manoeuvres will be difficult, at best, and escape impossible. Even if US planes control of the skies over the battlefield, the sailors caught in the net below will be hard-pressed to survive. The Gulf will run red with American blood."

As both writers point out, the Iranians will have mapped every firing angle along their Gulf coastline. And the rugged terrain will not make detection easy.

“Shooting fish in a barrel”, but who are the fish this time?

Britain recently announced the deployment of HMS Daring, a new Type 45 destroyer, to the Persian Gulf in order to send a significant message to the Iranians because of the firepower and world-beating technology carried by this warship. A Daily Telegraph report says she has been fitted with new technology that will give it the ability to "shoot down any missile in Iran's armory. The £1 billion destroyer also carries the world's most sophisticated naval radar, capable of tracking multiple incoming threats from missiles to fighter jets." Her 48 Sea Vipers can shoot down fighters as well as sea skimming missiles.

Apart from HMS Daring, Britain is believed to have at least 3 other vessels in the Persian Gulf, and more can be sent. Are they all equipped with the same world-beating technology?

Dr Darkmoon observes, "Both America and Israel are unfortunately just not ready to wage the type of warfare they prefer to wage and at which they so excel: shooting fish in a barrel. Unlike Iraq, which the warmonger neoconservatives told us would be a ‘cakewalk’ - easily conquered in six weeks - Iran is unlikely to offer its American and Israeli antagonists easy opportunities to indulge in their fish-in-a-barrel fantasies."

The spectacle of the world's school-yard bully, the United States, flanked by hooligan helpmates Britain, France and Canada all menacing Iran is building up to a chilling climax. If what I'm reading is correct, British ships in the bathtub of the Persian Gulf will be among the fish in the barrel on this occasion, with Iran doing the shooting. Britain's chief hooligans, William Hague and David Cameron, could be courting disaster for the much-vaunted HMS Daring. Why are they getting us involved anyway? It's obviously not for Britain, whose best interests are served by making friends and doing business with Iran.

No, they suffer the same delusions as their erstwhile partner in crime, the disgraced former Defence Secretary Liam Fox and the many others in our Parliamentary establishment who have swallowed the daft idea that Israel's enemies are Britain's enemies. How much sense can you expect from people who are signed-up Friends of Israel - in Hague’s case since the tender age of 15?Diplomacy? What diplomacy?

As the whole world surely knows by now, the US-British track record in Iran doesn’t bear examination. And when they get on their high horse and spout about democracy everyone falls about laughing. Who overthrew Iran’s fledgling democracy in 1953? Who trashed Palestine’s democracy in 2006? Who keeps banging on about Israel being the “only democracy in the Middle East” when, actually, it’s a racist ethnocracy?

For over 30 years Britain has had no high-level diplomatic contact with Iran except for Jack Straw’s visits a decade ago. Hague won’t answer questions about the diplomatic efforts he has made, if any. In a fit of lunacy he shut down the embassy in Tehran last year and chucked the Iranians out of London, and he’s now straining at the bit to get our young men needlessly embroiled in what is essentially a nuke-bristling US/Israel quarrel with non-nuke Iran… the ulterior motive and ultimate prize being Iran’s oil.

The US hasn’t had a proper embassy in Tehran since 1979. But a few months ago it set up a virtual embassy with this sick-making address to the Iranian people .

“We have created Virtual Embassy Tehran to offer you another perspective and another source of information, so you can make up your own minds about the US, our concerns about the Iranian government’s activities at home and abroad, and our serious efforts to achieve a resolution to those concerns,”

“This website is not a formal diplomatic mission, nor does it represent or describe a real US Embassy accredited to the Iranian Government. But, in the absence of direct contact, it can work as a bridge between the American and Iranian people.”

As President Obama said earlier this year and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton affirmed in her recent VOA and BBC appearances, “You - the young people of Iran - carry within you both the ancient greatness of Persian civilization, and the power to forge a country that is responsive to your aspirations. Your talent, your hopes, and your choices will shape the future of Iran, and help light the world. And though times may seem dark, I want you to know that I am with you,”

“It is in that spirit that we launch our Virtual US Embassy Tehran. It is our Mission to the Iranian people.”

Yeah, a US mission that’s accompanied by vicious sanctions imposed with the help of gullible friends like Britain and the EU and calculated to cripple Iran’s economy and make the lives of its young people hell. The consequences for us are damaging too.

Britain’s defence chief Philip Hammond, who replaced Fox after the scandal that exposed his 'special friend' Adam Werritty and behind-scenes plotting with Israel against Iran, has publicly warned Iran that any blockade of the Strait of Hormuz would be "illegal and unsuccessful".

But why escalate matters to the point where a blockade becomes likely? And why, asks Dr Darkmoon, do it for Israel anyway? "Cui bono? Iran has much more to offer America than Israel does,”

"Iran has oil in abundance, Israel has none. Iran does not hold America’s political class to ransom. Iran does not try to browbeat successive American administrations into putting Iranian interests before American ones. Iran’s dual citizens do not spy on America or sell American military secrets to Russia and China-there are no Iranian Rosenbergs or Jonathan Pollards. Iran does not coerce Americans into fighting and dying for it in foreign wars. Iran does not expect $3 billion a year in handouts, and even more in loan guarantees that never get repaid,”

"Iran would be a far greater asset to America than Israel could ever be. Israel is a liability and a burden,”

"More fool America for cuddling up to a ‘friend’ who has stabbed it in the back in the past - the Lavon affair, the USS Liberty incident, the Jonathan Pollard betrayal - and is more than likely to stab it in the back again at some time in the foreseeable future,”

"Dump Israel. That’s my advice. Before Israel sets the world on fire, taking America with it."

