Robin Hood wrote:Your paranoia is becoming all consuming ...... I seriously think you need medical help!
Your paranoid posts are not worth reading and would take far too long to reply to. But you appear to be in a minority of two with your extremist views. I can live with that.
Remember my squeaking hinge comment ? You must be well oiled by now? Squeak ..... squeak.
I've asked many pertinent and difficult to answer, sensibly questions relating to the OP/thread. You've avoided them. I understand why. For example, there's no answer to the quotations I posted from senior Iranian officials relating to their views on the destruction of Israel. There's no evidence at all to support your claim that Israel has made
"continuous threats to use their own nuclear weapons on Iran". It's a lie. You can ignore that, as you always do when totally wrong on something but you can't hide from it. You were - yet again - completely out of order.
Now, to avoid all those issues, you've descended into all this playground "lunatic ravings" crap once again. I've seen it so many times.
Your problems are that you form a view and that's it. You're not interested in anything that challenges it. If you decided tomorrow that the world was flat, nothing anybody could post would change that one iota. Also, you have a problem with anger management. That, resulting in a regular compulsion upon your part to take things off-forum. It's always ended in tears but for some reason you never seem to learn the lesson.
Pyro said that he was fed up with all this same old stuff and I understand that. GR, although he shares your views on some issues, said in another thread a while ago that we are just communicating on a forum. Nobody gets hurt. Don't take it too seriously. To you though it's always been deadly serious for some reason. I mean, who really gives a shit enough to get so angry about words on some forum that they would send somebody the disgusting messages you have sent me?
Yes, I am trawling back and compiling a record of all your forum exchanges. I was advised to do that. You are somebody who can't control a reflex urge to issue threats. Either a blatant one of violence (not by you of course - as usual by somebody you know). That which got you suspended from another site - and quite rightly so. Then there's the (not so) veiled threat to take some sort of libel action. Threats I imagine make you feel better. Well, I think I've got them all covered. You are not the sort to take advice - from anyone. I will give it a try though
you need to learn to keep things on-forum.Now, if you're not willing to respond to serious points on this thread - but just want to parrot the Kremlin line, backed up by your favourite fringe sites, then perhaps you should just broadcast things?