The question certainly needs to be asked, she says, "What hold does Israel have over America? Is America prepared to sustain immense damage to its vital interests on behalf of an unstable and insolent ally that remains, if numerous polls are to be believed, the world’s most hated nation?"

Ask it here too. What hold does Israel have over Britain? The only people impressed by Israel are MPs and ministers whom the pro-Israel lobby has 'groomed' and funded, the Jewish community (though by no means all of them) and a rabble of Christian Zionists; no-one else. And no-one else wants to fight Israel's unjust wars or help America do Israel’s dirty work.

So if Hague, Hammond and Cameron love Israel so much let them and the regime’s other admirers don uniform and flak-jacket and go play battleships in the Persian Gulf’s “bathtub” themselves. Who in their right mind would volunteer to be that trio’s cannon-fodder?

Stuart Littlewood, British Writer-Photographer

DISCLAIMER: The authors' views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the views of Press TV News Network.
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Re: The impending war against Iran thread

Postby yialousa1971 » Sat Mar 03, 2012 4:49 am

Schnauzer wrote:
Superstar wrote:
Kikapu wrote: The fact that Iran has been threatening to wipe Israel off the map, is enough of a justification for Israel to defend itself in anyway she deems necessary.!

If gallant Israel gave the smelly Iranians what they deserved maybe the remaining Arab countries would grow up and become civilised.

Unbelievable that anyone should STILL be basing an opinion on the "Wipe Israel off the Map" nonsense.

Making such comments whilst clinging to obvious (and proven) Western propagandist lies, seriously harms your credibility as an intelligent poster. (imho)

Incidentally, it might be worth researching the development of 'Civilization' a little before ridiculing Iran. (just a piece of friendly advice) :wink:

Netanyahu: No Lebanon will be on the map

Israel what was that about MAPS?

For years, the paranoid Israelis have been screaming bloody murder that the President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, said that "Israel should be wiped from the map." Of course, the man said no such thing, it was a deliberate mis-translation meant to serve their purposes: to demonize Ahmadinejad and Iran and to justify an unprovoked attack against the Islamic Republic of Iran.

So what did Ahmadinejad actually say? To quote his exact words in Farsi:

"Imam ghoft een rezhim-e ishghalgar-e qods bayad az safheh-ye ruzgar mahv shavad."

The full quote translated directly to English:

"The Imam said this regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time."

Word by word translation:

Imam (Khomeini) ghoft (said) een (this) rezhim-e (regime) ishghalgar-e (occupying) qods (Jerusalem) bayad (must) az safheh-ye ruzgar (from page of time) mahv shavad (vanish from).

So that should settle the disinformation campaign being waged in order to set the stage for an aggressive attack against Iran and their paranoid delusions that Iran is building a nuclear weapon in order to "wipe them off the map."

If they are nothing, they are constantly hysterical, while collecting billions annually in American taxpayer money to feed the hysteria and the lust for war and to take out those governments they don't like, preferably by proxy in the form of NATO or the US Armed Forces.

But it's ironic. There was no fuss or screaming when Netanyahu actually told an interviewer that when Israel is done with them, there will be NO Lebanon on the new world map.

At a news conference in Switzerland, on the occasion of the building an Israeli railway there, the German newspaper Die Zeit interviewed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu:

"Congratulations Mr. Netanyahu, my first question is that does the beginning of the large train line's construction confirm the announcement of the dissident Syrian Intelligence Office that you will strike Lebanon?"

In reply, Netanyahu stated:

"Yes, and it is not a secret that it will happen with U.S.-Gulf support and that is why they have been warned, but before you ask, you have a look at the new map of the world and see that there is no nation with this name."

Given that the UN Security Council has listed 388 Israeli airspace violations by Israel against Lebanon, there is no doubt what Israel is planning regarding Lebanon.

President Michel Suleiman condemned Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's recent statements on Lebanon, saying that its existence will not be affected by his remarks. Odd that no one else, no big mouth, big talking, big stick western nations voiced the slightest concern that this nuclear armed, racist apartheid state, that has used weapons of mass destruction against Lebanon in the past, committing a genocide against the Lebanese people, was threatening them yet again.

He added in a statement: "Lebanon is the only country to have defeated Israel militarily and the Jewish state is still recovering from it."

Indeed, the only thing that stopped Israel in 2006 from wiping Lebanon off the map was the defense against them provided by Hezbollah, who sent them crying with their tails between their legs.

"Lebanon's diversity is the complete opposite of Israel's racist system, which has no place in the world," stressed the president.

Odd, isn't it, that all of the countries attacked by the west, enemies of Israel, can all say the same thing. That they were the models of tolerance, brotherhood, prosperity and human rights, unlike the western allies of Saudi Arabia, Qatar. etc. that are horrid feudal examples of barbaric practices and backwardness.

"Lebanon is one of the founders of the United Nations and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Netanyahu's statements reflect his contempt for humans," Suleiman added.

Syria and Hezbollah in Lebanon are on high alert in anticipation of an Israeli attack on Lebanon, the London-based A-Sharq al-Awsat daily reported recently. According to the report, Hezbollah has been monitoring with caution the reinforcement of IDF troops along the Lebanon border.

It is also interesting to note that the Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani, admitted that the Israeli train line is funded by Qatar, UAE, and Saudi Arabia. Asked if he was not afraid of his people, he affirmed the close friendly relations between the two countries. Qatar, the one that has had a vested interest in formenting terrorism and and 'regime change" in Libya, Syria and elsewhere.

Isn't it odd that Israel is allowed to wave the stick at anybody it feels like with impunity, while they maintain a monopoly on nuclear weapons in the Middle East? The same country that has threatened all the capitals of Europe? ... _on_map-0/ 
Lisa Karpova

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